Yang Fan naturally couldn't hear the voice of the spirit between the two emperors, otherwise he would be more complacent.

He should really be proud to be so amazed and praised by the two emperors.

Seeing that the problem of road injury in all the half emperors present had been satisfactorily solved, Yang Fan was about to give orders to these guys who didn't have eyesight frame and didn't go here, suddenly he saw Lei Huang separately waving in the direction of the void above his head, and then three figures fell from the sky.

"What happened?"

"Why did I suddenly come down?"

"Immeasurable... That God! I'm scared to death!"

Suddenly, a passive space transmission directly startled the unprepared Zhuge Xincheng, Tian Xiuzhu and Fang Shengyu.

Is there a mistake?

They are half emperors. Although they are not the top and most powerful ones, Lai Hao has stayed in the realm of half emperors for decades. They can barely be regarded as the predecessors of the half emperor world.

The whole original star can easily imprison and remove all three of them under the condition that they are already very vigilant.

Before seeing Yang Fan and the half emperor in the room, they all thought they were captured by the demon family because they were short of the separation of the demon emperor.

A moment later.

The three returned to their senses and calmed down. Only then did they notice that the sense of presence in the room had been reduced to the lowest, Wen zhaoxiu and ye Feiyan.

"See Lord Lei!"

"See Lord Linghuang!"

Seeing that the two big men were also there, the three people were suddenly surprised and then delighted. They became younger and hurried forward to bow their hands and salute the two emperors.

"The three brothers have worked hard." Wen zhaoxiu glanced at the three men, patted the head and said in a low voice: "I'd like you to protect my brother Yang Fan these days. Thank you here!"

Hearing the speech, Zhuge Xincheng waved and turned sideways, flattered.

"Lord Lei, you're welcome. These are what we should do!"

"Yes, yes, Yang Fan's little friend has outstanding talent. He has made great contributions to the Terran and the Federation. We are willing to defend him!"

"Yes, we are also greatly favored by Yang Fan's little friend. It's our honor to protect the way for Yang Fan's little friend, but we can't be Lord Lei!"

When hearing the words "Yang Fan's brother" spoken by Lord Lei, the three couldn't help thinking of the fact that Yang Fan was summoned by the two emperors alone a few hours ago after the death of the emperor.

They remember very clearly that when Yang Fan came back, he opened his mouth to be brother Lei Huang and closed his mouth to be sister Ling Huang. The cowhide blew loudly, as if Lord Lei and Lord Ling had really recognized him as a brother.

At that time, they thought that Yang Fan was hot for shaving his head. He was trying to get close to Lord Lei and Lord Ling, but the two emperors had a big stomach and didn't have the same knowledge as him.

But now, hearing Lord Lei's personal address and his intimate attitude towards Yang Fan, the three people can't understand that Yang Fan was not bragging about being close, but that the two emperor adults had really treated him as their own brother.

It's a social means like a social flower. It's really not acceptable.

"The three elders were also treated by Yang Fan's younger brother not long ago. Now the Tao injuries in the body have been curbed, and the nine rules and shackles have appeared one after another. Even if the emperor doesn't say what this means, you should all know very well..."

As soon as Linghuang Ye Feiyan opened his mouth, Zhuge Xincheng understood the purpose of the two emperors to summon them from the void.

They looked at the other 20 and a half emperors in the room and saw that they were all normal. Obviously, they should have been warned in advance by the two emperors and imposed corresponding spiritual prohibitions.

Being able to work two emperor adults to clean up his head and tail at the same time, Yang Fan's face is really big enough.

"Lord Linghuang, we all understand what you said. In fact, before that, we also had relevant concerns and concerns, but our ability is limited and we are unable to fundamentally solve this problem."

"But now, seeing Lord Lei and Lord Ling face to face, all our worries and concerns have disappeared!"

Zhuge Xincheng waited respectfully and politely for Lord Linghuang to finish what she wanted to say, and then Zhuge Xincheng, as the representative, spoke sincerely:

"Therefore, we seriously agree with the arrangements of the two emperors, and we are willing to accept all spiritual prohibitions that can be used to protect this secret. Please do it on us as much as you can, and we will fully cooperate!"

That's what I mean.

As early as more than ten minutes ago, when ye Wentian broke free from the shackles of rules in his body for the first time and attracted the rule vision of colorful glow, Zhuge Xincheng and others began to worry about this.

However, their accomplishments are limited, and it is impossible for them to ban the spirits of so many semi imperial strongmen at the same time, like the thunder emperor and the spirit emperor.

The only thing they can think of is to remind the parties one by one afterwards, or ask them to take an oath of God and soul.

However, such an approach basically depends on self-consciousness, has no certain coercive effect, and loopholes and security risks are obvious.

Therefore, before being moved out of the void by Lei Huang's separation and Ling Huang's separation, Zhuge Xincheng and others are still struggling with what to do.

After all, these half emperors were shaken by the three of them. If these half emperors really led Yang Fan to a greater danger, or even life-threatening, they could not bear the responsibility.

Just when they were worried and afraid, and even began to regret that they directly recruited so many semi emperors on impulse, and felt that they were very likely to do bad things with good intentions.

As a result, in the next second, Emperor Lei and Emperor Ling appeared directly in front of them.

It was like someone sent a pillow as soon as they dozed off. The appearance of the two emperors perfectly relieved all their worries and concerns, and their hearts relaxed.

The two emperors are the saviors. Youmuyou is not only cleaning up the head and tail of Yang Fan, but also cleaning up the head and tail of the three of them.

"Very good. Thank you for your cooperation!"

Lei Huang nodded with satisfaction. He liked such a straightforward and well-informed comrade, which could save him a lot of trouble.

"Now, please open up your sea space and put down your mental defense. It will be over soon!"

Zhuge Xincheng did not think about it. They acted directly according to their words, put down all their vigilance and defense, and let the spiritual will of the two emperors break into their sea space.

"You can observe the spirit of the peak Martial Emperor Wen zhaoxiu and cast a special rule secret skill - Spiritual prohibition. Your heart is touched, but you can't understand it because of lack of strength..."

"You can observe the spirit of the peak, the emperor's leaf, and the non smoke spirit, and cast a special rule secret skill - Spiritual prohibition. Your heart is touched, but you can't understand it because of lack of strength..."

Yang Fan's ear again sounded the system prompt that he couldn't understand, and his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Every time he heard such a system prompt, he felt like he had missed hundreds of millions and was tortured.

Soon, that is, a few breathing Kung Fu.

Wen zhaoxiu and ye Feiyan withdrew their spiritual will from the three people's knowledge of the sea at the same time, and then the two emperor adults looked at each other. At the same time, they moved their ideas, reached out and picked up Yang Fan on the table and just gave them two pots of emperor level spirit wine.

Then he shrouded Ye Wentian, who had not yet reacted, and directly broke through the air and left, dodged and disappeared.

"Brother Yang Fan, I'll have a drink with you next time when I'm free! In addition, thank you for my master's business! Cluck..."

At the same time, the clear laughter of Linghuang Ye Feiyan sounded in Yang Fan's knowledge of the sea, which was regarded as a farewell language.

Yang Fan opened his mouth slightly. He didn't even have a chance to speak and stay, so everyone was gone.

It's true. I wanted to talk more. It's close. How can I just leave?

Yang Fan had some regrets. He glanced at the half emperors who stood in the room with two kinds of stupidity and regret. He couldn't help but want to sigh that "what should go didn't go, and what shouldn't go all went".

"Congratulations to Lord Lei!"

"Congratulations to Lord Linghuang!"

All of them bowed their hands to the void in unison, and all of them were reluctant to part with one face. Among them, Wu Dao was even more sad and lost, and kept muttering:

"Why did you leave me behind? How can I say it's also the direct descendant of Shizu..."

Look, seeing that the Linghuang only took Ye Wentian and left him, Wu Dao's heart was a little unbalanced.

"OK, I won't stay here any more. I'll see you later!"

Obviously, Yang Fan was no longer in the mood to continue greeting and politeness with these semi emperor leaders. He arched his hands and apologized to the people. After that, he had a thought and directly moved all the 24 people outside the courtyard with the help of the array.

At this time, the night was heavy. Yang Fan washed a little and climbed into bed to sleep.

Outside the courtyard, Zhuge Xincheng three people repeatedly explained to the new semi emperors in front of them, and then fell into the void again and disappeared.

After that, Tang Zhicheng and Wu Dao did not stay much in Ruan Feng City. At the same time, after saying goodbye to Tu Haoyan, the domain master, they also broke through the air and went back to their homes.

They can't wait to find a relatively safe place to try to break free from the eight rules that surround their spiritual origin.

That's their way to become emperor. They have been looking forward to and exploring for a lifetime. Now they finally see hope. Who can resist it?