Fan Chengren was really shocked.

Yang Guo's cultivation realm is what he knows best as a master.

When he was in Beijing, almost every cell in Yang Guo's body was filled with spiritual power because of the emperor's death, and the speed of spiritual progress was promoted to the extreme at one time.

According to the truth, before Yang Guo completely refined the spiritual power accumulated in his body because of the emperor's death, even if he took any magic medicine, he could not be promoted faster.

That's why there were many martial artists under the half step emperor in Beijing. Knowing that Yang Fan would open such a way of understanding in Daixing city and Ruan Feng City is more convenient and faster than relying on Yang Guo's own little exploration and insight!

You know.

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

Any martial artist's understanding of the rules of the road is the first trace of the power of the rules of the road, which is the most difficult to capture, while Yang Fan has prepared all these rules for Yang Guo from the beginning.

In the future, Yang Guo only needs to follow the avenue rules given to her by Yang Fan, and can easily understand and capture the power of the avenue rules of the second and third silk.

Say it impolitely.

Yang Fan now gives Yang Guo the power of these Avenue rules. Compared with those normal semi imperial warriors, it directly saves Yang Guo the time to understand and explore alone in the next few decades or even hundreds of years.