In less than half an hour, Yang Fan brought all the disciples of more than 15600 people to the door.

So far, Yang Fan's disciples have directly soared to more than 20000. Therefore, the demon killing sect has become the sect with the largest number of disciples in the whole Federation. At the same time, it is also the only sect without its own mountain gate, but it is recognized as the first sect in the Federation.

of course.

Yang Fan never cared about these false names. He always cared about the benefits brought to him by these trumpet disciples.

Therefore, after the worship ceremony, Yang Fan couldn't wait to drag the half dead Di Jiao demon emperor out of the space Lingbao.

The live broadcast of the Dharma minister started again. He wanted all the disciples scattered in the town hall to see the great light image of his awesome master and brush a wave of sect experience.

"Look, master Yang is doing live broadcasting again!"

"Master Yang is so handsome that he wants to give him a bunch of little monkeys!"

"Lying in the trough! Look at the Jiao in master Yang's hand. Do you feel particularly familiar?"

"Lie... Lie in a big trough! The demon emperor of the earth Jiao! That's clearly the demon emperor of the earth Jiao. I've seen it from a distance before. I can't be wrong. Fish lips, mouth and green eyes are it!"

"It seems as like as two peas, who had seen the appearance of the king of the earth in the field of human beings, and that look, that breath, was just like the old king of the land."

"Can't it be true?"

"Just now, the Jiao demon emperor was shouting all over the world to avenge their Jiao family. As a result, how long has it passed? An hour later, it has become a prisoner of division Yang?"

"Do you want to be so awesome? This is the Dijiao demon emperor, one of the five demon emperors. For so many years, even the three emperors of our Terran family can't catch it alive!"


The Terran realm is discussed one after another.

Many Terran Warriors over 50 and 60 years old are no strangers to the land Jiao demon emperor.

In those years, people and Demons fought in chaos all year round, not only the local Jiao demon emperor, but also the five demon emperors of the demon clan would bully and wreak havoc over the Terran territory from time to time. Therefore, their breath and appearance were very impressed by the Terran warriors.

This is why as soon as Yang Fan brought out the land Jiao demon emperor, countless people would distinguish the identity of the land Jiao demon emperor at the first time.

This is not only the emperor of the demon family, but also the great enemy of the Terran. The hatred of all Terran warriors against them has long been deep into the bone marrow, and no one doesn't want to kill them all.

"I don't have much to say. Today, we broadcast the killing of the land Jiao demon emperor live. The location is in the central city of the Federation. The Terran warriors close can now set off to bathe in the chance of the emperor's death!"

In the void.

Yang Fan's huge Dharma phase radiated a burning golden light, holding the land Jiao demon emperor in one hand and waving the bright emperor level sword in the other hand, and calmly invited the warriors in the Terran territory.

"It's over! The land Jiao demon emperor was really caught alive by Yang Fan!"

"How could it be so? It's one of the five emperors. How can it be so useless?"

"Well, even the demon emperor of the earth Jiao can't do him. What else can we do? Keep going. Maybe our life will be better when the other four demon emperors leave the pass!"

"The Dijiao family has been completely planted, the holy land has been destroyed, and the people have been destroyed. Now even their only demon emperor will die soon. What's the matter with the world, and why do the Terrans rise so fast?"

"Is it true that heaven is going to kill our demon family? One of the five holy places has gone. Now even the Dijiao demon emperor is about to die. What can we do to restore the decline of the demon family?"


Different from the Terran Federation, the demons in the demon domain sighed after seeing Yang Fan's live Dharma, and the atmosphere was so depressed that it made it difficult for those low-level demons to breathe.

Among the five emperors, the earth Jiao demon emperor will be killed in public to gather the emperor's death opportunity, but they have no way to do so. They can only shrink in their own territory and look at Yang Fan's butcher knife close to the earth Jiao demon emperor's neck bit by bit.

Suffocation, panic, anger, fear, all kinds of thoughts and emotions emerge in the hearts of these demon beasts.

Their demon clan has been in the original Star domain for hundreds of years. How have they ever suffered such a loss and fallen into such a passive situation?

But now, they have to witness one of their five emperors being cut off in public, but there is no spare power to resist. How can they not be frightened, sad and panic?

Federal central city.

Li Liangcai, Tian chanzi, ye Wentian, ye Chengbi and other leaders from the real emperor were all forced by the land Jiao demon emperor suddenly carried out by Yang Fan.

My heart shook again and again, and my eyes were about to stare out.

None of them thought that Yang Fan had just gone out and caught a land Jiao demon emperor back!

Before, Yang Fan and Di Jiao demon emperor fought at the demon holy ridge. Of course, they also paid more attention to it in the central city of the Federation.

But at the last stage of the war, when passing through the deep valley, the body shapes of Yang Fan and Di Jiao demon emperor all disappeared in an instant, and the aftermath of the earth shaking emperor war also came to an abrupt end.

What happened later was unknown to the emperor, because the fog over the valley directly isolated and shielded all their thoughts.

If Yang Fan hadn't returned again after less than ten minutes, Li Liangcai and tianchanzi were even ready to rush into the demon domain to rescue them.

"So what happened in that valley just now?"

"In a short time of more than ten minutes, the Di Jiao demon emperor has directly become the prisoner of Yang Fan's little friend. It's not very conceivable to think about it!"

"The fog over the valley should be a magic array, right? Do you think it's possible that master Yang planted a magic array in the valley in advance, and then deliberately introduced the land Jiao demon emperor into it?"

"It's not impossible. Yang Fan's little friend is always cautious and likes to plan before moving. This is very much like his style."

"Just, can even the peak demon emperor be easily trapped by the magic array, is there really a magic array in this world?"

"Cut, it's rare to see many strange things. Don't you see that the current moat array can imprison even the five-level real emperor? Yang Fan's little friend has great talent, and his array talent is unprecedented. Is it strange that he can use one or two arrays to trap the peak demon emperor?"

"These are not important. What's important is that Yang Fan's little friend is about to open a new chance of emperor's death. This is the chance of emperor's death in the peak demon emperor realm. Are you ready to make your cultivation further?"

"That's not the point, okay?"

"The point is, master Yang can catch the peak demon emperor alive now. Is it still a matter for the remaining four demon emperors? Without the protection of the four peak demon emperors, the four saints are just a decoration. The whole demon clan is not worried about us!"

"Gentlemen, haven't you ever thought of taking this opportunity to destroy the whole demon domain and unify the original Star domain?"

Dozens of old real emperors talked to each other, and their hearts were surging.

When Li Liangcai, the old murderer, asked the last question, the voice of the spirit among the people was suddenly silent.

Then, something called ambition suddenly grew in the hearts of all the real kings.

Destroy the demon realm of the demon family, unify the original Star realm, and reproduce the overlord glory of the human spirit of all things.

This is the common wish and dream of all Terran warriors since the founding of the Terran Federation.

Just in the past, such a willingness and dream can only be an occasional fantasy in my heart. There is no chance and possibility to realize it.

After all, the demon clan has great potential. Not only does the cultivation enter the country very fast, but also the number of demon mouths is more than ten times that of the human population.

In any way, the Terran seems to have no possibility of turning defeat into victory.

Now, they seem to be able to do it.

Even the Dijiao demon emperor of the demon family became their captives and was immediately killed in public.

The number of true kings of Terrans has completely surpassed the demon clan. They have the ability to counter attack, kill and destroy the demon domain, haven't they?

But the reversal and change of all this happened too fast, that is, in the past two days or so, even if they have broken the territory and become the real emperor, their mentality has not been completely liberated from the previous passive defense.

If it hadn't been for Li Liangcai, who has the supernatural power of the northern underworld and likes to fight and kill demons, they would not even realize that they are different from the past. They already have the ability and strength to fight back in an all-round way and even completely destroy the demons!

In the void.

Yang Fan didn't care about the psychological activities of these big men, let alone the emotions of people and Demons when they saw the land Jiao demon emperor being captured alive.

At this time, his ear is constantly prompted by the system, which sounds very pleasant.

"Ding! Your apprentice Mei Cailan laments that your mentor's strength is unfathomable and his mood is agitated. He worships you and greatly enhances his sense of belonging to the sect. The sect loyalty has been greatly improved. The worship value is + 10 and the advanced point of internal disciples is + 20."

"Ding! Your disciple Sima Xuefeng laments that your mentor's strength is unpredictable and his mood is agitated. He admires you and greatly enhances his sense of belonging to the sect. The sect loyalty has been greatly improved. The worship value is + 10 and the advanced point of inner sect disciple is + 20."

"Ding! Your apprentice Ling Tian laments that your mentor's strength is unpredictable, his mood is agitated, he worships you, and his sense of belonging to the sect has been greatly enhanced..."

Ding Ding, Ding Ding, hint like rain.

All the disciples under Yang Fan's gate, trumpet, were unconsciously excited and sighed when they saw Yang Fan carrying out the Jiao demon emperor. If they didn't want to worship Yang Fan, the sect experience naturally flowed into Yang Fan's pocket.

And this is what Yang Fan wants most.