Although there were many feelings, after the basic cultivation, South Vietnam still cleaned up and went to the downstairs restaurant for breakfast.

Then he took his luggage directly and waited in the lobby on the first floor.

It was almost eight o'clock before her little friends appeared one by one.

Except for a few who are outstanding in strength and appearance, others can't help looking at South Vietnam with strange eyes and whispering a few words from time to time.

It's like they secretly talk about her behind their back for fear that South Vietnam doesn't know.

Until a few fans squatting came to say hello and ask for a group photo, the atmosphere became harmonious.

Thinking about the group photo, it was estimated that there was nothing wrong with her. Nan Yue sat attentively and didn't play with his mobile phone. He stared at the pot of aloe in his hand.

When someone approached, Nanyue didn't care much. After being called a name, he raised his eyes and looked at the man.

She was a girl of eighteen or nine years old, with a student face and flickering eyes.

"South Vietnam, can you take a picture?"


Nanyue stood up and watched the little girl adjust the filter and lengthen the selfie rod. She competed very skillfully.

She looked at the camera and smiled.

After taking several pictures in a row, the little girl politely thanked her and quickly returned to several other fans.

After several people asked the little girl a few words, they all looked at South Vietnam and seemed to be eager to try.

But before they got close, a security guard came in and asked the fans to leave.

Then, the deputy editor and director of the program group arrived, and the people behind him were still carrying a camera.

With the camera, a group of people consciously put away their emotions that should not be presented in front of the camera.

While taking the people to the bus outside, the deputy editor informed them of three things.

First, the next week, eighteen of them will live in the same big house for closed training.

Second, it will be recorded through the camera this week, and there will be live broadcasting tasks.

Finally, the grouping and performance of this Saturday's semi-finals will be decided by drawing lots.

The performances were decided by the four judges after discussion, and the promotion and elimination methods will be changed.

As soon as the deputy director had finished speaking, a group of people began to chatter and discuss.

Because it was shooting, I used words with restraint, didn't say it bluntly, and didn't want to be in a group with anyone.

Their new residence is not far away, on the road behind the building where the program team is located.

It is a large factory. After transformation and decoration, it is very gorgeous and bright.

There are three floors in total. The first floor is the hall, kitchen and various public rest areas.

The second floor is the vocal music and dance classroom and three dance practice rooms.

The top floor is the bedrooms of 18 girls, with a total of nine rooms. At present, it is natural that there can only be one for two. After the semi-finals, one for one.

This successive notice finally made everyone's expression uncontrollable.

It is possible not only to perform with South Vietnam, but also to have a person in the same room with South Vietnam for a whole week.

They didn't hate South Vietnam much, but with Qi Xi and Luo Wenshan in front, everyone was afraid that they would be unlucky and even eliminated with South Vietnam.

So that, when drawing lots, more than a dozen people gave way.

Seeing this, South Vietnam impolitely came forward and drew a piece of grouping paper out of the carton.

The deputy director smiled and said, "the note says the performance program. If the other two people draw the same, it's a group of three of you."

Facing the burning eyes of others, South Vietnam opened the note, saw the contents above, and opened it calmly.

Compared with her calmness, some very young players were not calm immediately.

"Eh? Three songs? "One song for one person?"