They are all elders and not very familiar.

At the beginning, Nanyue accompanied Mrs. Ren to say a few words.

After that, I couldn't get into the conversation. I had to sit upright on one side and accept all kinds of eye inspections.

Among them, Sheng Jingrui's eyes are the most strange.

Sometimes she looked at her with appreciation and praise, and sometimes with regret. She looked at her from top to bottom, as if calculating her worth.

Fortunately, Ren Huo soon noticed her stiff sitting, so he opened his mouth and asked Ren Jiayuan to take her upstairs first.

Ren Jiayuan waited for this sentence and immediately stood up: "let's go up first!"

Then he pulled over South Vietnam and trotted upstairs.

When he got to the room, Ren Jiayuan closed the door, thought about it, and simply locked it.

Then he turned around and looked expectantly at South Vietnam: "where's the gift, where's the gift!"

"You." South Vietnam jokingly scraped the tip of her nose, then took out a beautifully packaged box from his bag and handed it to him.

When Ren Jiayuan took the box, he didn't care to entertain Nanyue. He ran directly to the desk and carefully unpacked it with a knife.

Nanyue looked at the bedroom. It was bigger than the living room of the house she rented. There was a study at the door. On one side was the real bedroom with a big pink princess bed.

On the other side is a small balcony with the curtains half closed.

Over there, Ren Jiayuan has opened the box and screamed while looking at the gift.

"Ah, moon's uniform! Five more signatures! Commemorative special album! Selfie of brothers!! awsl!!!”

Nanyue subconsciously pressed his ears, but shook his head. Tonight is estimated to be a sleepless night for Ren Jiayuan.

Jiang Xulin was too honest and kind. She just asked a little and prepared so much.

Those self photos are estimated to be temporarily asked for by teammates, and then printed out.

With such care, this favor should not be casually offset.

After watching Ren Jiayuan scream excitedly, he subconsciously took photos with his mobile phone, mostly to send microblogs and show off in his circle of friends.

South Vietnam then warned: "those selfies, it's best not to reveal too much."

A lot of self photos can be seen that they have never been leaked, and only internal personnel can get them.

"Yes!" Ren Jiayuan turned his head and his small face turned red. Then he realized that there was a South Vietnam in the room, "I know, thank you!"

Nanyue guessed that she would have to chat with some sisters on the Internet after sending out the show off map, so she didn't bother her.

Instead, he went to the small balcony on the other side, opened the sliding door and went out, and then closed it tightly to prevent the wind from blowing in.

The rest of the villa area was quiet and dark. There were no other lights except the necessary street lights.

Therefore, if there is a car approaching, it is very obvious.

When I saw the business car, which was also black, but its grade and price were several times higher than her, it came quietly across the night.

South Vietnam doesn't have to look at the license plate to confirm, so it's completely sure whose car it is.

The black business car also stopped in front of the garden gate. A man came down from the car, tall and straight, dressed in black, but inexplicably dazzling.

He looked up slightly and looked in the direction of the balcony.

South Vietnam looked at him and did not give way. After a moment, he smiled and said hello.

Sheng Jingheng's dark eyes were quiet and deep. He only looked at her lightly and didn't respond.

Then he took back his sight, looked straight ahead and stepped into the garden.

"South Vietnam, can I see brother Xu Lin's circle of friends?" Ren Jiayuan opened the door and just saw Sheng Jingheng who had just entered the door, "eh? Second cousin? Are you waiting for him here? "