One meal is not enough for Ren Jiayuan to make up his mind.

After dinner, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ren Jiayuan also made an appointment with moonlight fans, that is, moon fans, to get together to help moon.

South Vietnam almost needs to go to the backstage lounge and start preparing makeup and hairstyle.

Therefore, after they came out of the store, they acted separately.

It was still early. When South Vietnam got backstage, it was less than three o'clock.

Only some of the artists who had to rehearse first arrived, and some of the later ones did not arrive.

Although Chu Ye didn't come, he still won a single lounge for her.

It's a little small, and near the stage, the staff can hear the music during rehearsal.

The only advantage is that you don't have to squeeze with people. You can design your makeup and hairstyle safely.

The last time I walked the red carpet, Mo Lvlv could still help. This time, I had no way to start. I had to watch it on the side.

Seeing half of it, I didn't forget to take pictures of South Vietnam.

The makeup is almost done, the hairstyle hasn't started, and the clothes haven't been changed, so it doesn't matter even if it's sent out.

I chose two beautiful side faces, slightly revised the picture and added a filter.

After soliciting the opinions of South Vietnam, Mo lvlu sent it out with South Vietnam's microblog, with the words: see you in the evening!

This morning, pearl satellite TV announced the program list of the new year's Eve party. The first one on it was the opening dance that really warmed up the scene, which was completed by a well-known Dance Troupe.

The second, that is, the first official program of the whole new year party, is South Vietnam, singing the new song "moon in the mountains".

By this time, it had almost spread. Most of the fans of South Vietnam, those who knew South Vietnam and those who knew black South Vietnam knew it.

This will see the microblog sent by Nanyue himself, which is obviously in the backstage makeup preparation. In the comments, it almost exploded in an instant.

Those who like South Vietnam are very excited and feel sad and sorry for not getting the ticket.

Those who didn't like it began to pick on the thorns from a commanding position, criticizing South Vietnam for being unworthy here and wrong there.

There are also some people who are just weird, such as "fortunately, I'm not going to watch pearl satellite TV tonight", "I don't blame mango TV for being too strong, but only the enemy TV for pulling my crotch", "I'll transfer to Pearl satellite TV at 8:10 on time", and so on.

Mo Lulu turned over a little and couldn't help humming: "don't look, regret dying you."

When she watched the South Vietnam dress rehearsal yesterday, she was so amazed that she couldn't speak.

The official performance tonight, stage lighting and other effects will reach perfect state.

At that time, South Vietnam will go all out, which will only be more amazing and shocking!

Nanyue couldn't help chuckling when she heard the speech. Mo lvlu was just like Xiao Wu. She loved to see and comment on herself. It's really cute.

However, just in time, while Mo Lvlv was reading the microblog, Nanyue focused and quickly fixed her hair.

Then tie the hair band matching the clothes and skirts, and the self in the lens immediately has a little more flexible meaning.

There was no hurry to change clothes and skirts, so there was nothing else for the moment. Nanyue also took a mobile phone and looked at it.

There are several unread wechat messages, most of which are sent to cheer her up and call her.

There are two more, sent by Ren Jiayuan.

Xiao Yuanyuan: see you after the final exam.

Xiao Yuanyuan: my second cousin is really miserable. When others celebrate the new year, he takes a big night play [picture].

The picture is a screenshot of Sheng Jingheng's microblog, on which a picture of the shooting announcement time is taken, with the words: tonight's night play.

The release time is at 4:00 sharp, which seems to be very similar to the time when Mo Lulu helped her send background gags and photos on her microblog.

In order to be sure, South Vietnam took a special look at the microblog and determined that it was only five minutes away.

She couldn't help cutting to wechat and opening and. The last time I sent messages to each other was when the score of her "moon in the mountains" came out.