LAN lingxuan arrived in city a at noon. The first thing he did when he landed was to have dinner with South Vietnam.

They have to rehearse in the afternoon and perform in the evening, so LAN lingxuan doesn't dare to eat too much taste or exciting things at noon, even if they are in excellent condition recently.

Therefore, although South Vietnam lives in city a, the restaurant is decided by LAN lingxuan, and it is a very famous vegetarian restaurant.

LAN lingxuan, who has been to city a several times, is obviously more familiar with South Vietnam. At noon, he waited for South Vietnam downstairs, and then took her up with him. Otherwise, he was afraid that South Vietnam would get lost.

After sitting down in the private room and ordering orders, LAN lingxuan came up and said, "I watched your variety show, and I haven't left any foreign articles."

South Vietnam was drinking water. After hearing the speech, he nodded and asked, "did you watch it with your boyfriend?"

"Ha, if you guessed right, there was no reward," Lan lingxuan said with a smile, a much younger face and moist sweetness. "Do you know what the first sentence he said to me after reading the external article?"

Well, South Vietnam looked at LAN lingxuan's face and guessed, but he shook his head and asked, "what is it?"

"He said, just look at your eyes, you can know that man must like you!" After LAN lingxuan finished speaking quickly, he stared at Nan Yue's face to see how she would react.

But to LAN lingxuan's disappointment, South Vietnam didn't respond much. They didn't flash their eyes, but just nodded calmly.

"Oh, what does sister LAN say?"

LAN lingxuan immediately vented his anger, held his chin and said lazily, "what else can I say? Of course, everything he said is right. You know, young lovers have to coax. If they coax less, they will lose their temper. "

Nanyue smiled: "how do I feel, sister LAN, you seem to enjoy the feeling of deception?"

"Shh," Lan lingxuan motioned to South Vietnam to keep it a secret. After not saying it, he raised his hand and brushed his hair at will. He had endless charming customs. "If you love someone, of course, you will enjoy everything you do."

After the two talked about the digression, the dishes were served quickly.

Then, he turned to talk about the afternoon rehearsal and the online response to the dance version of MV.

LAN lingxuan didn't just immerse herself in love, but still had unlimited enthusiasm for her career. At this meeting, she began to discuss with South Vietnam whether the stage of the live version in the evening needs to be changed in the dance, so that it is more suitable for on-site viewing.

Before coming to city a, LAN lingxuan had participated in an activity in City T and led the accompanying dance alone.

There will be many ideas, waiting to finish with South Vietnam, and then put them into action during the rehearsal in the afternoon.

The rehearsal in the afternoon is staggered as far as possible, and then after the rehearsal, the singers are taken to their respective lounges to start making up and hair.

The fifth anniversary of Yunjian music is very formal, and some awards will be awarded. Therefore, it is natural to prepare the red carpet link before the official start of the event.

If you want to walk the red carpet, you can't dress too casually.

This time, Chu Ye didn't have to come forward. Many brands offered him olive branches and expressed their willingness to lend dresses to South Vietnam.

However, Chu Ye proudly rejected them and chose the d family, which was very friendly to South Vietnam from the beginning.

He chose the dress and skirt himself. He took a rough picture and sent it to South Vietnam. After getting her consent, he asked Mo Lvlv to send the skirt.

The picture looked normal, but when I really saw this dress, South Vietnam found that it seemed a little beyond imagination.