Another day later, even a few people in South Vietnam in the mountains saw the news on the Internet——

Huo ang is recuperating from his old illness and is currently resting abroad. He officially withdrew from the variety show "us and them" and will not take up work this year.

We should wait until we get well next year and then return.

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet. Fans and passers-by were shocked. When and where did huoang come from?

Was it an accident when I went to record the program, but in order to cover it up, I made an excuse to say it was an old disease?

But soon, someone exposed a group of photos of Hoon appearing at the airport that day.

Although I looked a little haggard, everything was fine and there were no accidents.

Subsequently, huoang himself also sent a self photo on the plane, so that fans don't have to worry. See you next year.

The old disease is really implemented.

Many fans began to love him and firmly indicated that they would wait until he came back and so on.

Because of this, huo'ang had a good hot search before the six-month cold storage period, which saved him some popularity.

This is the consequence of quitting from the program. There is no room for discussion. After half a year, he has to make efforts to take over the script and shoot by himself without expecting the company to give him any good resources.

People who don't know the contract don't know that there is such a case, but those who know the contract even call the broker and have a good look at the contract. Jin Xuewei is completely honest.

Zheng Yaosheng also put away the idea of being funny in this program and worked with the villagers in a down-to-earth manner.

When the five of them persisted to the fourth day, they welcomed the first flying guest.

Because the program team did not inform in advance, let alone who it was.

On that day, the five people still worked outside as usual. These days, they have done everything to soak in the pond at the foot of the mountain. They have been able to keep up with the pace and entertain themselves from time to time.

When the flying guests arrived, only South Vietnam felt it slightly during the rest, and the other four knew nothing.

So when the staff of the program team suddenly appeared and announced that they needed to raise one more person's food materials, the four people couldn't react for a moment.

The reaction was that when a flying guest came, he was no longer interested in the atmosphere, but all looked bitter.

After all, the flying guests must have more than one meal. They may have to stay for a day and a night, ranging from three to four or five.

Only South Vietnam has no intention of complaining, but tries to speed up and do more work.

I don't just want to complete the task of the program group, but also because the flying guests are old acquaintances.

The flying guests can not only eat without working, but also live better than them - the village head's house.

The village head's house is one of the few buildings in the village. It has a clean bathroom and a spring bed.

The sons and daughters of the village head worked hard. They were admitted to college and had a decent job outside. They wanted to take him to live in the city, but they gave up because they were still the village head and were responsible for the whole village.

Then, his children helped their husband and wife build this small building and bought a minivan to go to the town and county.

Because they had to entertain the flying guests, the five people went to the village head's house to cook after receiving the food materials.

As soon as Nanyue arrived at the door of the village head's house, he was greeting and thanking the village head and his wife with four people. He heard someone running down from the second floor, accompanied by some excited familiar cries.
