Not only the netizens were surprised, but also the South Vietnamese themselves.

Because this evening, the only artists she can contact, who have been on the road for more than ten years, are Wen Shaoguang.

She was still considering whether to brush her favor or not, and the three chatted.

The reason is that Wen Dai suddenly mentioned that she still owes South Vietnam a meal, and she has to be in the restaurant in X city. She doesn't know when she can go again.

Then the three began to discuss all kinds of food.

Wen Shaoguang made his debut at a very young age, which is similar to Cheng Xiyao. When he was a child, he didn't eat three meals on time. When he grew up, he had stomach problems.

The problem is not big or small, but when filming is busy, it is easy to hurt, and then delay the progress.

So the older you are, the more you pay attention to tonic. Unconsciously, you begin to be keen on all kinds of delicious food.

But also because of the busy filming, even if I like to eat, I have never been fat.

Wen Dai asked Wen Shaoguang the secret of keeping fit while talking about all kinds of delicious food.

Just in time, in addition to stomach problems, Wen Shaoguang also has a little hypoglycemia and likes to eat sweet, so Nanyue joined in.

Because of the exchange card sent by the system before, Nanyue ordered some culinary talents. Although she usually did little, she had a lot of ideas in her mind.

In addition, after Chen Le came to the group, he made a lot of delicious dishes, which were nutritious and delicious as far as possible.

The five senses of South Vietnam are very keen. Because of their talent, they probably know what to do after eating.

Wen Shaoguang listened very carefully and looked like he was going to have a try when he went back.

Wen Dai swallowed as she listened. Seeing that the award ceremony was about to begin, they couldn't chat in public, so they couldn't help proposing.

"Shall we have a snack before it's over? I know a delicious fish soup shop. "

Just now, Wen Shaoguang blew a cold wind all the way on the red carpet. When he heard the word fish soup, his eyes lit up.

"I can."

Wen Dai immediately looked at South Vietnam: "what about you? Still have to rush back to the crew? "

"No," said Nanyue with a smile, "I can do better."

Wen Yan, Wen Dai and Wen Shaoguang all laughed, attracting curious eyes from the people nearby.

The three of them sat upright almost synchronously, as if nothing had happened, and looked at the stage where there was already a host.

And this night, there was no accident.

Wen Dai narrowly beat Tao Siying and won the best supporting actress award.

South Vietnam has no suspense. Both nominated awards have been won.

After all, no young actress has more popularity and potential than her this year.

"Flying butterflies put out the fire" is also a TV series with extremely high ratings this year.

The competition is small. In addition, she is not the best actress. Now that she has been nominated and can win, people will only take it for granted.

Wen Shaoguang's acting skills are there. The directors and screenwriters are big celebrities. The dramas are very popular on the Internet.

For the second time, Wen Shaoguang was still excited. Before taking the award on the stage, he subconsciously hugged Nanyue sitting next to him.

Also at the same time, South Vietnam heard Xiao Wu's voice prompting her to complete the branch line task.

The best actress awards were awarded, and the award ceremony came to an end.

The three were serious people, so they began to talk about where to meet and meet later.

The reason why Nanyue doesn't have to rush back to the crew is that the crew understands that she is too tired to run back and forth, for fear that she will affect her state, so tomorrow's play is scheduled in the afternoon.

So as soon as this was over, the three happily went to the fish soup store, drank soup, added wechat, paid attention to each other's microblog, and officially became friends.