Seeing this hot search, Mo Lvlv subconsciously went in and found someone.

"Luoluo fairy has a lot of fans. She is really an Internet celebrity."

"Just that girl?"

It was not Nanyue who heard the answer, but a familiar male voice. Mo Lvlv was stunned and looked up at the person sitting in the co pilot.

Xie Haiquan nodded and greeted Nanyue, who had found his existence, before looking at Mo Lvlv.

"It's her," Mo lvlu responded. "Brother Xie, why are you here?"

Nanyue couldn't help laughing: "brother Xie?"

"She said you all call me Xiao Xie. I'm only one year older than her, so I'll just call me Xiao Xie."

After Xie Haiquan explained, he said, "I don't have anything on hand, so I'll come to the group and rest assured that the company will reimburse me for all expenses."

South Vietnam only asked Sheng Jingheng about his January trip in the morning, which was no surprise.

She didn't say anything else, just said, "it's hard for you."

Mo Lulu nodded and said, "yes, it's much harder to work with the group than sitting in the office. But if you just remember to come, just think I didn't say it. "

"Wait until the hotel, show me the notice, and I'll try to advance and retreat with you."

Seeing Xie Haiquan talking about this, he still looked like death at home. Nanyue and Mo Lvlv couldn't help smiling at each other.

Then Mo Lvlv remembered and handed the hot search he was watching to South Vietnam.

South Vietnam probably looked, saw that the fallen fairy paid attention to herself, thought about it, took out her mobile phone, logged in to the large, and paid attention back.

Mo lvlu looked at her and said, "there's no need to pay attention to her, right? In case it's... "Rub the heat again.

"It doesn't matter. Just make more friends." South Vietnam's good mood continues. Although returning to the pass is only easy, he still knows that Ke Luoluo doesn't need to rub her heat.

Deliberately approaching Lu Xiaolan is completely different.

She said so, Mo Lvlv said no more. After reading the hot search, she cut her number and paid attention to the falling fairy.

Any movement can be known at the first time.

On the way back to the crew Hotel, Nanyue accidentally caught a glimpse of the lottery station and almost moved his mind. He wanted to buy a lottery to try his gold absorption physique.

Turning to the idea that artists buy lottery tickets is not a bad thing, but if they really win the grand prize, all kinds of news are on, and drive some crazy fans to buy lottery tickets, they should be named and criticized.

This kind of thing that will leave a stain on the artist's career, South Vietnam still knows it can't be done.

After all, she is still an idol. Her words and deeds will be easily imitated by fans.

It is impossible to get something for nothing by buying lottery tickets, but it is safer to verify it with hard work.

[praise the host!]

South Vietnam smiled to himself, moved his body, sat upright, took out the script and reviewed it again. The play to be shot in the afternoon.

Although South Vietnam returned to city a for a year before returning to the crew, everything is still the same and nothing has changed.

When the chief director saw her, just as she had been on the set these days, he directly talked to her about the emotional changes of the plays in the afternoon.

Xie Haiquan came to the film and television base for the first time. Looking at the busy staff around, it was very novel.

When the official shooting, watching South Vietnam is almost second into the state, a dazzling effort, it becomes a person, and it is even more amazing.

"This trip is really right."

Mo Lulu looked at him like this and smiled: "this is just the beginning."