As soon as this microblog was posted in South Vietnam, not only those who scolded her were stunned, but also her little pumpkins.

Although most of them knew what she meant, they didn't say it clearly and didn't dare to confirm it completely.

So under this microblog, it is a carnival of CP fans.

Then, the black fans came out and stirred up discord with rhythm as much as possible to make the fans of South Vietnam and Sheng Jingheng scold and fight.

However, they had just started. Before they could stir up the flames everywhere, they found that the authorities had sent out themselves and directly began to fight against powder.

Sheng Jingheng didn't have any work microblog number, so Wei Jun simply went to the battle in person and counted the "crimes" of his fans.

For example, he secretly photographed illegitimate meals with the car, sent crazy private letters to bomb his black powder, and scolded the poison only in South Vietnam on his personal microblog and South Vietnam black super.

It was neither a warning nor a hint, but hung up mercilessly, and said that Sheng Jingheng himself had seen these lists in person.

Minor behavior can be ignored, but if the behavior is excessive, it will go if it can go through legal procedures.

Closely followed, the work microblog account of South Vietnam and the anti triad support association spontaneously organized by fans also focused on hanging out several abusive black powder and poison Wei, saying that they would be prosecuted for violating their right of reputation.

Both sides went out together, and lawyers' letters were posted. Naturally, it was more lively on the hot search.

A large crowd of melon eaters flocked to eat the melons that were finally about to settle down in the relationship between South Vietnam and Sheng Jingheng.

On the other side, he ate another melon - # Sheng Jingheng driving powder #.

Not only Sheng Jingheng's old fans, many senior fans still remember that a few years ago, Sheng Jingheng sent his illegitimate meal to the police station, on TV and in the newspaper.

After all, illegitimate life has been rampant for many years. Even if artists find out or are angry, they just send microblogs to denounce.

After that, illegitimate students should follow or follow, and their candid photography technology should surpass the paparazzi.

Once several pairs of artists in the circle fell in love. They were first photographed by illegitimate students, and the paparazzi was half a beat slow.

Both the entertainment circle and the fan circle are extremely disgusted with illegitimate fans who don't know how to determine the nature.

This time, although the poison attack was more severe, it's hard for other artists to say. In Sheng Jingheng, it is estimated that it is directly equal to illegitimate life.

Someone also specially summarized Sheng Jingheng's various powder driving behaviors from the alarm to the lawyer's letter.

There are pictures and facts. There is no nonsense or making up with chat records. The following comments are also colorful.

-The old fans of male gods are too Buddha, aren't they? Don't you give the new powder sisters more popular science?

-Listen to my sister's advice, powder Sheng Jingheng should not bring the set of powder flow love beans, otherwise you will find that you have to keep the bottom of the case.

-You love your brother, but your brother doesn't love you. Respect yourself~

-Why doesn't Weifen like CP? It's because there's always one party who doesn't have to do anything. It can catch fire by rubbing the heat. But this pair is obviously mutually beneficial. They are both great. They are good friends when they are not together. They can break into the entertainment circle together as husband and wife.

-To tell the truth, the real cause is rational. I'm completely satisfied from last year to now. The new songs are very nice, the new movies are very good-looking, the awards are soft, and there are many variety endorsement activities. There is always a feeling that the male god is accumulating his strength to withdraw from the circle, but if he is with the people in the circle, he should stay for a few more years!

-Poison Wei really should go home and take a good look in the mirror to see what kind of God face your brother is, and then see if you deserve it~

-Rush to the crown and be angry! So handsome! Look forward to the next surprise of Sheng Nan God!