Chapter 208

Name:I Snatched a Husband Author:顾惜
The next day, Lu Zihan got up early in the morning. After cleaning and going downstairs, Arsene was already waiting in the living room.

After breakfast, a Sen drives Lu Zihan to his villa.

After all those years, she's back.

Lu Zihan looked at the familiar house in front of her, but gave her too much pain... This is the place called home, but her time here is very few.

Lu Zihan couldn't help laughing at himself. When he was a child, his mother and sister were there... At that time, Lu Mo Huai's attitude towards them was not so bad.

However, after the accident, Lu Zihan and Lu Beibei lived alone abroad for eight years. When she summoned up the courage to come back, she was only faced with mocking faces and her father's always cold look.

He is always indifferent to see her pay, watching her efforts... And then as if everything is just a joke in general.

When she uses her value again, he will also say two words of concern to her, but when she disobeys... Or fails to meet his requirements

Lu Zihan shook his head. He didn't want to recall those bad memories.

After all, for her, Lu Mo Huai is just an old and thin man lying in a hospital bed in a coma and can only wait for death.

"Young lady..." a Sen saw Lu Zihan standing in front of the building for a long time, and he couldn't help but cry out worried.

"It's OK, just a little emotion suddenly." Lu Zihan smiles, clenches his fist, and then rings the doorbell.

Lu Zihan, the servant who came to open the door, didn't know him. The man stood in front of the iron fence, looked at her suspiciously and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I'm Lu Zihan. I'm looking for Lu Haonan." Lu Zihan gently smile, still polite.

The servant was slightly stunned, and then said, "just a moment." Then he turned and entered the front yard.

After a while, she came out again, followed by Aunt Liu, who was much older, but still as before, with a gentle smile

When Aunt Liu saw Lu Zihan, she was moved and said, "Miss... You're back!"

Lu Zihan just nodded and asked, "is Lu Haonan at home?"

Aunt Liu personally opened the door, some words and stop, but also can only nod, "in."

As she said this, Aunt Liu led Zihan to the main room. Sen followed him dutifully. She had no expression on her face, but she had some power.

Aunt Liu looked at Lu Zihan's more calm face than before, as well as the tall ah Sen behind him. She couldn't help saying, "Miss, what's the matter with you when you come back this time, please tell me..."

Aunt Liu hesitated for a moment, but she gritted her teeth and said, "don't..."

"I know." Lu Zihan interrupted Aunt Liu.

Because she didn't want Aunt Liu to be blamed for what she had said to her, she just gave a faint smile, changed the topic and asked, "have they seen my father since he was hospitalized?"

When she talks about them, she naturally refers to Lu Haonan, Shen Yueran and her mother Shen Xiaoman... Are they living well now?

Aunt Liu sighed, shook her head and did not speak.

Lu Zihan also understood, did not say anything, and Aunt Liu together into the living room.

In the living room, Lu Haonan is sitting on the sofa, looking at a financial magazine in his hand. He is dressed neatly. He should be going out soon. There is a cup of coffee on the tea table, steaming.

Looking at Lu Zihan and them entering the door, he looked at Lu Zihan with a smile and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you would step into this door."

"I don't want to come if I can."

Lu Zihan looks at Lu Haonan. He looks like he used to. He looks like a smile but not a smile. He is very handsome. His eyes are like swords, and his facial features are three-dimensional. But those eyes always make people feel a little gloomy.

Lu Zihan was not polite at all when he spoke. Without waiting for Lu Haonan to speak, he directly sat on the sofa opposite him. His attitude was very casual, as if this was still her home.

Looking at Lu Zihan, Lu Haonan seems to be more confident than before. He also knows how to hide his emotions and becomes more calm.

His lips slightly a Yang, "have what matter to say?"? I have a meeting later. "

"Hum." Lu Zihan snorted coldly, "President Lu is naturally a busy man."

She just sneered, and then said, "I'm going to help dad transfer."

After hearing Lu Zihan's words, Lu Haonan just laughed like a mockery, and then seemed to be a little more serious. Looking at Lu Zihan, he said, "I will naturally find a way to deal with dad's illness, so I won't bother you."

To tell you the truth, Lu Zihan has never had a good feeling for this family. Now when I think about Lu Mo Huai's appearance and Lu Haonan's expression, I can't help getting angry.

She sneered, "what do you want to do? If you really care about it, dad may not be what he is now! "

"Dad has been in hospital for more than two years. How many times have you visited him? How many times has father's daughter Shen Yueran been there? " Lu Zihan asked coldly, "don't you think it's shameful to leave your father in the hospital now?"

Lu Haonan narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Zihan again and said with a sneer, "Lu Zihan, do you take yourself seriously? Who are you to ask about the Lu family? "

The expression of sneer is self-evident, just listen to Lu Haonan coldly pick eyebrow to say: "don't need me to remind you again? We don't need an outsider to talk too much! "

"Outsiders?" Lu Zihan sneered and stood up, "Lu Haonan, what are you? Don't you need me to know better? I'm an outsider... Are you the Lu family? "

Lu Zihan's eyes were slightly cold. "I'll give you back what you said. What's your identity? Don't take yourself too seriously

Lu Haonan's smile has a second of stagnation, eyes slightly dark, but soon returned to normal, looking at Lu Zihan, a face of ridicule said: "four years no see, so you have the ability."

Before Lu Zihan has the final say, Lu Haonan continues, "am I a land family? This is not something you need to worry about. Now Lu is in my hands. I have the final say, I am the one who speaks the secret, we are not talking about dark, Lu Zihan... What are you fighting with me?"

Lu Zihan looks at Lu Haonan, although she has known for a long time that this person is not simple, so-called wolf ambition is not too much.

But I have never seen him so blatant. I can't help laughing, "I fight with you? Lu Haonan, I don't care about what you care about... "

"I don't care about Lu family or Lu family at all!" Lu Zihan clenched his teeth and said slowly, "as long as my father transfers to another hospital, you have to agree if you don't agree!"

In fact, she thought about it when she came. Even if she begged them, they would not give her a good look, nor would they agree to her request.

So why should I be inferior? Now that I've torn my face, I just want to see... Who has the ability!

"What a great prestige Suddenly, some sharp voices interrupted the conversation between Lu Zihan and Lu Haonan.

You don't need to see Lu Zihan to know that Shen Yueran is here. Sure enough, soon the voice of high heels coming down the stairs is clear. Lu Zihan keeps a sarcastic smile and looks away.

Shen Yueran is wearing delicate make-up, expensive dresses and wavy waist curly hair. She is more mature and charming than four years ago. She is full of sexy air

And four years ago always pretending to be a small hundred flowers, a pure and weak look has become a strong contrast.

Lu Zihan frowned and did not speak.

Shen Yueran came forward with a few steps. Her slender waist swayed gently. Her red lips were painted with lip gloss, but she hummed coldly, "Lu Zihan, how can you have the face to come back? What do you think you are when you talk to Haonan like this? "

Lu Zihan takes a lazy look at Shen Yueran. Maybe that's what she is? Now that my father is gone, they don't have to fight for anything, and their original features are revealed.

Although not sad, but still some sad. How many times... My father beat her, scolded her and humiliated her for the sake of this false woman in front of me?

Lu Zihan took a deep breath. Facing the arrogant Shen Yueran, he just said with a smile: "my surname is Lu. As long as I belong to the Lu family one day, I will come back naturally. Unlike some people, jiuzhanquechao has a proud little face!"

"You Shen Yueran may be used to being arrogant in recent years. In the face of Lu Zihan's sarcasm, she even wants to slap her hand even if she doesn't want to.

Lu Zihan stood in the same place without blinking an eye. Before Shen Yueran's slap had time to fall, he had been seized by Sen's iron hoop hand.

"Ah! It hurts Shen Yueran gave a strange cry and almost jumped.

Lu Zihan looks at Sen with a smile and nods slightly. Then Sen lets Shen Yueran go and stands behind Lu Zihan.

"You... Well, Lu Zihan, where do you think this is? You can come if you want, and you can do it if you want? "

Although Shen Yueran's mouth was still fierce, he was obviously pale. He stepped back several steps and looked at a Sen with some fear.

"Shen Yueran." Lu Zihan gently smiles, but his eyes are mocking. "I haven't seen you for so many years. You are more unbearable than ever. In the past, you were a little bit like Miss Qianjin. Now..."

With that, Lu Zihan sneered and looked at Lu Haonan. "It's really a nest of snakes and mice."

"Don't go too far!"

Shen Yueran stretched out his hand and pointed to Lu Zihan's nose, "I tell you, get out of here now, or I'll call the police! You son of a bitch! I don't know whose seed it is, but I dare to come to Lu's house to be wild! "

"Miss Shen is such a prestige." Lu Zihan said lightly, "unfortunately, Lu Jia has the final say."

After that, he looked at Lu Haonan in a twinkling of an eye and said calmly: "I want to help my father transfer, do you agree or not?"

Lu Haonan hasn't spoken since Shen Yueran came downstairs. He sees two people making a lot of noise, but Shen Yueran's way of jumping and yelling is really inferior.

But there was no displeasure on his face, just a light look at Shen Yueran. Shen Yueran pursed his lips. Some nono stepped back and quieted down.

"What if you don't?" Lu Haonan smiles and looks at Lu Zihan.