And the planet environment LAN Xiangyu won't worry. She believes it will be on the grade a planet judgment line.

She is mainly worried about the development of the planet's transportation and the expectation of the planet's future development, and the second is the happiness of the residents.

Now the ancient earth has a large population, and the happiness of residents is certainly not as high as before. She only hopes that this food culture tourism festival can improve the data of these planet level judgments related to the ancient earth in the last month.

Don't ask how high, just cross the line.

The opening of 979 wormhole is the concern of most people in the Federation, especially the planets on these routes.

After LAN Xiangyu sent this satellite blog, other planetary government officials along the line also sent satellite blogs one after another. The content of star blog is similar to that of ancient earth blog.

It's all to celebrate the development of 979 wormhole, welcome ceremony, competition, festival, etc. welcome to visit.

"These planets are quite interesting. I don't say they don't say it, but they also say it when I say it." Lan Xiyu felt a little funny looking at the star blog content of these planets.

But she knew it was normal. The imitation comparison between planets never disappeared.

Today, you created a new thing or scenic spot that attracted all the federates. Then I'll get the same thing or scenic spot as you tomorrow.

This kind of follow-up behavior has long been common, and people have long been accustomed to it.

We don't care if we don't imitate and follow the trend, where it's fun to go.

LAN Xiangyu felt that he could not wait to die, although the planets in the game may not be as mysterious as the ancient earth, which has never been open to tourists.

But we can't rule out the idea of "go to that planet first and then go to the ancient earth. Anyway, the wormhole has been opened".

Besides, there are so many planets along the line. This planet is a little shunted, that planet is a little shunted, and there is nothing left of the ancient earth.

She has to increase her chips.

LAN Xiyu opened her friend list and sent messages to Wen Chi, Wen Liu, Lan Li and Shen Yitian, who had a good relationship and appeal. Even LAN Jun and some officials LAN Xiyu sent messages. Basically, she sent all the friends in the list.

The message is to help her promote this festival of the ancient earth. Let them know these people in different fields and circles.

Bangbangli: are you there? Brother, help me make an advertisement!!!

In the past few months, Shen panchi accompanied LAN Siyu, supervised her study every day, and taught hand-in-hand from time to time. In the process of learning, Shen panchi was also really strict, which was as strict as when he was in the military camp.

LAN Xiyu's achievements have improved by leaps and bounds in recent months.

After all, in addition to class, she has Xueba around her. She won't ask where.

In addition, with Yunli as the first major and more practical experience in managing the planet than anyone in this major, LAN Xiyu's comprehensive score can rank in the top 15% in the grade.

She was originally more Buddhist salted fish, and she didn't and didn't want to fight for the first few grades of those ten thousand people. She was very satisfied with her current performance.

Therefore, when the 979 wormhole opened, she asked for leave.

She plans to teach herself in ancient earth and wait until July to go back to the final exam directly. Even if she doesn't study at this time, she won't fail.

Her requirements are very low. It's OK to rank the top 30% in the final exam.

Shen panchi returned to the third legion of the third galaxy at the end of May after a "vacation" for three months.

Bang Bang: what's the reward?

Bangli: do you want a reward? Do you want a reward for advertising your girlfriend? Is it because of the disappearance of love, the transfer of love, or the deterioration of love? (Xiaoyu shocked face. JPG)

Bang Bang: wait a minute.

Only three minutes.

Bang Bang: OK.

LAN Xiangyu cut the page to Xingbo and looked at Shen panchi's official account of Xingbo. There was no content.

Bangli: where? I don't see it, QAQ

Bang Bang: quit refresh and have a look.

After LAN Siyu quit, he refreshed, clicked in again, and a connection popped out.

The way this link pops up is a little familiar.

LAN Xiangyu points in and has a look. It's directly the ancient earth propaganda film issued on her Xingbo, or holographic. LAN Xiangyu opened other software, and the link still popped up at the first time.

Bangli: is this compulsory viewing? Some people don't like it.

She remembered before... When Shen panchi confessed to her... That link just couldn't be closed.

Bang Bang: this link is different from the last one. This link is only sent to everyone's terminal, but you can choose to delete this link. It all depends on your will. Do you want to click in.

Bang Bang Li: love light wave emission! ─=≡ Σ (((   つ• ̀ω•́) つ♡

The last confession link is actually extremely overbearing, because Shen panchi is announcing to the people of the whole Federation that he has fallen into LAN Xiyu.

All over the Federation.

This time, the link depends on personal wishes. Just like those advertisements, although they will appear, you may choose not to look at them.

Zuo Yan saw his Marshal smiling at the virtual screen again. Although the smile was shallow and not obvious, Zuo Yan hardly saw his Marshal smile in the past decade.

In contrast, now and then, I smile at the virtual screen. Sometimes, when a person handles official business or a meeting, he will also raise his mouth slightly.

Zuo Yan remembered what his Marshal had just asked him to do by himself

Alas, love is such a thing

Zuo Yan shook his head and sighed. He is a bachelor who has been single for decades and doesn't understand these.

"Sigh what?"

Shen panchi smiled and glanced at Zuo Yan next to him. His face returned to cold.

"Nothing, just feeling for the love between Marshal you and your wife. It's really beautiful..." Zuo Yan said sincerely and sincerely.

"Well, go down." Shen panchi's expression warmed up.

He suddenly found that Zuo Yan was quite honest.


With the publicity of those who heard it late and the full range link of shenpanchi, now the reputation of the first "food culture tourism festival" on the ancient earth has been completely opened, and the heat is higher than that of activities held on other planets combined.

Fame has opened up. Whether to come or not is the choice of those people.

Other planets are also somewhat oppressed, and many celebrities of the planet have been found to help publicize, but the effect is no better than that of the ancient earth. They made do with it.

That's it. The big deal is to give it to the ancient earth this time. Anyway, the real existence of the route here will not disappear, so everyone will have the opportunity to receive dividends in the future.

Those tourists are just a fresh picture of the ancient earth.

They will benefit from these planets.