Field] First Defeat part11 [Labyrinth

1 Nobody

This is the thread to write the reward of the first defeat.

As for the place of defeat, bosses and special monsters are

Please do not fill in the form because it may be related to solving the riddle.


Name: Name of the target you defeated

Reward: [Title] name or < name

Effect: Title or item effect


69 Mr. Nobody

The thin-skinned tartar rabbit's first defeat was rewarded with

I have a small bottle of tartar sauce (light flavor).

70 Nobody

Use the temp.

71 Nobody

Name: Tartar Rabbit

Reward: <

Effect: Unlimited use of tartar sauce

I ain't looking for thin tartar sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

72 Mr. Nobody

Sorry, question

Isn't the reward for the first defeat the boss?

I'm confused by what I'm reading.

73 Mr. Nobody


There are rare special individuals among the small fry enemies.

The first time you defeat it, you will be given a very subtle title or

You can get a crappy item.

74 Mr. Nobody


Most of the time, they're a little bigger, or a slightly different color.

It's hard to tell the difference between one horn and many horns.

Unlike bosses, everyone has a chance, so why not go for it?

By the way, if you don't check the announcements, only the ones you beat will be played.

Is this some kind of hidden game by the management?

75 Mr. Nobody


Thank you.

I didn't know there was such a thing.

76 Mr. Nobody

Phoenix of Mount Huahuaguo

Who beat you, man?

77 Nobody

I thought Mt. Huaguo was a monkey?

78 Mr. Nobody


Don't write it because it will spoil the mystery.

79 Mr. Nobody

Oops, sorry.

80 Mr. Nobody


Is it out or safe?

81 Mr. Nobody




82 Nobody

Who's taking away the first defeat, the labyrinth or the first defeat?

83 Nobody

Especially when we had to take down the dias and the labyrinth in quick succession.

It's stopped now.

84 Nobody

The labyrinth was a rare boss on parade.

I think there's some kind of event in progress.

85 Mr. Nobody

I'd like to be a part of that event.

86 Mr. Nobody

Name: Threadfin goby


Effect:If used for production, it increases the water attribute, but it smells fishy.

Even if you stake out the guild at the entrance to the Barron's Labyrinth

You didn't know who you were defeating, did you?

87 Mr. Nobody

I think it's better to just let them hear the announcement and then

Later, a special individual enemy or resident with the title of first defeat will appear

It could have been a prelude.

88 Nobody

The management of this place is usually not there.

I'm sure the event residents are working on it.

Continued below


Lenguard-sama part3 [Dosu Kuro] [HONWAI WHITE

1 nameless

This is a thread to talk about Mr. Lengard.

No attacks! I'm not!!!!

Keep an eye on the subject quietly so that he or she does not notice you.

Do not disturb the members of the general store or the surrounding area.

This may be a mystery, so browse at your own risk!

Mr. Lengard Data

Owner of a general store named [General Store] in Fast.

There are four employees, two children of the beast and

Adult male and a dragonet

Selling , etc.

Running a liquor wholesale store for cooks in Fast.

Employees are guild officials of a commercial guild

Occupation: Mage or Swordsman, since he uses magic and swords?

It is not impossible to rule out the possibility that there is a separate producer and that he is using the name Lengard.

I can kill a full party in a blink of an eye for now.

When the magic is blocked, the head turns black and the sword goes into decapitation mode.

The highest arena rank is SSS.

Suspected natural

I don't understand.


683 Nobody

More little girls in the grocery store.

684 Nobody

Blonde Lolita

Mr. Lengard, pedophile in waiting.

685 Mr. Nobody


It was some kind of homunculus.

Alice Liddell Lv.1


Master Lengard

Race Homunculus

I couldn't see anything but...

686 Nobody

You can make it!

No, I'm also doing alchemy. ......

It's a homunculus.

Will we be able to make them with alchemy in the future?

687 Nobody


I was walking around with a loli in the city.

I thought it would be nice to at least hold his hand.

Was that a homunculus?

688 Nobody

Is Lengard's occupation mainly as a magical swordsman or

I'm getting lost again whether it's mainly alchemy ......

689 Nobody


I saw it, I saw it, I saw it.

Alice was so cute, following me everywhere.

It was like it was auto-tracking me.

690 Nobody

Mr. Lengard, you are a pedophile after all!

691 Nobody


I mean, it's a homunculus.

I'd give him a shot out if he was holding my hand or hugging me.

692 Nobody

Gray www. where the allegations are as close to black as possible.

693 Nobody

By the way, I was gathering information on a certain doll.

and .

I got some information.

694 Mr. Nobody


You're exactly right!

695 Mr. Nobody

I can only pick up a few words here and there, so it's not very subtle.

I think it's still the same thing, isn't it?

Mr. Lengard, I wonder if this is related to the event.

696 Nobody

Mr. Lengard, that little homunculus girl.

He called me "Tosama.

697 Nobody

What? !

I'm so jealous!

698 Nobody



Sorry, me too.

699 Mr. Nobody


Report and turn yourself in.

700 Mr. Nobody

Mr. Lengard was quick to dismiss it.

They were calling him Master.

I'm so sorry, but I'm not going to be able to do this anymore.

701 Nobody


Too late.

702 Mr. Nobody


Too late.

703 Mr. Nobody


It's irreversible.

--continued below


Love Strategy General part 2 [Looting


373 Nobody

It's pretty loose in the school, both academic and magical.

Sometimes there are guard cutters.

Well, it's a bunch of s*x boys for their age.

374 Nobody


Is that so?

375 Nobody

I'm a guy, but I have the title of [Otome Game Eye].

I can see the favors on the gauge.

376 Nobody


I love it!

377 Nobody


Otome Game Eyes: ......

378 Mr. Nobody


What, you don't mean ......?

379 Nobody

All I can see is Yaro's gauge: !!!!

I don't want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

380 Nobody

Ehh !!!!

I'm so jealous. !!!!


381 Nobody

Give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give me that title now!


382 Nobody


Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hold me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


383 Nobody

The Treasure of the World: !!!!

I'll kill you and take it from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


384 Nobody



385 Nobody


Run to the grocery store now.

Mr. Lengard and below.

Go check on the employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an order from us maidens who have lost our opportunity to men!

Refusal is not an option!

386 Nobody


That's terrible!

375 Poor guy.

But I'd like to know, please.


387 Mr. Nobody


Nice to meet you!

388 Nobody



389 Nobody


And an appraisal of Master Foyle at the Magic School.

390 Nobody

Well, I'll just...

Guilmouth of the Adventurers' Guild of the Isle

391 Nobody


I don't often have a guildmaster on the isle.

She's beautiful, isn't she?

I'm a guy.

392 Mr. Nobody


Are you a man? ......

I was going to go see it.

I quit.

393 Nobody

Did 375 go?

394 Nobody

I don't know.

395 Nobody

I'm sure the ladies will come in handy here.


396 Nobody

Why don't you just go into business?


397 Nobody

In exchange for a sill or a specified item

We can take care of the appraisal for you.

Awww, that's a lot of money!


412 Appraisal @ 375

I've seen it.

413 Mr. Nobody


414 Mr. Nobody

Oh, oh, oh!

Welcome back!

How was it?


415 Appraisal @ 375

I didn't see any handsome men.

White-haired shorty is 9:1

Dragonut is about 7:3.

I'm good for someone or two.

I don't know if it's for love or affection, I don't know if it's for people.

By the way, the average color is white.

If you like someone, the gauge appears tinted.

If there's white, there's a chance to capture it.

If you don't have it, then you can't get it, can you? That's my impression.

416 Nobody

Oh, thank you!

Thank you.

417 Nobody

Thank you, thank you.

418 Nobody

Well, thank you.

419 Nobody


What do you mean you can't see it?

420 Appraisal @ 375

It doesn't work if the opponent has the title [Eye] and

If the other party is not the target of the attack, it doesn't appear?

I heard that it can be changed to a target if the conditions are right?

421 Nobody

More on that too!

422 Appraisal @ 375

I ain't seriously testing against a yahoo!

423 Nobody

The eyes are for tools and minerals and materials.

The [eye] is a person or a demon or something, right?

Subject of appraisal

424 Nobody


-- continued