“I see. I’m sorry for meddling. I lost my husband a long time ago… I must have been unintentionally concerned.”

If the previous duke died when his successor, Leander, was young, the relatives would have flocked like flies for the inheritance.

“You must have suffered a lot.”

“Yes. How hard it was to deal with people who rushed for money like leeches… sigh.”

This lady must have a tough personality, unlike her appearance.

“Wasn’t it difficult?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Then don’t you have any advice for me in advance? It seems like something similar will happen to me.”

Mrs. Rizé grinned.

“But you’re a pretty good mother.”

“Ha ha ha​.”

When I heard the compliments, I was rather embarrassed. Because not long ago, I was the worst mother.

“What’s a little strange is that sometimes you look at Leah like someone who’s in debt.”

I flinched.


“Yeah…… I’m sorry. There’s no right word that comes to mind right now other than that. Anyway, I feel like you’re trying to focus your whole life on your daughter. It’s like someone trying to pay off a debt somehow.”

I’m not surprised by the word debt. She has good eyes.

“Do you think so?”

“Judging by your response, was it the correct answer?”

Mrs. Rizé, who asked lightly, fixed her crooked hat slightly and continued her words.

“It’s good for your daughter, but it’s dangerous to live your life entirely for her, like someone trying to pay off debt. If you do it wrong, you’ll become obsessed over her love later.”

It’s hard to deny that it’s true that I feel a great sense of guilt towards my daughter.

“You are a smart, passionate person. But it’s not good to hold back on everything that you want to do.”

Mrs. Rizé seemed to be looking into the past as she looked into the distance.

Did she have that experience with her son?

……it was a very difficult problem.

Seeing my face, Mrs. Rizé smiled brightly.

“That is, anything in excess is not good. Keep your life and raising your daughter in balance.”

“It’s difficult.”

“It’s not. Sometimes you just have to do what your heart desires.”

“Can I really do that……”

I murmured as I looked forward.

Leah was riding a swing with a boy of her age.

‘Currently, Leah is my only haven.’

Will the day come when I will be overly dependent on my daughter?

“If you are wondering what to do, can I help you a little?”

Mrs. Rizé, who spoke kindly, pointed to the boy playing with Leah.

“That boy, I saw him all the time in the medical center lately.”

“Did he get injured?”

“No, his mother is usually injured. Most are bruises.”

“So, is he hanging out here while waiting for his mother to be treated?”

“Yes, he is.”

Mrs. Rizé glanced at me.

“The boy’s mother’s name is Charlotte. I see her every time I go to the hospital. One day I asked her why she was hurt. Then she said that she always fell because she was limp.”

For some reason, I had a rough idea of ​​what happened to her.

“I told her to tell me if she needed help, but she refused. To be precise, she avoided me.”

“Was the cause……domestic violence?”

At my question, Mrs. Rizé sighed.

“That’s right.”

At this point, I have no choice but to ask.

“Why are you suddenly telling me this story?”

“Actually, I want to help her. But Charlotte is being controlled by her husband. She’s afraid to say anything, since there is no proof.”

I suggested a quick and naughty way.

“You are a powerful person. Even without evidence, a common man could be properly framed and sent to prison with your power.”

She grinned.

“But that’s not the right way. Besides, I wish Charlotte herself would be willing to get out of her own situation. Otherwise, her whole life may be dominated by the fear of violence.”

“……you’re right.”

Mrs. Rizé laughed softly.

“Noel, it’s the first time I’ve met the person who listened to this case seriously. That’s amazing.”


“Yeah, everyone implicitly hinted that if a husband beats his wife, there must be a problem with the wife. They thought that family matters should be solved from within and it’s none of their business.”

She muttered bitterly.

“Is that really the right way? Turning away and pretending not to know? Because everyone said I was wrong, sometimes I wonder if I was really wrong.”

I answered emphatically.

“No, you’re right, Mrs. Rizé.”

“……oh my.”

She laughed happily at my words.

‘Yeah, in this world most people have an outdated way of thinking.’

To be honest, I experienced this often when I was at my parents’ house, but this situation is a little different.

“But Mrs. Rizé, why are you even saying this to me?”

“It’s a little shameless, but I’m asking you for help now.”


“Please convince Charlotte. It might be possible if she talked to someone her age.”

I shook my head.

“I would have done it if it was me in the past, but now I have a young daughter. In fact, I plan to live a peaceful life in the future, and I have no intention of meddling in other people’s matters.”


“Besides, I’m sorry to say this, but I feel uncomfortable accepting a request from a woman I’ve only met twice.”

“I thought you would say that.”

It seemed like she had no problem being rejected and suspected of by me. Considering her social position, it can be said that she is very open-minded.

“But Noel, you are a better person than you think you are. I can tell just by looking at how you saved me from drowning, without knowing who I was.”

“It’s just a coincidence.”

“Few people save lives by chance.”

Mrs. Rizé got up slowly from the chair.

“By the way, neither you nor Leah will ever be in danger, because my son will help you two. He is stronger than he looks.”

“We only met twice. Why do you believe in me to the point that you make your son help me?”

There are not just one or two women who are aiming for him.

“I’ve been looking for a friend for decades.”

“A friend?”

“Yes, someone who will agree with my thoughts that everyone thinks is wrong. So from my point of view, you are precious, Noel.”


Mrs. Rizé’s expression became more and more lively. Her eyes were no different from that of a young man full of passion.

“Twice is enough. Besides… The only thing that grows with age is the eyes to judge. So this is for sure. Noel is a good person, and I really like people like you.”

She stared at me with her back straight.

“As I said before, it’s not good to hold back on everything that you want to do.”


Mrs. Rizé laughed slightly mischievously.

“Let’s see. You won’t be able to ignore my request.”

Seeing that expression, I had a thought in my heart that somehow I had lost.


That day, I returned home with Leah.

“That was fun!”

“Glad to know.”

It seems like it was quite fun to run and play with her peers.

It’s my first time raising a child, so there are a lot of things I am not very good at.

“Leah, what is the name of the friend you played with earlier?”

“His name is Eddie, he is 7 years old.”

Leah spoke cheerfully.

“Eddie comes to the playground often. He told me to play again with him the next time we meet.”

The friendliness of children is amazing.

“What else did you talk about?”

“He said he often plays hide and seek at home.”

Leah then lowered her voice, as if telling a secret story.

“Because Eddie’s father turns into a monster sometimes.”

At that, I held my breath for a moment.

“Then what did Eddie say?”

“That he hides in the closet. When that happened, his mother told him not to open the closet until his father returned to being a human again.”

“That’s amazing. What else did Eddie tell you?”

“Eddie’s father, who came back as a human, was very kind to him. He said that his father always promised Eddie’s mother that he would never change into a monster again.”

Leah spoke sullenly.

“But Eddie said that his father never keeps his promise. Eddie called his father a liar.”


I barely sighed and asked,

“Do you want to play with Eddie again?”

Leah hesitated and said,

“As long as Mom allows it.”

I was well aware of how serious this problem is. But I didn’t want Leah to know the reality already.

I gently stroked Leah’s head.

“Absolutely not allowed.”

Now that I’ve heard this story, it’s time to ask my heart.

Would you choose the comfortable but shameful way to live in peace with your daughter to the point of pretending you didn’t hear anything?