Chapter 17.1 - Vol. 2 Chapter 8.1

Chapter 17 part 1

* * * * *

A month had passed since I had left the Countdom.

There were numerous changes when I returned from the monastery.

The servants’ glances have changed, and there is a new person standing next to me.

“An escort knight?”

“That’s right.”

At Cedric’s calm answer, I tilted my head as if I had never thought of it.

Then I returned my gaze to William Spencer, who stood in the doorway.

‘Hi Husky?’

With his thick eyebrows standing out, he was a person with a fairly high rank in the White Eagle Knights.

Cedric became the next Commander of the White Eagle Knights when Camilla poisoned him.

‘Alright, I like this a lot.’

He’ll be enough to protect me.

Indeed, Adrian’s appearance, which evokes a bulldozer, has made me anxious.

Can I say that I came to the realization of the fear of the original story?

‘The submale lead is to that extent, but the Grand Duke, the main male lead, must be more……’

I’m not sure what he’ll do if I’m unlucky enough to run into him.

It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

“How is my mother? Is she doing well?”

Camilla was nowhere to be found in the Countdom. Neither Shannon or Emma.


Cedric was uninterested in responding.

“My mother must have been very busy.”

I spoke as if I were a frail filial daughter, but I could tell the moment I arrived in Countdom.

The chilly environment.

The servants who are really observant.

It was clear that there was an argument between Cedric and Camilla.

“I wanted to tell her about what happened in the monastery.”

“Why don’t you take your time and think about it? You must be exhausted as well.”

“My mother, too, I believe, will be interested in the Martial Arts Championship. Every year, the apprentice priest who has been actively observing it stated……”

“That’s all there is to it.”

Cedric became icy as I kept discussing Camilla while pretending not to know.

“Move your bedroom, Selina.”

“What? Suddenly?”

“Yeah. The annex is far too cold and isolated for a frail lady.”

Cedric’s eyes shone with a fierce determination I’d never seen before.

“Of course, there are some who disagree.”

He groaned and held down his rage as he stated this.

“With Camilla, change your room.”


Camilla’s room is the most opulent in the Countdom.

“Do it that way.”

As though he wasn’t actually listening any more, Cedric left the annex, stating he’d have the servant pack my belongings.

‘Oh yeah!’

With delight, I returned Penny’s gaze.

First and foremost, my aim was to switch rooms with Shannon.

‘But I managed to hook Camilla?’

A fishing needle tossed to catch a minnow caught a huge fish.

It was because Penny did her part nicely while I was in the monastery.

“The two of them have a huge argument.”

Penny explained what had happened earlier in the day as she packed away my few belongings.

“My mother and my uncle?”

“Yes, Lady. Do you want something to eat, my Lady?”

“No, I’m okay.”

“But, my Lady, you came home without having had your breakfast.”

“Yes, I know. I’m full despite the fact that I haven’t eaten anything.”

Ah, I want to see that face.

Unfortunately, I haven’t even met Camilla since I possessed this world.

‘The woman who looks like a snake.’

She’s elegant, but she’s also poisonous.

She actually poisoned Cedric…… And in the original story, Camilla confessed just before her death.

“I am the one who killed Joanna.”

She was ready to be decapitated since she was on death row.

Camilla informs Selina, who went to confirm the end of the Duke Maple family at the Grand Duke’s invitation.

“You know, Selina. Your mother. She vomited blood and died without a single scream. Do you know how terrible it was? Well, you couldn’t even see it.”

Camilla was beheaded as soon as she finished her words, as if she was swearing, and the frail Selina fainted at the same time.

As I read that, I remembered how frustrated I was at the time. How could such a disgusting revenge be possible?

‘It was a total waste.’

There was no winner in the story of the <Bound of Salvation>.

If I had to choose, I’d go with…… Grand Duke?

However, he was terribly twisted as well.

‘I don’t know how she killed Joanna, but I know how she poisoned Cedric.’

I decided to pretend to stutter in front of others until Franz came to visit the castle.

“It’s a pity that winter has come to an end. Madam should also be aware of how frigid the annex is in the dead of winter.”

Penny was torn between happiness and sadness.

Cedric, on the other hand, was bound to return to Camilla.

Even if Cedric came out like that now, his faith in Camilla could not be shattered in an instant.

“Has my mother been deafeningly quiet? Are you hurt?”

In my pocket is a magical stone that can heal any wound.

“I’m fine, my Lady. Madam, couldn’t call me because Commander has been observing her closely.”

“That’s reassuring.”

“On top of that, she still doesn’t believe my Lady speaks fluently now. Since she never sees it in person.”

“Oh, really? That’s great.”

“The only one who keeps staring at me is Emma. Even though I’m now officially a maid, she warned me not to think we’re on the same level.”

Penny snorted, as she typically does when she has a resentment towards Emma.

“Even so, do you think hitting is the only thing she can do?”

“Don’t be concerned about Emma.”

“Well, Lady Shannon is the true problem. I’m sure she’s excitedly trying to bully my Lady again……”

Shannon was nothing.

I’ve never worried about Shannon.

That child was very dependent and ignorant. If she doesn’t have anybody to lean on, she’ll be quiet as a clam.

“Don’t be concerned, Penny.”

When I held my dress and opened the door, William quickly lifted my luggage.

I spoke as if for him to hear as I walked by pretending not to see him.

“It’s a relief that winter is over. How chilly must it be for my uncle, who spends a lot of time outside?”

“Commander has been at the Countdom for quite some time. He also dispatched another person to survey the territory.”


I instinctively returned my gaze to William as I asked Penny a follow-up question.

He reacted with a nod when our gazes met.

“That’s… right.”

William Spencer.

He swiftly bowed his head and his ears turned crimson when I glanced at him.

I thought he was a knight with strong pride. I had no idea he could bend that easily.

In the original story, he confronted Camilla and left the Crawford family with the knights, who wanted to go to the capital together.

That’s why I was nervous inside.

I was concerned that I would have to confront him, but it didn’t appear to be necessary.

‘Maybe he didn’t like Camilla originally.’

Is that why he’s trying to get on my line?

Everyone would assume that my relationship with Camilla had altered since the bedroom had been changed.

Oh, except for my uncle who has no sense in that manner.

“Lord Spencer.”


“Would it bother you if I addressed you by your given name, Lord?”

Penny, who was standing behind me, gave me a surprised look.

“My Lady?”

Penny shook her head, as if to prevent me.

Except for Cedric, the Commander, Camilla and Shannon addressed the knights by their titles, which I understand.

In the sense of respect and gratitude.

This is because, while the knights are salaried, they are not workers of the Countdom.

Salary was a pure expression of gratitude for honorable knights’ loyalty.

‘And all that salary comes from Camilla’s family.’

But I don’t have the financial means to do so right now.

As a result, I desired loyalty at no cost to my knights.

‘Am I being too brazen?’

It makes no difference. If he doesn’t like it, never mind.


The easiest and most successful way of breaking past people’s barriers is to call their names.


“… Yes.”

“From what I’ve heard, you’re around my age.”

Same-age nonsense!

He said he was ten years older than me.

But William didn’t correct me when I was mistaken.

“If it’s an escort, we’ll constantly stick with each other in the future, but it’ll be beneficial if we get to know each other quickly. What do you think?”

As he bowed his head, I slightly bowed my head to check his expression.

“Do you dislike it? If I offended you, please accept my apologies.”

“Oh, no. That’s not the case.”

Only then did William’s face, which had been lifted, turn bright red.

“Then from now on…… Please address me as William.”

“Oh my god, Lord Spencer!”

Penny was surprised and pointed her finger at William’s face.

“Nosebleed! Your nose is leaking blood!”

He had not yet seen a steady trickle of blood dripping from his nose.

I put my handkerchief over his nose, surprised.

He chuckled cheerfully even when he saw the scarlet blood.

“My friends usually call me Willy……”

Regardless of his nosebleeds, William grinned shyly as he accepted my handkerchief with both hands.

‘Here’s one more eolppa!’

(T/N: 얼빠 – eolppa 얼굴 빠순 means someone whose falling solely because of appearance/face)

Even though I kicked my tongue inside, I smiled awkwardly at him.

It was good that I quickly recognized people like William after awakening from Selina’s body.

* * * * *