Chapter 55 - How am i looking?




Clara listened to the expected result but she showed her face like she was totally surprised. She was looking like that talented person who knows everything but was acting like she doesn't know anything and her acting was like it forced the director to deduct income as per her acting.

She was deep in her character but her manager messaged her for the meeting, she started crying as she hated those boring meetings where people were fighting without using abusing words…. Formal fights.

"Life is hard," she said to herself.

"Mia I have to go for the meeting" she said to Mia.

"You are going" Mia asked with a puppy face.

"Sadly" Clara answered in a sad voice as she really hated that place.

"… I am also going" Mia said

"Take care… I will send you but your house is in the opposite direction and I have to reach there soon" Clara said in a sad voice.

"Ok" Mia replied with a big smile that made Clara release.

Mia sat down and started drinking her coffee. Clara looked at her and started waving, she waved in response and Clara gave her a flying kiss that Mia made smile sweetly.

"I got a job... Job is equal to money and money equal to my aurora's facilities" Mia said while hugging her phone.

After drinking her coffee she went out from there and as soon as she stepped out a man came and took her mobile from her hands and started running.

She blinked her eyes multiple times and then shouted "thief" and started running like a hippo to catch him. Her heels were in her hands and she was running bȧrėfoot. That man was running and he was not running with a normal speed, he was looking like an athlete.

A black belt was following him while taking a long breath, suddenly a man with a small black ponytail appeared and started running like a crazy horse and Mia stopped there.

"Are they racing while taking my phone or am I slow or are they fast?" she said while taking a deep breath.

Poor her can't stop as she loves her phone too and she starts running once again….. Like a hippo.

After some time a man started coming towards her and there was a cut on his upper arm.

He came towards Mia and gave her his phone. Mia took her phone with a speed of light and then she said "you got a cut on your hand, my phone is not precious than your hand" a precious lie.

"It's ok" he answered with a smile.

Mia looked at him, his eyes were golden like an animal hunter, his face like a god of beauty.

A long cross earring was hanging in his right ear. He has a slim and strong body… Mia's innocent eyes got blessed after looking at him.

"Miss…. Are you fine?" he asked while looking at her blank face.

"No" she answered subconsciously.


"I mean... How can I be fine after looking at the man who got cut because of me?"

Ivan listened to her words and a smile appeared on his face.

"So, how will you compensate." He asked in a seductive voice.

"Let's go to the hospital" Mia answered without thinking anything.

"It's not a big cut ... it can be treated at my house or yours house" he replied with a smile which made Mia into her senses.

"What?" She asked in a shocked voice and she didn't ask to listen to the same words but she was giving him a chance to change his words.

Ivan laughed and said, "I mean if you want and you can treat me coffee at your place…. Only if you want"


"If you don't want to take a stray human at your home then how about a coffee after coming from hospital" he said to make her comfortable


Mia said with a big smile, she was looking like a happiest girl with great relief. Her eyes were shining in the happiness that she didn't have to take him home.

A black luxurious car was slowly passing from there which was driven by Kelvin and Auden was sitting on the back seat.

He stop the car and start looking the romantic scene and he said to Auden "don't she looks familiar"

Auden looked out and his eyes got filled with anger. Kelvin looked at Auden's new emotion which was definitely not only anger and asked," should call her"

"No… it's her life" he said in a low voice

"Oh" Kelvin said while enjoying the scene.

"Drive" Auden shouted and kelvin started driving at a snail speed. And his eyes were still there. He was the only person who was enjoying the show.

"Should I send you to the islands for research?" Auden asked and Kelvin started driving at a high speed.

"Investigate that man" Auden said to kelvin.

"What" kelvin asked. He was looking like that person who wanted to repeat the sentence not because to listen to the same thing but because to laugh at it.

"We need a member on an island called---"Auden said in a harsh voice.

"It's ok... I will investigate him for you, ``Kelvin said while cutting Auden's sentence and a great relief came on his face.

And a sigh of relief arrived on his face.


Days start passing, sun rises and then sets ….. Nothing was changing.

Auden was not able to face Mia, he was not confident about his own feelings and a week went by like that. With their daily routine. They used to wake up after being hit by sun rays. Mia starts working in the Auden Company and they start behaving like acquaintances there. There was a limited interaction between them during dinner time only.


The company was in great noise and everyone was talking about who would go with Auden in the tonight party as no female wanted to go with him, except his face. There was nothing good in him. He is cold then ice, he never cared about his female companion and there was two option left: Mia and kelvin (after changing into girl he will look cute lady with muscles)

In the company Mia was the only new employee after two years and she is working in the finance department. She was doing work seriously as there is a presentation tomorrow.

Auden was looking at her in the ŀȧptop from his office. She was looking calm and fresh.

A lady came today and asked her to come to the office.

Mia went inside nervously as it is rare that the head of the department calls someone.

She knocked on the door before entering.

"Come in Mia" a loud sharp woman came from the room.

She looked at the middle aged woman who was sitting there and there was a spectacle in her eyes which was making her look professional.

"Madam you called me" She asked calmly.

"Yes, there is a party tonight and you will go with the CEO" She said in a sharp tone while fixing the glasses.

"Me?" Mia asked in a shocked voice. Her mouth was half open after listing this.

"It is a rule of the company that new employee with go out in the party with a CEO so that he/she can be familiar with the people related with the company" she explained

Mia looked at her with a blank face as there was nothing left to say.

That lady stood up from her seat and gave a packet to Mia which contained a dress and ordered her to get ready as she had to be ready till seven.

Mia nodded and went away.

As soon as she left Kelvin entered the room with a wide smile as they both started laughing loudly.

*at seven*

Auden was standing in Lee's villa's living room and was waiting for Mia.

After some time Mia started coming towards him. She was looking like a modal; she was wearing a dark blue gown which was perfectly matching her skin tone and she was looking very beautiful in that color. It dipped low and curved around her body sėxily, the upper part of the gown was tied around her neck exposing her bȧrė back sėxily, the dress had the double slit which was showing her toned legs perfectly. Her long black hairs were laying perfectly on her shoulder and back; the dark eyeliner was showing her light blue eyes.

Auden looked at her and his eyes got fixed on her and the more they see her the more they want to see her. His innocent heart started running like a horse.

Mia went towards him and their eyes got locked with each other.

She was looking nervous as she never dressed like this before.

"How am I looking?" she asked Auden in a low and nervous voice. This question brings Auden into the reality; he blinked his eyes multiple times and said.




#to be continued