






各職業のエキスパートが開発した、スキルの発現を促す教程(カリキュラム)は大抵1週間程度で終わる. その短期間で、養成所にきた人間は大抵、複数の有用スキルを身につける. もちろん、それ相応の濃密な日々を過ごすことになるのだが.





私も、自ら体験したからこそ余計にそう思う. 地獄の教練とさえ呼ばれる過酷な教程(カリキュラム)を、一週間耐え切れる者でさえ希だ. もちろん厳しいだけあって、効果はあるし、大半がすぐに有用スキルを身につけ、養成所を後にする.


決して、長くいていいような場所ではない──一度そこを体験した者は、二度とそこに近づきたいとさえ思わなくなる. そういう場所なのだ.

私も、かなり粘った方だが、それでも二週間が限界だった. 王族ということで幼少期から教官達に手ほどきを受け、予備知識もあり、ある程度の準備があっても、それがやっとだった.















まず、訓練所の教官たちはここ『冒険者の聖地』と呼ばれるクレイス王国でも、そして世界を見回したとしても、飛び抜けて優秀な教官が揃っている. クレイス王国は世界最古とされる迷宮があることで有名だが、世界最高峰の冒険者とされる【六聖】の教える訓練所を目当てに訪れる外国からの留学生も、後を絶たない.


































鍛錬次第では、指先に火を灯すだけの最低位のスキル【プチファイア】ですら、こんな風に大きく成長させられるのだ、と. もっとも、実用性は皆無で二百年以上生きている自分のような暇人だからこういう無駄な研鑽も出来るのだ、とも──彼は授業中、冗談交じりに私に教えてくれた.










In other words, this person is at a point where even the world's greatest sorcerer, the great sage Oken, could not have reached - in addition to that sword technique that defeated the demon of the abyss, the Minotaur, with a single mass-produced one-handed sword.

I don't know how much he's learned at his age, but I can't tell you how much he's learned.

But his ability is clearly visible in this [petit fire].

And as he showed it to me, he asked me this question.

"Do you know what this means?


That's when it hit me.

What did I just show him?

Wasn't I just showing off a new high-level skill I had just learned?

I was ashamed of myself.

And then the person in front of me said to me.

"That's what I mean when I say I have nothing to teach you (・・・・・).

In that moment, I understood everything.

He had corrected my fundamental misunderstanding with a single word and a single action.

I became aware again.

I realized once again my folly in simply using the high-level skills I had just acquired.

And I understood at the same time.

It was this person after all...

This is the person I should be following right now.

The [Swordsman] instructor, Mr. [Swordsman] Sig, said to me after I had mastered all the [skills] that could be acquired in the one week curriculum.

He said, "Everyone recognizes your talent... no one in this capital can match you. Especially in terms of talent. But someday there will be someone who will surpass your talents, or who will guide your way of life, even if he can't quite match you. So don't be too proud.

I didn't know what he was talking about at the time and took it as just words of encouragement. .......

At the time, I didn't know what he was talking about and took it as just encouragement, but I think he was talking about this person who is right in front of me right now.

I'm witnessing the tremendous power of this person.

The moment the summoning spell was activated, I was warded with a [action block].

How, I don't know.

I was on my way back from the labyrinth, and I was completely off my guard.

It only lasts a few seconds.

But it was enough to kill me.

In the meantime, the guards who were trying to protect me were quickly dispersed.

The Minotaur swung his iron siege axe, and I was ready to die.

Or maybe I wasn't prepared at all.

Because I couldn't help but scream.

If I die, it will all be for nothing.

All the days I spent training for this country.

The days I spent with my mother, father, and brother.

All the conversations I've had with people I've met.

So many memories.

I'm connected to so many people.

All of that would come to nothing if my body was torn apart...  

I've never experienced such fear before.

Even if the [inhibition] had been lifted, my body and head would still have been rigid.

The last of the guards had fallen.

I still can't break the inhibitions.

At that moment, my face must have been twisted in fear as I realized that this was where it was going to end.

But at that moment... 

Something came flying at me at high speed.

It made a slight scratch on the Minotaur's eyeball, which was said to be harder than iron, and attracted the Minotaur's attention.

Ahead of him was a figure.

He was dressed in the muddy clothes of a construction site laborer, holding a one-handed sword that belonged to one of the guards.

The Minotaur lunged for him.

With tremendous speed.

It was difficult to even follow with the eyes, and a normal person would have died instantly just by touching it.

It swung its siege axe, which was as big as three people, towards the man.

No, it'll kill him too.

You should've run away sooner instead of worrying about me.

Another man will die because of me.

I felt like crying.

But then...

The man played.

The siege axe.

With a single, thin, one-handed sword.

After that, the battle was repeated over and over again, and the roar of the siege axe crushing something echoed around the area.

A battle so fierce that I could not even follow it with my eyes.

Before I knew it, the man was standing in front of me as if to protect me...

When I came to my senses, the head of the Minotaur had fallen off.

The man who saved me then left without telling me his name....

I wondered who he was, and searched for him desperately.

He saved me when I was in danger.

I couldn't help but feel indebted to him for saving my life.

But regardless of this, I may have begun to take an interest in the man himself.

Yesterday, my father handed over to this person the Black Sword, a labyrinthine relic that he used to love.

I don't know what my father saw in this person.


I'm sure he felt something too.

Something about this man.

He got rid of everything.

The Minotaur, the one who attacked me through a plot by another country.

All the dazzling treasures, status, and honor that were offered to me one after another.

I'm proud to say that I'm a very useful person if I wanted to be.

My father says that he has been reluctant, but there are many political marriage proposals.

Even if I had asked for a squire, I would not have been taken seriously.

No matter what I offered him, he said he didn't want or need any of it.

In a word, this man is strong.

Not only in strength but also in spirit.

He has the strength to live on his own, he doesn't need anything.

He doesn't give in to anything.

Not only that... he has the strength to help others.

This person is an adventurer who takes on daily quests to clean up ditches.

Despite having so much power, he is doing a job that no one else wants to do.

He has so much power, yet he doesn't use it for himself.

Maybe what he did to help me is really "nothing" to him.

That's everyday life.

It's normal.

Maybe I just happened to be one of them.

I've never seen anyone as strong as this man before.

I'm in a position to lead this country with my brother in the future.

It is the sole family motto of the House of Crace that those who are of royal blood should be strong.

Then I need to learn his strength more than anything else.

That's what I've come to understand.  

"Yes. I understand now... my pride. And immaturity.

I still haven't been accepted by this person.

But I'll never give up.

Not until he does... and I truly understand his strength.

"It was really too presumptuous of me to ask you to be my disciple. It's no wonder that you can't accept me as I am now .......

My feelings may not be understood.

I may be shunned.

But... even if it takes a lifetime, I'm going to follow this person.

That's what I decided.

"Until one day I will be recognized as your disciple, Master Noor. No, Master Noor. Until then, I will always follow you.

The answer I've been seeking...

No, the supreme strength that we of the House of Crace have sought for generations.

It must be in this man.