



「なんと麗しい. まさに神の御使い」





「皆、静まれ. 猊下が口を開かれるぞ. 聖なるお言葉を聞き漏らすな」


本国の式典に出席経験のあるごく一部の者を除き、信者の殆どがその姿を見たことがなかった. ましてや、声を直に聞いたものなど数える程もいない.



……あ、お会いしたことがある方もいらっしゃると思いますが、多分、初めましての方もたくさんいらっしゃると思います. だから、そう言っておきますね.

私は神聖ミスラ教国の教皇、アスティラです. 今日は皆さんに一つ、お願いがあってこのように姿を見せることにしました. とても大事なことですので、もしよろしければ、お仕事をしている方もお手を止めて聞いてくださると嬉しいです』






『まず……私はひとつ、みなさんに謝らなければならないことがあります. 先日のミスラでの騒ぎを耳にした方はたくさんいらっしゃるでしょう. 大聖堂地下の『嘆きの迷宮』から魔物があふれ、人を襲ったと. それでお分かりの方もいらっしゃると思いますが……それは本来、ありえないことなのです. つまり────『嘆きの迷宮』は今に到るまでずっと踏破されていなかった、ということになります』


「……? ……どういうことだ……?」


「……鎮まれ. 教主様のお話の最中だぞ」


『……いきなり、そんなことを言われても、殆どの人が困惑しますよね. ですがここでは、事実だけをお伝えしようと思います. きっとみなさん驚かれるでしょうが……心して聞いてくださいね』

The congregation listened to him with some confusion.

But soon after, the next words caused great confusion among the faithful.

"────, the 'Saint Mithra' we worshipped as a god.

It was a monster from the depths of the labyrinth. I didn't know that, and I've been passing on the teachings I received from that monster as an oracle to you. That is the first thing I have to apologize to you for.

The congregation groaned and looked at each other.

Pope Astila paused for a moment, as if he could see their confusion and clamor, and then slowly opened his mouth again.

No wonder you are all surprised. ...... But I hope you will listen to the rest. It is important for the future of our Mithraism.

With the Lord's words, the congregation came to their senses and the clamor that had risen subsided.

With the Pope's words, the congregation came to their senses and the uproar subsided.

That powerful demon, accompanied by the overflow of demons from the Labyrinth of Sorrows, tried to destroy Mithra. But fortunately, it was quickly defeated with the help of a guest who attended the coming-of-age celebration of Prince Tirens that day. One of those guests was a demon tribe.

Suddenly the figure of the Pope disappeared and a small boy was projected in front of the congregation.

──── His name is Roro, a boy of the demon tribe. He was willing to risk his life to protect us. He's from Mithra, a long-time enemy of ours. We were attacked by demons, and by working with him, we were able to survive the great ordeal.

His appearance and story had the congregation reeling and buzzing.

"So that's the ...... demon tribe.

"The demon tribe and the congregation of Mithra have collaborated? That's absurd. That's an evil, hostile race.

...... Do you doubt the word of the Lord?

But ────

...... No, I did hear that. A huge dragon flew over the holy city of Mithra and destroyed the horrible demons with a divine light.

You're saying that you fought with ......? The Lord of the Faithful and the demons.

This would not have been possible before.

...... As you know, the people of Mithra have recognized the demon tribe as their enemy and have been fighting against them for a long time. In the process, many believers were killed by them, and ...... we also killed them. We do not mean to forget the past. But I think we need to build a better future on that bloody history. This boy's dedication shows us one possibility.

The congregation gazed at the image of the boy projected before them.

He certainly doesn't look as evil as ...... we've heard.

But ...... it is a race with a fearsome nature. And I'm not just talking about looks.


「だが先ほど、教主様ご自身がおっしゃられたではないか. 『神託』が間違っていた、と. それはつまり、同時に教主様が間違われたということになるぞ」





『……私たち『ミスラ教』はもう『魔族』と敵対することをやめにしようと思います. かつて『聖ミスラ』からもたらされたミスラ教の『教え』も、皆さんにとって有益なものを見極め改訂することになるでしょう. もしかしたら、『神聖ミスラ教』という名称も新たにする必要もあるかもしれません.

私たちにはこれから、大きな変化が待ち受けています────ですが、皆さん. ここから、私からひとつ『お願い』があります』



『────どうか、引き続き、私についてきていただけないでしょうか. 先ほどお伝えした通り、私は誤った教えを広めるという大きな過ちを犯しました. でも、だからこそ……私は、私を信じてついてきてくださった人を、これから先もちゃんと幸せな生へと導く義務があると思っています』

信徒たちに、その願いを受け入れる理由はなかった. 自ら間違いを認めた教主を信じる理屈も、もはや存在しなかった.




『だから────できればでいいので、また少しだけ、私を信じていただけると嬉しいです. どうか、これからも私に皆さんが幸せになるためのお手伝いをさせてください』



『これからのことですが……まず最初に、これまで二百年以上もの間、皆さんが『聖ミスラ』に寄進した宝物を全て信徒の皆さんにお返ししたいと思います. 個人にお返しすることが難しい場合はお金に換え、皆に行き渡るように公平に分配します.


最早、多くの信徒は彼女の言葉を浴びながら、恍惚とさえしていた. 会場に集まった信徒の半数は再び考えることを辞め、教皇の姿と声を追うことに夢中になっていた.


信徒の皆さんがいらっしゃるからこそ、私は教皇という名の役割を続けることができます. 信徒の皆さんをより良い生へと導く、繋ぎ手として.




ただ、教主から発される声. 姿. それらを一片残らず頭の中に入れ、持ち帰る. 今や、そうすることだけが、自分たちの義務とさえ思えた.

...... Please let me continue to walk the same path as you. Although I am still in my infancy, I ask that you let me share in your labors and joys and walk with you as you have done in the past. Let me overcome any hardships in the future together with you.

That is my only request to you, .......

Saying this, the apparition of Pope Astira bowed deeply to his followers.

"......My Lord, ......?

This is the first time I've ever been to a wedding.

──── This concludes the first installment of "The Word of the Lord. The spokesman will inform you of the next time. Wait for further news.

A few moments later, the soldier's voice echoed through the hall, and the congregation was told to disperse.

"The first time? ...... Maybe there's another one?

As the congregation began to walk towards the exit of the hall, they shared their impressions of what they had just heard and seen.

"...... Hey, what do you think of what the Lord just said?

"What do you mean, ......, it's too difficult for me to understand. What do you think?

"Same. ...... So, in short, we 'Mithraists' don't have to hang that creepy skeleton on our houses anymore, do we?

──── Oh, come on! If you say something like that about St. Mithra here, you'll be ...... arrested by the church soldiers for impiety. Well, I guess that's okay now.

Maybe that's what you're talking about.

The congregation continued their thoughts as they walked.

...... Actually, I've been scared of that thing since I was a kid.

"Me too. Honestly, it's creepy.

"Yeah, I've always wished it wasn't there.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to remove that painting from the wall of your house?

Yeah. I guess so. I mean, maybe there's nothing wrong with ......, right?

Yes, there is. We were just following the Lord's will regarding the teachings and the demons. We will continue to do so.

"Yeah. I'm more than happy to see the Lord's face again like that. Watching that today, for the first time I'm glad that my family has been Mithraic for generations.

I'm really looking forward to the next one. ...... I might not be able to sleep the night before the next one because of the excitement.

So the first thing you're going to do is remove the Saint Mithra statue from the wall of your house?


I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.

It's ....... I'm still not convinced. If there really is no St. Mithra, then what should we believe in and worship ......? If there really is no 'Saint Mithra', what should we believe in and worship ......?

This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.

I'm sure you know what you're going to be worshipping. ...... I'm sure you know what you're going to be worshipping.

Oh. I'm sure the Lord will continue to guide us in the future.

It's the ──── Lord. We should worship him.

Yes. Why don't we hang a picture of the Lord instead of St. Mithra?

Oh, ......! That's a good idea. That's a good idea. The image of the Lord would make the house look more beautiful.

The surrounding congregation reacted to the topic at once.

I'm going to ask a painter I know to do a portrait of the Lord immediately.

"──── Oh, that's me too! I want mine!

"...... I want one too. I want one too. I'll ask my relatives for theirs.

...... for my whole family, too. Can you double the number of spares? I'll take a deposit, but make it as big as possible.

"No, ......, I don't think I can paint that many at once. ......?

In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the site, you can contact us at our own web site.

I'm not sure what to say.


In the event that you've got any questions concerning where by and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

"...... Is that correct, Mr. Tyrence?

"Yes, very well, mother.

...... Did I say the wrong line? Isn't your posture weird? ...... Now that you mention it, you don't have any bad sleeping habits, do you, ......?

Of course I'm fine. I think it was a great speech that will go down in history.

I think it was a great speech. I'm glad to hear you say so, Mr. Tillens. I was really nervous. ...... But I've always wanted to do something like this. So it was a very good experience.

Pope Astira said and smiled softly.

The old man standing behind them also laughed as he stroked his white beard, which he was proud to have on his chin.

"Ho ho! But I was on the lookout for you to say something unscripted.

"Well, I'm not surprised, Oaken. I'm not proud of it, but I have a good memory, you know? I'm not proud of it, but I have a good memory.

Well, I don't doubt that too much. ...... I was just worried that you'd get clever and make some crazy ad-libs! Well, the gist of the content was exactly as written in the manuscript. ...... To be honest, I thought my heart would stop beating because of the strange deviation from the start! Ho ho!

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

"Holy Oaken. I would like to thank you once again for providing the number of oracle balls that can be distributed to all church branches, and for your great cooperation in this speech ────.

"Hoho! You're so polite! This time, it's also a test run for the new oracle ball, and you guys also provided us with the funds and the red stone to power it. It's quite advantageous for us as well. I'd like to thank you for the opportunity!

"...... No. If it weren't for that magic tool of Mr. Oken's being distributed to the various church branches, it would have been impossible to communicate our intentions to the Mithraists. It's fortuitous for our country that one of your mother's closest friends is an expert in magic tools like you. ......

Isn't that a bit much praise ......?

I was really surprised, too. I was really surprised that you invented such a useful tool. I'm impressed, Oaken.

Oaken stroked his beard in embarrassment at Astira and Prince Tirens' repeated words of praise.

"Ho ho! I'm not as old as I'd like to be. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this. I think it would be quicker to show them this way! I'm glad it went well. ...... It was a bit of a bummer, but I'm glad it went well.

I'm glad it went well." "Oh, ......, so it was a last-ditch attempt after all. I had a feeling it was going to happen, and to be honest, I was worried it might break down at some point.

"Ho ho ......? It's a mutual thing!

As Oaken and Astila looked at each other and laughed, they saw a figure with deep scars on his face approaching them.

"High Priestess. It's a pleasure to meet you.

"Um, are you ...... from the Kingdom of Crace?

"Yes. I'm the leader of the neighboring kingdom of Crace.

The man with the deep scars on his face stopped in front of Astila, and the two faced each other quietly.

"Nice to meet you, my king. ...... I'm Astira, the real one.

I've heard of you. You really do look like each other, don't you?

Yes. I had no idea that such a thing walked the earth.

They looked at each other and smiled a little.

"I hear that your daughter Linneburg has been very helpful. I heard that her life would have been in danger if not for your work. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude, not only as a king, but also as a parent.

"Oh, I see. You are Leanne's ...... Hmm, she is a very reckless girl, isn't she? It was a close call at the time. I'm so glad he survived.

"...... Oh. I can't thank you enough for what you did. I can't thank you enough for what you've done. Of course, it's a private thank you, so it won't be much, but ...... I'll do what I can.

"No, you can't thank me enough, my king. No, you can't thank me at all, King. Isn't it only right to help her? As long as Lean-san is fine, there's no problem at all!

The king smiled, narrowing his eyes at Astila, who gave him a small thumbs-up on his chest.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's wrong with me.

"Is that so?

Yeah. To be honest, the previous high priest was anxious and worried about when he would be taken and eaten. But I think I can talk to you without hesitation.

"Hmmm ...... I'm not a demon. I'm also glad that the king of the next country isn't a scary guy.

"Yeah, I totally agree. I hope we can have a good relationship in the future.

Yes. I have many benefactors in the kingdom of Crais. Including your daughter, of course!

I see. Then perhaps I should be more grateful to my daughter.

Yes, she's a very good daughter!

The two figures, who were the top figures in the two neighboring countries, looked at each other and smiled happily.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that." "...... Oh, by the way, Leanne is here today, right?

"Ah. I'm over there with Rollo, chatting with Milva, the new Emperor of the Magic Empire. I was going to include you in the conversation, but I thought it would be too long to talk about ...... their age. I was the first to arrive.

"I see. I'm glad to see you're doing well.

Astila smiled quietly and looked around slowly.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one. I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that. There are a lot of ...... unfamiliar faces.

Astila looked at the faces of the visitors in the hall, and when their eyes occasionally met, she gave them an amiable smile and a small wave.

It was then that I asked her if she would like to walk around with me afterwards to say hello. I'll call out their names so you'll remember them.

"...... Oh! That's very helpful! I'm very confident in my memory, so just ask me once and you'll be fine.

It's a good idea to know the names and faces of the important people in the surrounding countries for future reference, even if it's ────

The king looked around the hall with only his eyes.

I don't see the head of Salenza in the south. I heard he was invited as well.

Oaken sniffed next to the wondering King.

"....... I meant the rich man. They're probably bending their bellies anyway. This speech is all about how they're going to lose money. They must be very unhappy if they won't send a messenger.

"Everything else seems to be in order. Let's take Leanne with us anyway. If you introduce her to everyone you know, it'll make things less awkward.

...... Let's do that. I look forward to working with you. ...... Oh, by the way...

Astila looked around again, as if looking for someone.

"Noor is not here today?

The king looked slightly reluctant at Astila's question.

"...... Oh, yes. I've been meaning to tell you, but unfortunately the man is not here today. I also wanted to ask him to attend this ceremony with my daughter, but he ...... refused without hesitation.

You're a king. ...... You're the king.

...... Oh. I'm not able to make it today, so tell him I said hello.

Behind the king and Astira, Oaken curled his fingertips around his prized beard in thought.

...... Really, what is he thinking? It's a shame. It's a shame, because he's a major player in this, and it's definitely a historic moment, and he should have been there.

You're right. But he told me he couldn't come today because he had something he had to do. Instead, he asked me to give you this.

"...... What, for me?

In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

"What is ...... this ......?

I've heard it's a kind of amulet. Actually, I got the same one.

I wonder if it's a ...... sculpture of a demon attacking people?

No, it's a bear.

"A bear?

Astira narrowed her eyes with a more curious look and looked at the strange wooden figurine in her hand.

"You gave this to me?

She said it had some connection to you. Does that ring a bell?

............. ............ or ............ at all.

The two men looked at each other with confused expressions.

...... I see. I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.

"........................ Do you want it? Mr. Tyrence.

Yes, I'll take it since you asked. But what does this really mean, ......?

"The man said he was sure they (・・・・) would understand.

"...... themselves? What is that, ......?

For a while, the three of them looked at the bear figurine with outstretched arms with delicate expressions, looked at each other again and again, and tilted their heads.