















入り組んで見通しの悪い路地に所狭しと並べられている、魔術師が使うらしい何だかよくわからない薬の瓶や、何かの武器防具の素材になるらしい奇妙な生き物の皮や角. そして見たことのない珍しい果物や、何に使うのかさっぱりわからない道具類.





今日はいつもより、かなり多めに金を持ってきたし、せっかくならちゃんと使おうと思ってここにきた. でも正直、ここにはいろんなものがありすぎて、逆に何を買ったらいいのかさっぱりわからなくなるのだ.






「なあ、そこの兄ちゃん……朝からずっとウチの前を行ったり来たりしてるけど、何か用か? 用がないならどっか行ってくれよ. ここ狭いし、何も買わない奴は邪魔なんだよ」




「いや、ちゃんと何かを買うつもりでここに来たんだが……色々ありすぎてな. 何を買ったらいいのかわからないんだ」

「何だ、やっぱり素人かよ……ここいらは専門家(プロ)向けの商材を扱ってる店がほとんどだ. 悪いが一般人とじゃあんまり商売にならねえし、もうちょっと勉強してから出直してきな」



...... Let's ask around anyway.

"What do you sell here?

We're a supply store for farmers. We also sell fertilizer and tools, but our ...... mainstay is seeds, as you can see. Well, I guess you could call us a seed store.

There are many small bags hanging in the store, and they are filled with something.

When I looked closely, I could definitely see something that looked like seeds.

"These are all seeds, ......? Wow.

"Yes, they are. I'm sure there's a lot of stuff the layman hasn't seen before.

There are so many different kinds of seeds.

As I stared at the bag of seeds in admiration, the man looked at me with a more bored expression.

He looked at me with a more bored expression. "Are ...... seeds that rare? You've seen them before, haven't you? You know, the ones you grow in the field and then harvest.

Yeah. Yeah, I've seen that. I've grown crops for food before.

Hmm? You ever been in a field?

Yeah. I've been doing it for about 20 years, ever since I can remember.

Oh, you're an experienced farmer, ....... Twenty years? You've done a lot of .......

The man who was guarding the store, who looked like a pain in the ass, changed his eyes a little.

I've been doing this for quite a while now.

I've been helping out in the fields since my father died and my mother was still alive and well, so that's probably how long I've been doing it.

I think that's how long I've been helping out in the fields. ...... I see. So the body and scars ...... make a little sense. You're an adventurer who came from a farming family? I'm sorry to pry, but ...... you're right, aren't you?

"Well, not exactly, but ...... something like that. I'm an adventurer now.

Are you still working in the field? No, not while working as an adventurer.

Yeah. I haven't been doing it since I came to King's Landing. You can buy good food without cooking it yourself, and it's much better to eat at a restaurant if you have some money. I've gotten used to it.

"......, I guess. That's what going out on the town is all about. But it would be a shame to throw away that ...... experience.

The man looked up at the ceiling with a strange sense of emotion.

Did this man also come to King's Landing from somewhere else?

Surprisingly, he seems to like to talk. Maybe he's just bored.

But 20 years of working in the fields since you were a kid is impressive. That must have been hard work.

"Well, I've always been alone. I only had to grow enough for myself, and as long as I took care of it, it produced well.

"...... alone? What about your family?

The man was surprisingly interested in what I had to say and leaned forward.

My father and mother died when I was little. I've been alone ever since.

I've been alone ever since." "I see. ...... You've been struggling, too. ...... You've been farming to survive on your own since you were a kid. That's pretty good, that's .......

The man looked at my face and teared up a little.

I'm sorry for treating you like an amateur, ....... You're definitely qualified to come to us. Well, you can ask me anything. I'll teach you when I'm free.

Suddenly, the man's attitude changed.

Suddenly, the man's attitude changed. ...... Now, I feel like I've made a big misunderstanding.

Even though I've been working in the field for a long time, I'm still an amateur.

Nevertheless, the store keeper, who seemed to be a bit of a pain in the ass at first, seemed to be in the mood to talk to me.

There are many products in this store that I am very interested in.

Just in time, I decided to ask him some questions.

...... Is this a seed? It just looks like a root to me.

At my feet was a large box full of what looked like black roots.

I was told that this was a 'seed store', but no matter how I looked at it, it didn't look like a seed in size, but if it was a seed, I was very curious about what kind of crop it would grow.

"No, that's not a seed, it's just what it looks like on ....... It's a root.

"Oh, so it's not a seed?

I listened to the man's explanation, a little disappointed.

"Oh. "Yeah, it's called 'Mandragora', the roots are edible. If you plant it in the soil, it will gradually grow.

"...... Mandragora?

Yeah. It's called that because its roots are similar in color and texture to the dangerous magical plant 'Mandragora'. Well, the resemblance is only in appearance, don't worry, it won't make you scream or curse if you pull it out.

I don't know about this 'mandragora' plant, but is this seemingly creepy thing a food too?

"Crop, you mean these roots are edible?

"Yes, it is. When boiled or roasted, it becomes quite sweet. It's good for beginners too, because you can just plant it and water it and it will grow even on thin land.

"You can grow sweet things even if the land is thin? That's good.

In my experience, it takes a lot of effort to prepare the soil.

The nutrient content of the soil makes a big difference.

It must be a very good crop if it can grow well in a thin soil.

Would you like to try one?

Are you sure?

Yeah. I just baked some. It's a snack for me.

Okay. I'll take it.

I took it without reservation and put it in my mouth.

...... It's definitely sweet.

You know? It's even sweeter when it's cooked.

I see.

The meat was tender, and a slight sweetness spread in my mouth even without chewing.

I was surprised to find that I could enjoy it so much just by grilling it.

If it can be grown on a thin land, it must be a very good crop.

"This is nice. ...... Can I have a bag of it?

"Oh, what. Are you going to start a farm again?

No, I don't plan on it for a while, but it's ...... good for a snack.

Yeah, they keep well and you can just burn them.

As he spoke, the man put some black roots in a bag and presented them to me.

"Here you go, that's ten copper coins. That's ten copper coins. I gave you a little extra.

"Oh, thank you.

I handed him the money and received a bag of 'Mandragora'.

When you're ready to start farming again, I'll give you a hand. I'll be happy to serve you.

"Yeah, I'll see you then.














同じ日用品や食べ物でも、高級品を買えばお金は減るかもしれないが、そもそも、どこに行けば買えるのかという知識がない. 土地や建物なども買えば減るだろうが、そもそも、そんなものはいらないしな…….





あんなにも色々な種類の商品が、余っているところから仕入られ、必要としている誰かに届けられる. きっと『市場』というのはその一場面でしかないが、その流れの一端を見ているだけで楽しくなってくる.

王都の市場を眺めるほどに、南にある『商人の国』サレンツァというのにもますます興味が湧いた. 俺にとっては王都の市場でさえ巨大と思えるが、聞けば、サレンツァの首都の市場はまるで規模が違うという.


街の大きさも、人の多さも王都の数倍だという. そこにどんな場所があるのか見当もつかないが、王都でこれだけ楽しめたのだから、きっとサレンツァの街はもっとすごいのだろう.















The uncle of the guild told me that I should hire someone for that purpose. ...... I don't really know what kind of person I should hire for that either.

I'll have to consult him again.

As I was walking down the main street of the capital, it was getting dark, I suddenly felt someone approaching me from behind.

I was a little surprised to see someone suddenly standing behind me in the middle of the crowd, but when I turned around ......, there was Leanne, the girl I had imagined.


...... Lean. It's been a while.

I hadn't seen her since she invited me and her father to go to Mithra.

It's strange how easy it is to find yourself wherever you are, but ...... I've gotten used to it.

You can think of it as being found by a bird.

How did you find me in such a crowded place? ...... Oh, so you tracked me with your skills again?

"Yes. I didn't think it would be polite to find out where you were without permission, but ...... I wanted to ask you a favor as soon as possible.

A favor?

Yes. I was wondering if you could follow Mithra and head south with me to the commercial district of Sarenza.

You're going to Salenza with me?

I was just thinking about going to Salenza, so it was like I was caught off guard.

So, you're a courier again?

"...... Yes, ostensibly. My father thought it would be a good idea. I know this is a very urgent and confusing request, but I would really appreciate your help. That's because this time, I'm the heir to the throne. ────


...... What?

Actually, I've been wanting to go to Salenza myself. It's rather convenient.

Lean, who was trying to explain something, looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"You too?

"Yeah. It's not much of an errand, but ...... you can afford to do some shopping on your way there, can't you?

Yes, yes, of course.

I'd love to go. In fact, I'd even pay for the trip myself.

No, no! That's not true. ......! You don't have to pay anything to Dr. Noor. ......! We'll take care of all the expenses for your stay, so please don't hesitate to ask for anything.

...... No, that means I can't use my extra money.

Well, I guess I don't need her permission to spend my own money on the road.

If you spend it without saying anything, there is no problem.

Besides, I heard that the country of Salenza is very difficult to enter without permission.

If I had tried to get permission on my own, I wouldn't have been able to leave at all. That alone would have been a great help.

I feel a little embarrassed as a grown-up to be relying on a girl from a rich family for everything, but I'm really lucky to have ...... her as an acquaintance.

So, when are you going?

It's ──── really urgent, but I'm hoping to leave soon.

Oh, well. That'd be great for me too.

The construction site is closed for the vacations, but I'm sure the work will come back after a while. It would be best if I could go to Salenza and come back during that time.

I'm really hoping for the best, and I'm a little scared.

"If it's all right with you, Doctor, I'd like to leave for ...... tomorrow morning.

Okay. Give me a minute. I'll get you some money to take with you on your trip.

No, no. We'll pay for everything over there at ────.

No, it's for personal purchases. I don't want to spoil it for you.

So I hurried to the adventurer's guild.