When you talk, the atmosphere is relaxed.

Because of the large number of people, we still divided into two groups to chat, but they all gathered in the courtyard of Su Chen's main courtyard. Guo Xiaoshi directed the housekeeping to move a pile of tables, chairs and benches, and then brought a lot of fruits and snacks.

A group of people are divided into two groups in the yard, men and women. Several children also get together to play games. The three children are teenagers, and they will certainly not be as noisy as children.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Qingya seems to have changed a lot after what happened before. At noon, Gu Qingya was not very close to Yu and others, but just got along as a strange friend. But after returning this time, Gu Qingya seems to be interested in making friends with Hu and others, or making friends with Su Chen, so she has a very harmonious conversation with her sister-in-law and Zheng Rui.

The three of her sister-in-law and Zheng Rui seem to have misunderstood something between Gu Qingya and Su Chen, so they are also very enthusiastic about Gu Qingya and have a harmonious atmosphere with each other.

On Su Chen's side, Su Chen simply said what had happened before. After several people understood it, they didn't say much. After all, they said everything they should say. It would be too much to say more.

After that, Su Chen said that he met Lao Guo and Shayi, and said the idea of shooting variety shows by the way.

Yu Juan and Yue Yunpeng are both old people in the entertainment industry. Sun Yue is relatively low-key. Basically, they leave the country to talk about crosstalk. Therefore, when it comes to variety shows, Yu Juan and Yue Yunpeng have something to say.

"Man, do you want to make variety? What's the purpose? For fun or fame? Or simply to make money?"

Yu Ying asked.

"Can't we give consideration to both? Since we shoot variety shows, we must run for the ratings, otherwise we might as well entertain ourselves. Of course, we don't lack money, so we must shoot some good works, and we'd better give consideration to entertainment."

"Uncle, your request is not low!" Yue Yunpeng frowned.

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "if you want to shoot, you must shoot the best. It's not difficult. Who can play? If you can't get a good work, we might as well go on a trip. Why waste time here?"

Yu Xun thought for a moment and said, "I know what you mean, but we don't know much about making variety shows. It's hard to make good works!"

Su Chen thought about it, then took out his mobile phone and searched on the Internet, mainly to find out what the variety shows in the world have. He wanted to see if he could learn from the experience of his previous life.

This search really inspired Su Chen. Su Chen mainly searched for "yearning for life" or similar programs. He liked to watch this program in his previous life. It was relaxed, leisurely and comfortable, which was very suitable for him. So we mainly search for such programs.

Not to mention, there is really no "yearning for life" in this world, but there are similar programs. However, it seems that the ratings of the programs are not very good. The main reason is that they do something specious and fail to grasp the core of yearning, so they are blind to a creativity!

After the initial failure, naturally there was no follow-up. Therefore, it seems that the world has not developed yet.

For a time, Su Chen began brainstorming and had countless ideas.

First of all, the core of the program must refer to yearning. The main purpose is to relax, eat and enjoy life.

However, the environment and conditions are different. Su Chen must not copy it. He must have his own characteristics.

After thinking for a while, a program prototype gradually took shape in his mind.

"Brother Xiao'er, I have an idea!"

After thinking about the creativity of the program, Su Chen said.

Others are thinking hard about the creativity of the program. As soon as Su Chen opened his mouth, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, including the women on the other side. Although they were chatting, they were also paying attention to things here intentionally or unintentionally. They were very curious when they heard that Su Chen was going to shoot a variety show and had a creativity.

"You talk about it first," Yu Xuan said.

Although they know Su Chen is a layman, no one here will underestimate Su Chen. They all know something about Su Chen more or less. They know that this person's ability can't be considered with common sense.

After organizing the language, Su Chen said, "I mean, let's have a variety show of life. The content of the program is our daily life. What we pay attention to is the word 'truth'. Try not to play the script, refuse the traces of performance, and present the audience with the most natural living state.

There are four features of the program, life, labor, food and local tyrants!

As for the so-called life, our group of people are permanent guests to form a big family, which is located in this big house. Then the daily task of permanent guests is to entertain customers with limited living expenses. The guests are flying guests invited by the program group. After the guests come, they are like visiting friends' homes in life. They should play, make noise and chatter It reflects a real life state and makes the audience feel more substitute. This is the basis of the program.

The second is labor. Since it is a family, the expenses of the family must not appear out of thin air, which requires resident guests and flying guests to earn together. There are many ways to earn money, which can be obtained through labor, performance programs or open-door business. The specific links can be discussed again. This is the supporting link of the program, which is both entertaining and interesting.

Then there is the highlight of the program - food. Whether it's TV dramas, movies or variety shows, food is always one of the highlights that attract the audience. There is a word called beautiful food. For food, whether you can eat it or not, as long as your food is delicious and attractive enough, it can make people happy physically and mentally, even just watching it. Moreover, food programs are the most delicious and can cultivate fans, This is an indispensable feature of the program, and I have absolutely no problem in this aspect.

Finally, local tyrants. I am an outsider. If I want to participate in the program, I must be famous. My biggest feature is the local tyrant, so I appear as a local tyrant. Even the name of our program can be called "my friend is a local tyrant" or "the leisurely life of the local tyrant family". I will show some of my collections appropriately during the program, and then auction my collections in some form of auction at the end of the program, Or you can let the resident guests and flying guests make some gadgets in the program and save them for the final auction, and then all the money from the auction will be used for charity, and the accounts will be completely open, which is the sublimation of the program theme! "

Su Chen said for a long time. After feeling that everything to say had been said, she drank tea, and then looked at the people: "what? This is what I thought temporarily. There must be some shortcomings. If there are any problems, just say it!"

However, everyone stared at Su Chen, and no one spoke.

A moment later, Yu Xuan looked at Su Chen seriously. "Xiao'er, are these things really what you just thought of?"

"Yes!" Su Chen nodded, "I just had a brain hole temporarily and said it. The content is a little miscellaneous and there are many deficiencies, but the general theme is like this. Do you think it's ok?"