In the backyard, several old men are watching TV dramas, or historical palace fighting dramas. Su Chen's brain hurts when he sees them, but a group of old men enjoy them.

Several old men didn't care when they saw Su Chen, but asked casually. "What's up? Who are you looking for?"

Su Chen touched his nose and said, "er... I'm looking for old Su!"

Old man Su nodded and stood up. Before he left, he didn't forget to say a word to several other old men.

"Pause, wait until I come back, or I won't be able to pick it up!"


They came to the nearby living room. Su Chen wanted to make tea, but old man Su didn't let them.

"To make a long story short, don't delay the old man from watching TV dramas!"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Yes, yes, I want to train a group of people, some to protect the future museum and some to protect the quadrangle. Well, I also help the army train troops by the way!"

Old Su nodded and said, "it's not a big problem to train troops. As you are, you can really provide some security. But listen to you, do you want to apply for a gun?"

Su Chen shook her head.

"Not with guns. They are only responsible for protecting people, not to apply for guns, but they need to be equipped with some cold weapons, such as swords, darts and even crossbows!"

"You boy, there's a difference between a crossbow and a pistol?" old man Su rolled his eyes and thought, "what's the scale of your museum?"

"Hey, you always know me. I'm sure I won't make a fuss. I'm going to build a world-class Museum!"

"Oh?" old man Su looked at Su Chen in surprise and nodded. "That's no problem. I can have these people incorporated into the garrison and naturalized. But only if they have to accept the national political trial!"

Su Chen nodded. "This should be no problem. The people I'm looking for are national Veterans and retired armed police!"

"That's no problem. Don't worry. The old man will say hello to you." old man Su nodded casually. This is a one sentence thing for him. "But I'm a little curious, old man. If you want manpower, you can directly select people from the active army. Why should you train yourself? Are you going to do something again?"

Su Chen smiled mysteriously. "Hehe, sir, since the country is so kind to me, I can't be ungrateful, can I? I'm going to give the country a big gift!"

"Oh?" old man Su smiled happily. "I knew you were not a man who liked to take advantage of the country. It seems that the country will accept your love again this time!"

"Old man, look at what you said. Aren't I also Chinese? Shouldn't I help my country?"

Master Su clapped Su Chen on the shoulder and said nothing.

For Su Chen's consciousness, old man Su has nothing to be picky about.

Su Chen's love and dedication to the country are also seen by many big men.

Why does the above attach so much importance to Su Chen? Why can su Chen be treated so well? Not only because of Su Chen's ability, but also because of Su Chen's patriotism.

The state may make some sacrifices for the interests of the masses, but the state will never forget the contribution of every citizen to the country.

Of all the countries on earth, China is definitely the most human country, not one of them!


The next day, Yu Laosan sent Su Qing and 107 special forces to Su Chen. At the same time, he set aside a military training base and a small arsenal for Su Chen. Both of them were in the same place. They were originally a secret base of the army, but later they were abandoned and are now reused.

Su Chen went to the scene to investigate, and then arranged for someone to prepare some necessary living facilities.

In addition, there are some things that Su Chen needs to prepare himself.

These things are available in the system mall. Su Chen can handle them himself.

Three days later, Su Qing woke up. Because there was no outsider, Su Chen had treated all his injuries in advance.

So as soon as Su Qing woke up, she found that she had no injuries all over, which surprised Su Qing.

Su Chen chatted with Su Qing when she woke up. She had a good impression of Su Qing.

Su Qing has a good character and self-restraint. When chatting, she is frank and happy without the slightest hostility. Moreover, he has profound knowledge. He is also grateful to Su Chen. He is indeed an outstanding talent.

Most importantly, Su Qing's name is actually a combination of Su Chen and Gao Qing, which makes Su Chen always feel awkward when she calls Su Qing's name.


Early in the morning on the fourth day, Su Chen took Su Qing, Gao Qing, Gao Cheng and Xu Xiaodong to the waste training base in the suburb of the imperial capital. The military is temporarily responsible for the security of the courtyard.

After all, Su Chen is training for them, and several old men also live in the courtyard. Naturally, Su Chen doesn't need to worry about the safety of Su's house.

The waste base is located to the north of the imperial capital and covers a large area. In the past, there was enough troops of one regiment here, but now there are only two battalions here, so the site is large enough.

As for the facilities, after four days of all-out repair, under the attack of money, it has already taken on a new look.

At the moment, at the school yard of the base, 717 people have neatly stood in four squads waiting for him.

After su Chen came to the school field, Su Qing, Gao Qing and Gao Cheng also returned to the team. The four teams had exactly 720 people.

As for Xu Xiaodong, the role of temporary guest base housekeeper, in short, is an errand runner.

In addition to them, there is a logistics team in the whole base, which is specially responsible for the clothing, food, housing and transportation of these people.

In particular, the chef team, all of which are seconded by Su Chen from Han Yun in Jiangnan, have advanced cooking skills. The first one has entered the master level, which is enough to ensure that these people eat and drink well.

The reason why they are so kind to them is that in the next three months, these people will experience the devil's training of life rather than death, so they naturally need to improve their clothing, food, housing and transportation.

"Cough!" Su Chen began his first speech on the school podium. "Let me tell you! I guess you're all muttering in your heart now. Why are you gathered here.

Some of you are active servicemen, some are veterans, some are retired armed police, and even pure Jianghu experts.

There is only one purpose to bring you here, that is to train you.

I know that some of you will not accept it, because you are the super special forces in the army. Many people are called special forces in special forces and are the sharp blade and trump card of the army!

I don't doubt that your military literacy is excellent, but I don't care. Because it has nothing to do with me.

Because I seldom train your military quality here. I only train you in one aspect, that is, the body!

Believe it or not, gathering you here is actually to train you into the strongest super soldier in the world!

I can assure you that as long as you can hold on, each of you will become a legendary Wulin expert in those three months! "