17 Choice

Name:I am the crown prince Author:Idnima
Digging into the background, Li Jie gathered a box in his hands like a thief while looking right and left. Seeing no one around he opened the box to see a lot of sparkling flowers. getting one of them, he closed the box and put it back where it was under the ground then covered it again. Taking a deep breath, he went back inside the cottage to the medical room and gave it to the old man.

The Flower of life is a flower which contains unbelievable ability to cure any injury even if the person himself is taking his last breath. The flower is called the flower of lotus.

Dr. Cheng found it when he faced a dangerous situation, a demon from the underground who was only a bedtime story for children. He got scared and ran for his life, making him fall in a hall, appearing in a cave where the secrets treasure of the medical field, the blue flowers reside.

Taking the flower from Li Jie's hand, Dr. Cheng put it near Zheng's nose.

"I hope it will work." He murmured quietly

A blue air entered through Zheng Lu nose, and his body started to glow a faint blue color, indicating that Zheng Lu is getting cured. The old man took off the bandage to see the process with his own eyes.

The light gathered inside the wound Circling it in slow motion then in a blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Li Jie was gaping like a fish, for him knowing is a thing, and seeing something is another thing.

Staring at the wound astonished he couldn't help telling the old man to sell it, they can become rich that way. The old man glared at him he doesn't know why he accepted the gold digger fool in his home. But at least he is trustworthy, and he listens to him so, that's a plus.

Pulling Zheng Lu on his back so he can get comfortable, he instructed Li Jie to carry him. Li Jie didn't hear him, he ended up drooling like a fool when he saw the young prince's face, no one could blame him though he has two weakness money and beauty. Trying to control his actions he cleaned the saliva that dropped in the corner of his lips and cleared his throat but still, he couldn't tear his eyes off him.

Dr. Cheng watched in amusement the young man drooling while staring at a person he thinks is a He. Coughing to get his attention, The doctor started to get annoyed.

"Did you fell in love with a boy?" He asked The young man

"Yes!" Li Jie replied in a daze

"Are you going to marry him?" He asked him again

"Yes!" He said drooling again

"Then, Now I announce you both husbands." That made him wake from his daze, wearing a horrified expression

"I mean I am not looking at him! Yes, I am not looking at him." He exclaimed with red cheeks, going to the young prince and carrying him bride style leaving the room in a hurry, running from the old man teasing mode.

"Finally comes the day of my revenge." The old man nod in satisfaction

Li Jie carried the person to his room and laid him on the bed. He wanted to leave and wake the little girl up to help the beautiful person to wear something, but he couldn't help his hand which brushed the young prince's hair gently.

"Are you a girl?" He whispered, his eyes went down to the prince's chest

"No way! he doesn't have breasts at all." He denied after staring for a long time at his chest area, which was covered by a teared up robe, so he could see it.

Feeling the person twitch slightly, Li Jie stared at the person's eyes wanting him to wake up. His wish got granted, and Purple eyes clashed with his brown one's, surprising both of them.

Zheng Lu was surprised when he found the person who he pushed staring at him, feeling like something is wrong, his vision went down to his chest where he felt the air goes through.

"Pervert!" The young prince screamed pushing the young man away from him, waking Bo up from her sleep and rushing to the prince rescue.

Bo saw the young prince awake, and without any delay, she threw her arms around him, hugging him.

"This humble one is so happy that his highness is fine!" Bo whispered into her master ears, feeling like the world brightened again

"Are you two a thing?" Li Jie couldn't help but ask, making Bo realize he position, releasing her master she bowed.

"Forgive this slave for her mistake, your highness." She stated calmly

"It's alright." Zheng Lu never cared about such things

Directing her gaze to the young prince, Bo ordered the young man to bring a robe for her master which he complied, giving her a blue robe with cheap material, then left the room.

Helping the young prince wear the robe. Bo thought that even in cheap clothes, he looks beautiful.

'No wonder there are rumors about him being a monster.' She thought, rolling her eyes for believing those rumors.

'He is a monster who make people faint by only staring at his eyes.' She kept thinking with a smile visible on her face

" Why are you smiling?" Zheng Lu asked her

"Nothing your highness!" She replied

Dr. Cheng got the news that Zheng Lu is healthy and awake, so he left his medical room and went where the young prince is.

Reaching there he Ordered the young maid to go out of the room, while Zheng Lu watched him intensely.

Bo left the room making the old man turn his eye directly to the young prince.

"Zheng Lu, the fourth prince, or let's say the only princess of our kingdom." The old man stated, making the young prince put his guards up, looking for a way to get away from this place.

"Don't worry! I won't harm you! I was the one who delivered you after all." He informed Zheng Lu

" I am giving you a choice, to live normally and grow up as a girl, as a boy, whatever you see fit." He continued

"Thank you." She felt relieved hearing that from him

"But I need to inform the Emperor too!" He told he