Have I misheard him?
To choose what kind of ship I am going to be?
Of course my choice will be the carrier! I will bomb everything while remaining safe.
“Aircraft carrier is my choice.”
“Understood, kid. If you will find that your choice is too much for you, I might change your ship.”
“I doubt it will be necessary.”
“Farewell. Don`t die again.”
[Yeah, I will do my best to avoid such pleasure…]
I opened my eyes somewhere in a forest.
Of course my first reaction was to look around. Luckily neither I found any wolves nor ‘my’ dead body.
I started to check out my new body.
I found long ears on top of my head, and that I have long white hair with metal-grey tips.
I am wearing a blue kimono. It has gorgeous white flowers painted on it. I don`t know what it is made of, appears to be of silk.
And finally… yes, I have a tail. Even two tails, with same white hair and metal-grey tips.
By the looks of it, my body is quite slender. I felt no muscle on my arms, nothing on my legs as well…
And my flight deck is almost perfectly flat. At least it should pass as ‘A’…
What do I have with me?
The same lunchbox I had before. With a sticker on top of it.
‘Meals refresh every 6 hours. They should be enough for you not to die of starvation. Don`t expect too much.’
[Thank you?]
Next I have an umbrella, Japanese styled. I guess it will protect me from raining… raining sunlight? Why is it made of paper? Or this is just me being stupid?
And finally comes my gear.
How can I summon it?
“Erhm… ‘Transform’!”
“Ship mode!”
“Fighting mode!”
A lot of time later.
[Appear on me, for God`s sake!]
And it did. An angled flight deck with 3 elevators and 4 catapult rails. I am satisfied with such an outcome.
The deck is completely flat. Literally it is flat. There is nothing, no ship parts underneath. Just the deck itself, and whatever is on it.
In that game to see something you should use ‘Details’?
“WHAT THE F*?!” Where are my planes?!
Okay… catapu…
Okay… I will have to use guns for now. What are they?
1 - Uninstalled
2 - Uninstalled
3 - Uninstalled
4 - Uninstalled
Okay, it is not the time for panicking. I still have a naginata!
“Waaaaaaah!” I AM crying. I have no way to express myself otherwise.
A lot of time later.
I have tried out my naginata. The results were… discouraging… to put in in a good way.
I couldn`t even hit a tree. A stationary target.
When I finally hit it, my naginata flew out of my hands and hit me in the face with its pole. Right in my soft little face. I don`t even know how I look and I am already maimed.
In those 30 minutes I managed to: hit a tree ONCE, 13 times drop my naginata, hit myself in the face.
And the main achievement: successfully cry out of hopelessness.
“Just why do you hate me so much, God?”
Let`s look at my stats and skills. I am not acting like a crybaby.
IJN Fuji - CV. Level 0/7.
FP – Firepower – 0/100
FP shows how much damage your main and secondary guns can do.
AA – Anti-aircraft – 0/100
AA shows how much damage your AA guns can do.
AV – Aviation – 0/100
AV shows how much damage your aircraft can do.
RD – Reload – 0/100
RD shows have fast your guns and aircraft reload after attack.
AC – Accuracy – 0/100
AC shows hit chance.
HP – Health Points – 45000
HP shows how much damage you can survive.
EV – Evasion - 31
Special skills
Now everyone should agree that I have all the reasons to cry.
I should look at what I can find in the shop.
Level point – 1 platinum coin.
Upgrade point – 10 gold coins.
Skill upgrade point – 1 gold coin.
Weapon upgrade point – 1 silver coin.
“Oh my. Pay2win?”
Let`s summarize what I have.
I have no aircraft. I have a s* rifle. I have a naginata which I cannot use. I can create little flames. And I even can create little shiny sparks. Am I not a superior being?
I will have to live with that until I find a way to improve my stats. At least my super skill is awesome.
In fantasy novels there is one little cliché, when the hero encounters friends/beautiful girl/fellow adventurers being attacked by evil bad monsters. And of course saves them. Let`s see if this will happen to me, and how fast will I run away before anybody can spot me.
I am in no shape to fight even a bug. Especially if that bug is as big as I am.
I`ve walked in one direction for several hours. The sun is about to set. Either I will find my way out of the forest, or I will repeat my encounter. With consequences much worse than before.
Lucky me, I have found my way outside. I have found a path.
I feel that the last person to walk down this path happened to do so only a few hours ago. Was I ever that observant?
Without minding that, I started to walk in the same direction that person did. I will either encounter them, or walk out of the forest and find civilization.
Let the adventures of a fox-girl begin!