‘The wind’s side story of withered blossom’ No 16.

“Isekai carrier visits a Kasbah”


I already almost grew used to this but it does not make it less irritating.

I made sure everybody is asleep and sneaked out of the camp. The town walls were well lit and there were guards everywhere. It is a tough nut to crack but if there are things I am great at, then it should be cracking the tough targets.

The Suisei, that guided the caravaneers here, was not recalled and landed nearby. Exactly for this kind of a situation.

I made my way to the other side of the town’s walls and only then sent in the bomber.


That was enough to cause a short opening where I slipped inside the town.

Under the cover of illusions, I managed to find the innermost part of the town, a fortress where I might find some useful information.

For a lot of time I found nothing but then I stuck my nose into the paveway, and in the corner of my eyesight I saw a hole in the wall. It was small but enough for me to squeeze through. Take that, fat b*s.

The first door I opened was an office of an important clerk. There were pricy things and pretty paintings.

I carefully burned out the frames of the pictures and hid the rolls below my kimono.


The door opened. I had no time to hide or use illusions so I just greeted the unexpected intruder with the naginata.

‘One wrong sound and I will turn you into a meat on a stick. Nod if you understood.’ The man that entered nodded.

‘What do you need…?’ He was smarter than the most.

‘Where did all those things come from?’ I pointed at the too-heavy pricy things.

‘From the tombs…’
