Since plotting course, maneuvering, checking weather, and other boring stuff was neglected, I had a lot of time for myself. Because whenever I asked about it, Patricia claimed that the seagulls are guiding storms, then it also means they are guiding me where I need. I just make sure we don’t hit a stray island and that I sail where they guide me.
Since my usual work was outsourced and I had a lot of time, it would be weird if I did not use it for myself.
“Yes, yes, wait for a bit. It takes longer than you think it does.”
Those cheeky little bastards keep on stealing my catch but because I am having a lot of spare time, I don’t mind fishing longer. Not to mention, we are yet to encounter anything. The course is safe and I steer only when the flock changes course, or when a monster appears.
As I finally relaxed, the fishing rod started dinging. Or rather the bell I put on it.
I started pulling the fish out of the water but it resisted.
The fight has started…
I was pulling the prey, yet I only managed to catch a glimpse of its tail before it rushed down.
My eyes were locked on the fish. The seagull’s eyes were locked on the rod. Patricia’s eyes were locked on this circus show.
“Just what kind of a sea monster is this…?” I asked her, since I have no idea how the damned fish keeps resisting my charms and brute force.
Patricia glanced through the railing with no interest, and observed the prey.
“Stop fighting, damn you!” I felt like the rod would break soon.
“Give me the fishing rod.” Patricia pulled it out of my hands and in one swoop pulled the fish out of the water.
I saw how the fish and drops of water flew into the sky, passing in front of the sun. And then ended up in front of my eyes.
It was a miraculous fish. A fabulous fish. A never-seen-before fish.
It was a sardine.
“HA-HA-HA! Just ha-haw you couldn’t ha-hatch it?!” (P)
“Very funny.”
“HA-HA-HA!” (P)
I took back my high-tech device and nailed a new worm.
I did not even bother with the sardine, since it disappeared the next instant it hit the deck.
“You’re welcome.” ‘Little bastard…’
I finally relaxed and the fish were steadily hitting the deck, disappearing as suddenly as they ended up above water.
Patricia was nowhere to be seen, the seagulls were silent, and I could enjoy my deserved rest.
I couldn’t help flinching. When I looked towards the bow, I saw that we are heading straight for a huge storm.
I didn’t bother checking barometer, neither did I monitor the weather. I was just fishing and living in my own world, not bothering myself with the surroundings.
I felt like I once again failed to prepare for the worst, even though it keeps reminding me about itself.
All of the bulkheads were sealed and the pumps were started. I closed off all parts of the ship that were not visited frequently. Only the bridge and some crew cabins were not shut.
The closer we were to the storm, the stronger were the waves. Some large waves even started flooding the front deck.
After I made sure everything is ready, I entered the bridge.
“I told you that the stormwings will kills us, didn’t I?” (P)
“Then why would they stay here for so long? Why didn’t they kill us when they just arrived? We’ve been in the sea for week and only now they did something.”
“Just how am I supposed to know what’s happening inside their bird heads?!” I started preparing to stop the hysterics.
“Come on, it’s me who did not pay attention on the weather. The storm just happened to be on our way, nothing more. Let’s think how to pass through it with minimal damage.”
“So you are not denying that we will be damaged… Ha-ha… Yeah, right, let’s prepare… I will peel a couple of boards from the deck to make us coffins…” I caught her collar and dragged to the windows.
“Look there, the storm is just crossing our way. There should be no problem.”
Seeing that Patricia just accepted death, I had to drag the unresponsive hysterical girl to a bed.
The seagulls were not bothered by the storm and ignored both the wind and the waves. They were not bothered by the thunder and dark clouds. They just were continuing as if nothing happened.
For now, I focused on maintaining floatability.