Chen Jianzhou is familiar with grassland scenic spots. When the Saha scenic spot management group was established, Chen Jianzhou proposed to include the grassland scenic spot into the Saha scenic spot management group for management, but Wang pangzi said that the grassland scenic spot had no income, so it was necessary to rent the grassland scenic spot!

Later, this matter came to Jiang Chen. After all, grassland tourism has a lot of income. The most important thing is that grassland scenic spots can travel all year round, so tourists are stable, so no one is willing to put this meat.

Finally, for Wang pangzi's own sake, Jiang Chen put the grassland scenic spot under the management of the grassland animal husbandry group. However, after the milk, milk powder and various meat processing of the Saha animal husbandry group are sold to make money, the tourism jurisdiction of the grassland scenic spot will be returned to the scenic spot management group.

When Chen Jianzhou talked about herdsmen, deputy general manager Lou thought for a moment and said, "OK, there are many herdsmen. We also buy some. However, we should take it according to the employee price, 15 yuan per kilogram."

"OK! Then you can add 200000 Jin!"

It's not too much for each family to have two watermelons in summer.

After the grassland scenic spot sold 3.2 million kg at the minimum, Jiang Chen looked at the Saha building materials company. You know, the building materials company is a big earner. Today's building materials companies have done business in Qinghai Province and Gansu Province, and are constantly infiltrating into other provinces.

"OK, since Vice President Lou has stated his position, I can't stand idly by. I have more than 1000 employees. Each employee has three watermelons and 30 kilograms. I'm in charge! In addition, the company will send each person another watermelon, so give me 4000 watermelons."

Four thousand watermelons are forty thousand kilograms. Mu Cheng said that Chen Jianzhou had not spoken yet. The big boss Jiang Chen shook his head.

"If you give us a million kilograms, all the construction companies we cooperate with will sell them watermelons. If you don't buy watermelons, you won't sell them cement!"

After Jiang Chen finished, Mu Cheng nodded with a black face. A million kilograms of watermelon is delicious. If it's not delicious, it's over. Because as long as you take the watermelon, you have to give money. It's OK to sell it. If you can't sell it, you can only solve it yourself!

"Well, brother Jiang has spoken, then I'll take a million pounds!"

Mu Cheng dares to promise for a reason. Besides, the whole Yinan new area uses his concrete. As long as Mu Cheng shows his cards, an engineering team will buy 5000 yuan of watermelon. Which of the contractors dare not buy it?

Five thousand yuan can be 500 Jin. There are more than 300 large and small contracting teams in Yinan new area, which is 150000 Jin. What's more, the whole new province has entered the stage of large-scale construction. Which of these cities is not the big head? Moreover, there are distance companies and bridge companies. As long as Mu Cheng apportions, how many watermelons can he apportion?

After Saha building materials company made its statement, Mojiang New Area Management Group, shaquanshui company, Xinmei travel agency and so on became abnormal one after another.

When all the tasks are showdown, there will be only 150 million kg of 210 million watermelon left. It is enough to hand over these to Saha management group and Saha shop group.

However, Jiang Chen knew that he had to make an advertisement to sell these watermelons in the Saha shop, so when the evening came, Jiang Chen opened a live broadcast in the Saha watermelon field.

In the evening, the sky of Saha is full of fire clouds. The most attractive thing in Jiangchen scenic area is the sunset glow in the evening.

At the moment, under the sunset glow, a watermelon field near the road is full of tourists. The tourists pick up the watermelon, take them to the field, weigh them, cut them directly and eat them. Looking at their enjoyment, Jiang Chen can't help swallowing his saliva.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Chen, who loves farming. Today I'll broadcast a new miracle to you live!"

After opening the live broadcasting room, Jiang Chen's popularity rose rapidly. During this time, with the next broadcasting of yisuwan, he was left with the top live broadcasting on the network. Therefore, as long as he opened the live broadcasting, those small and medium-sized gods would be well aware of the next broadcasting to let the traffic flow.

Lingnan Cabin: Wow, there's a live broadcast again. It's great. What delicious food will you bring this time?

Kitten fishing: cabin, you're on the wrong set. We're not eating and broadcasting here!

Lingnan Cabin: I know. I'm waiting for the anchor to introduce food! The melon seeds recommended last time are really delicious! And almonds, it's delicious in the world!

Go alone: Yes! I just wanted to say it, but you robbed me. Can I say that our Saha shop has sold out of melon seeds? Now there are only almonds left. If there were not many almonds, it would be out of stock.

Glass window: I'm in Shangjing. There's a Saha shop next to our house. Can I say that the almonds there are out of stock?

Longdongqiang: almonds are out of stock? So exaggerated? There are almonds in our Saha shop. After all, they are bought by students, women and men eat less. However, it is said that we sell more than ten boxes of almonds a day!

Glass window: Yes, that's the exaggeration! Next to my house is the Shangjing Third People's hospital. As long as it is asthma and cough, people directly open the almonds in the Saha shop, so the almonds sell well!

Beipingyuan: ha ha, we are also here. We are the affiliated medical school of Qingbei University. As long as it is asthma and cough, they open the almonds in the Saha shop. In addition, it is said that those patients with cancer now have no money, and the hospital also opens almonds. Many people eat almonds. The effect is really good!

No way: Yes, my uncle has esophageal cancer. His family takes Zhu's anti-cancer drugs every day. Now he has no money. The doctor prescribed almonds for him. Let alone, it's not much worse than Zhu's anticancer drugs!

Meng Meng's Angel: don't talk nonsense. If you say so, Zhu's pharmaceutical stock will plummet!

Little Panda: don't talk nonsense. Zhu's medicine is one of the pillar industries of Zhu's group, and their anticancer drugs are the pillar of their pillar. If you say this, they will scare the urine.

The old man walked slowly: can authoritative hospitals give an answer? My relatives also have cancer. Now my family is poor. If this really works, even a little, I recommend it to my relatives!

I'm afraid of being destroyed a little bit: Saha has only this almond. Can you save some for our women!


A group of people talked about almonds. Jiang Chen was stunned for a long time. He never thought that a hospital would prescribe his almonds as medicine! And he is also a big hospital in Beijing. He knows that his almond is a hundred years old apricot, and contains all kinds of essence. But can it really replace cancer medicine and cough medicine?

"It seems that these 100 million apricots are not white. When the sandstorm comes next year, I will canned apricots and sell them to Japan, and then process them into medicine. Wouldn't it be better to sell them?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was secretly happy, but apricots belong to apricots. His current task is to sell watermelon!