Can you imagine that all the websites with the largest traffic in the whole live broadcasting industry are closed and only one live broadcasting industry is opened?

Yes, 700 million. At the beginning, nearly 700 million users from Southeast Asia watched online.

Mituka: Jiang Chen, why do you have time to broadcast live?

You have made a big deal. Guowei mobile phone, star, rice and other mobile phone brands have been announced.

Before five o'clock this evening, all Saha software will be disabled!

If you don't hurry to communicate with Guowei, why are you still in the mood to broadcast live?

Young man: Yes! It is said that all Shanzhai machines using the Android system will also uninstall the Saha software.

Owl: cough, you should have heard that the Android system forces major companies to choose between rotten apple and desert God.

There are too many users of Android now, so I can't help it. I'm going to buy Guowei mobile phone later.

Big bear: Yes, our app is for Chinese dictionary search. We can only choose the family with the most mobile phones, so I'm sorry, we can only stop running on Saha mobile phones.

Mobile news: anchor, according to incomplete statistics, 90% of domestic companies will choose to cooperate with Guowei, Xingxing and zhuo'an.

If you fight them, you'll only play with Saha's cell phone.

Ruxia: Yes, you're playing with fire. You can't save you by wooing the rotten apple system now.

John Smecta: keep playing with fire. What about you? The collapse of mobile phones is only the first step for our capital market to deal with you!

Next, there will be more capital to stand up against you. Saha is over!

Jin Dachang: Yes, it's just a fuse. Wait for destruction!


A group of people launched a barrage, and Jiang Chen sighed with a bitter smile.

"Really, I don't understand one thing. Why do you want my career to end so much?

My career is over. What's in it for you?

People in the cold wave country say that you fools are better than monkeys.

Say you're better than monkeys. You're all stupid like silly eggs.

You said to yourself, "I'm bankrupt. The desert annexes China. What benefits can you get after annexing China?"

Jiang Chen finished, and all kinds of six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six six.

Cold wave Morning Post: the wind and sand can't reach us! Nothing else, I'm afraid you're the culprit of the sandstorm!

Jumping clown: he is the real culprit behind the scenes. Think about it, which virus is not developed by drug sellers, so he wants to hype his grass by the desert!

Park Renyong: expel the world's cancer! Where there is Saha, there is war!

Did you see the news? The originally peaceful Afghanistan is gradually moving towards peace with the help of the United States. As a result, as soon as he appeared, he immediately mixed up the Afghanistan.

Now the ahan Kingdom has fallen into war again, and the people are not as good as pigs and dogs!

When a group of people talk about ahan, Jiang Chen is really not calm.

"OK, the man named Pu Renyong, you say I let the people of ahan live better than pigs and dogs. Now I'll prove it to you in front of the world!

I just want you to open your eyes and see who is harming the ahan country and who is helping the ahan country! "

Jiang Chen is a violent temper, so he directly received the live broadcast and went to Kerry City by subway.

When we arrived at Kerry City, there were many high-rise buildings, wide roads and green, and the beautiful Kerry City suddenly attracted the attention of audiences from many countries.

Vitas: where is this?

Verdi: is this the desert poor city of ahan? Oh, that's ridiculous!

Jones David: we're looking at ahan, not here! You find a common people of ahan!

After a group of people finished, Jiang Chen directly parked his car in the gathering area of ahan.

Wiggins community, where all the people of ahan live.

Walking into the community, the community is full of ahan old people basking in the sun, and a group of children are playing on the green space at the door of the community.

David: are these the people of ahan? How is this possible?

Green silk and white hair: This is the people of ahan, the running dog of the cold wave. Come out and ask!

As soon as Jiang Chen entered the community, a group of old people recognized Jiang Chen. They stood up and bowed to Jiang Chen.

In their eyes, Jiang Chen has already become their God.

After bowing, many old people gratefully wanted to bow down to the God who saved them from water and fire. Jiang Chen helped them up.

"Old man, can you tell me where your home is? Do you like your new home here?"

Jiang Chen took a translator with him, so he quickly translated it to the old man.

A bent old man without legs looked at Jiang Chen and quickly bowed and said, "yes, I'm from Karan. My legs were blown up by American shells. Thank you for pressing the prosthetic limb for free. Now I can see such a beautiful sky. It's good!"

When the old man finished, he couldn't help sobbing when he thought of the uncertain days in the past.

"Good people, you are all good people. Give us free houses, water and food.

Children don't have to go to war, but they can go to school for free. Thank you, thank you... "

A group of old people bowed like Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was also sad. Everyone knows how to be grateful. Why are people so stubborn in the cold wave?

"Uncle, you should bask in the sun and pay attention to your health. If you have any difficulties, just tell the community directly and they will help you solve them!"

Jiang Chen then returned to the car. As soon as he got into the car, someone immediately jumped out and objected.

Smecta Yong: liar! Why is the whole community full of old people and children? What about the young people?

Jettas: the young man must have been caught in war! It's all written in the media!


When it comes to young people, Jiang Chen didn't say anything. No matter how many languages, they can't resist reality.

So soon a car stopped in an electronics factory in the development zone.

Pushing open the door of the electronics factory, there is a workshop of more than 1000 square meters with air conditioning on. There are modern mobile phone assembly workshops everywhere.

The people in the workshop, without exception, are not ahans dressed in clean clothes. They have men and women, talking and laughing. That kind of happiness can't be performed.

After seeing the workers in the workshop, the studio was finally quiet.

But after a moment of silence, someone stood up and shouted.

Smeda doesn't believe in evil: These are the rich people of ahan. The real people of ahan live in deep water!

You from the moon: Yes, it's called Kerry City. It's a part of SAHA. Those who can immigrate here are the elites of ahan.

Anchor, do you dare to show us what the Afghan colony looks like under your control?

Jin Daya: I know your colony is malaka. Dare you take us to see it?

Black and white key: the people of malaka had a miserable life. Many people fled to the territory of the Afghan government army under the protection of the United States.