To all compatriots: from now on, the Saha region has entered a state of war. I don't ask everyone to die with me, but ask everyone with blood to stand up and grow my Saha ambition!

Let the United States and its running dogs know that Saha cannot be bullied!

In addition, the purpose of my death war is to make you live. Therefore, those who want to go to China can leave by themselves.

From now on, all the old, weak, sick, disabled and children in Kerry City will withdraw to the future West City, and all the people in malaka will fight with me!

(PS: copy this message to future city, sak City, Salman City, malaka city and Kerry City.)

After the live broadcast, Jiang Chen directly released a letter to all the people.

After the declaration was issued, Jiang Chen knew that Saha's tourism was completely destroyed.

However, as long as he wins this battle, he will definitely let the United States and its running dogs double their money back!

At noon, Jiang Chen's message to all compatriots was spread like a carpet in the form of SMS and Internet in the Saha region and China.

Jiang Chen thought there would be many people walking, but what he never thought was that less than one thousandth of the people walking in Saha until the evening.

One thousandth of the people rushed to the special zone and were blocked back by the people of the special zone.

At the moment, the special zone is full of people marching with slogans, and the station is full of banners: go back! Fight side by side with your motherland!

"Victory belongs to you, and evil will be defeated!"

"The youth of the special zone will voluntarily join the transportation brigade. Even if they don't eat or drink, they should ensure that the transportation supply line of Saha is unblocked!"


Corresponding to the slogans are fund-raising stalls everywhere in the streets and alleys. Almost every tourist to the special zone will donate a lot of money, all of which will be used to buy war materials and rush to Saha.

Because the SAR people know that Saha is over, they are surprised that they are over, and even the whole country of China is over!

Therefore, those who came in his wealth and left when he was in trouble came back with guilt and remorse.

Back in Saha, the whole city was full of demonstrators.

Their shouts frightened the whole earth.

"Fight to the end!"

"Jedi war! We are not afraid of death! The United States dares to come and die, and the Saha will not let him live!"

"I don't want to live! I want to shoot all the American devils!"

"If the leader doesn't live, will the sahab refuse to die? They just want a war!"

In addition to the Saha area, the people of malaka at the moment have also gone out of their homes.

Less than two years after their good days began, the United States forced them again. If they don't die, the United States will never let them go.

"I came from the South and lost my home. You killed all my family and shells killed my children.

I have one leg left and found a home in the north. You say, no, you can't live!

Today, walk back with this leg!

I know that the north of the north will never be my home,

Today, the shell can't kill me. I'll walk back with this one leg!

The bomb killed me. One day the leader liberated us. I knew that my relatives in the South would take me back... "

At malaka University, a stubborn old man wrote this desperate letter, pushed away his students and embarked on a road to the desert with his luggage on his back.

Many young people followed behind him. They didn't carry guns, because there were no guns in the book, only the beautiful world given to them by the leaders.

It's just that my home is gone. What's the use of the world?

Even if you can't live, you are willing to die

Ten days later, when malaka University found the professor again, he had led the students in the south to the outskirts of halont.

Their bodies were hung on Populus euphratica trees, and the books in their backpacks were scattered on the ground. The badge of malaka University, which symbolizes freedom, was covered with blood donation, and students were protecting the badge to their death.

Seeing the photos sent by the front-line small column, Jiang Chen's eyes were wet.

The pride of the literati made Jiang Chen cry. He was proud of having such teachers and students!

When the team carried the bodies of professors and students back to malaka, millions of citizens of malaka took to the streets in the scorching sun.

In this way, they held the professor's coffin all the way to malaka cathedral. They put more than a dozen coffins in front of God. They hoped that God could take them to heaven.

Outside the door, young malaka college students held up a sign: the north is not my home. I want to walk back to the South with this one leg!

Faith and young people, this is the most terrible thing in the world!

Once people have anger, once they have the belief of death fighting, even the mountains and seas of fire are just mud pills and gullies in their eyes!

Therefore, the moment Professor Metz's body was ushered in, all the young people rushed to the battlefield!

In less than five days, 100000 young people gathered in the malaka free army barracks!

These young people include ahan, Chinese, Salman and Turku.

But now they have a common Title: Saha!

"100000 young people, 100000 soldiers, an inch of mountain and river, an inch of blood!"

Jiang Chen will use them to block the bully us out of the mountain gate. They will eventually let Professor Metz return to their parents when the US withdrew from Afghanistan!

Summer, the hottest time in the desert, the date of the ultimatum of the United States to Jiang Chen has come.

Jiang Chen chose to fight tenaciously, and the United States issued a letter of military sanctions.

In the middle of summer, the coalition forces led by 13 United States countries, including the United States, the cold wave country, the eagle country, Australia, Turkey, France, Canada, the United Kingdom, Billy country, lucerne country and Mai country, completed the assembly plan.

All countries are ready to gather 1000 troops to wipe out the Jiangchen armed forces entrenched in the Turkestan joint area in the post desert period.

One thousand troops and horses take major general Wilson of the United States as the commander (specially promoted to lieutenant general). They will assemble in Afghanistan at the end of August. The operation plan is expected to last for three months and end the war in the middle of autumn.

Just when the coalition forces made a statement to the outside world, Jiang Chen also published the photos of Metz's death and the photos of Metz at malaka University before his death on the Internet.

The death of mez symbolizes the academic death of Afghanistan and the humiliation and colonization of Afghanistan.

Therefore, this incident has aroused strong indignation in the international community.

China and other countries strongly condemned the injustices of the aggression of the US and other allies, and the Chinese people shed tears after watching the documentary on Metz's death.

Mez of the ahan state is like a scholar of the Chinese state in a difficult period. He is so brave and fearless of death.

Therefore, the Chinese people donated more money and materials to support the war.

At the end of August, when general Wilson arrived in kalbu, Jiang Chen gave the last live broadcast.

The live broadcast is still global, as long as those media willing to access the Saha region have obtained access authorization.

There are many websites in the United States and core media in Eagle country and other countries.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Chen. This will be my last live broadcast before the war."

The new month has begun. This book has broken the minimum guarantee. I can get 1000 yuan in the top ten monthly tickets, so please vote for me!