A brief encounter made two young men and women meet unexpectedly, but there was no spark.

in fact.

This is the normal communication between people. If you meet someone casually, you can fall in love at first sight. That's the real ghost.

Besides, pan Haodong already has madam Hu. In a short time, he really doesn't have any ideas about other women. Now, in addition to his work, he studies the kinship recognition system.

The operation mode of the system is mainly the trigger mechanism. Once there is a plot character who wants to deepen the relationship with him, it will touch the system and release the branch line identification task.

There are rewards for accepting or rejecting.

If pan Haodong wants to become stronger, he has to contact more plot characters, intersect with them, deepen friendship at an appropriate time and trigger the task of recognizing relatives.

Another set of operation mode of the system is that the host enters another strange environment and actively publishes the affinity task conducive to the host.

For example, the task of choosing Lingqi, Xu Zhengyang or gambling God was released at the beginning in order for pan Haodong to have a better ability to live in the Hong Kong Comprehensive world.

After that, the task of selecting the patron of the post is more straightforward. It is clear that pan Haodong should choose a thick thigh to hold.

There are prerequisites for both operating modes.

Pan Haodong is somewhat passive.

Therefore, he has always had the idea of turning passivity into initiative.


The elevator reaches the ninth floor.

Fang Jiexia walked out of the elevator and looked back and said, "Pan sir, it's easy to chat with you and keep in touch when you're free."

"Sure, sure."

Pan Haodong smiled and nodded.

Fang Jiexia gave him a smile, turned her head, shook her ponytail and hurried away with the document.

There seems to be something urgent.

The elevator closed automatically. On the way up, some boring pan Haodong began to use the conscious communication system.

"System, the plot and human situation can trigger the marriage recognition task and send an invitation to me. On the other hand, can I also invite them to marry me? "


The system replied: "however, if the host sends out an invitation to recognize relatives, only success will be rewarded, and failure will not be rewarded. After five cumulative failures, one skill of the host will be deducted. If the host does not fully grasp it, it is recommended not to recognize relatives indiscriminately."

"Gan! How can there be punishment? "

Pan Haodong stared. He didn't have many skills. If he deducted again, there would be less.

Fortunately, I took the time to ask, otherwise I made a blind date. After five cumulative failures, I don't know why I was detained.

"If there is a prize, there is a penalty!"

System return.


Pan Haodong was killed and speechless.


If you choose to recognize relatives, you will be rewarded. If you refuse to recognize relatives, you should initiate an invitation to recognize relatives and be punished if you are refused.

You can't just give benefits. There are consolation awards for failures!

It seems that we really can't recognize relatives indiscriminately.

If you take the initiative to send out an invitation to recognize relatives, you have to be 70% sure. You can't mess around.


In my mind, I reached the top floor.

Pan Haodong straightened his clothes, walked out of the elevator and went straight to the senior conference room.

"Pan sir, please come in."

A blonde policewoman stood at the door of the conference room and opened the door for pan Haodong.

She is a secretary recruited by the first brother into the police force from the outside. She has a general education, but she is very hot. People with big waves, bee waist, fat hips and no determination may not be able to live.

"Thank you."

Politely thanked.

Pan Haodong walked into the conference room and saw a group of Uncle Yang sitting at the long table. There was no fluctuation in his heart.

There's no way. In the current era, the top level of the Hong Kong government is almost all crooked nuts, the chief executive is crooked nuts, the Secretary for justice is crooked nuts, and the financial secretary is also crooked nuts. The top level of the three departments and twelve bureaux, including the Security Bureau and the Education Bureau, are Uncle Yang. The police force is fairly good. Most district police stations, district police stations, principal and deputy directors are Chinese.

And Lu Minghua, the leader of the Chinese police, took the position of head of the Hong Kong Island region and squeezed himself into the power core circle of the police force.

"Report, sir, agent of central serious crime unit, pan Haodong came to report!"

According to the rules of the police force, don't worry about anything. Just come in and shout a report.

"Yes, the young man is very energetic!"

The first brother nodded with satisfaction.

The head of the political department, the new territories north region, the West Kowloon Region, the East Kowloon Region and the marine police region, as well as some leaders of the headquarters, all looked at Pan Haodong.

First feeling, very handsome!

Second feeling, skin white!

Third, my eyes are bright!

They are young and energetic. They are good young people. They like such young people.

Looking at Pan Haodong, who is neither humble nor arrogant, standing aside, Lu Minghua nodded slightly, his face showed approval, and immediately said, "Dongzi, this is oujin rongou sir, the director of the political department. He wants to transfer you to the political department. What do you think?"

Before pan Haodong could speak, he heard Ou Jinrong, the leader of the political department, say, "I heard that you have the unique skill of throwing knives. Once the throwing knives are issued, they will be stained with blood and kill you. The political department is short of experts like you."

"G4 VIP Protection Group, there is still a vacancy for senior inspector. I intend to put you on top."

"Do a good job and ensure that you will be promoted to sergeant in three years."

First give sweets, promise a post of senior inspector, and then make an ethereal promise to cover the white wolf with empty hands. It has to be said that people who can be the head of functional departments have two brushes.

Besides, the skill of digging people is really good.

After Ou Sir of the political department spoke, the head of the new territories north region then said, "Dongzi, right! I'm Luo sir, commander of the new territories north region. There are many vacancies in my area. As long as you come to New Territories North, I can give you any matching position you like. "

"Tung Tsai, we are the same in East Kowloon. There are many positions for you to choose..."

"Join our West Kowloon serious crime unit and dare not talk big. It will be no problem to ensure your promotion to chief inspector within three years."

"The marine police also need talents like you!"


Hearing the words of the district commanders and the officers of the political department and the headquarters operation office, pan Haodong was happy and inexplicably panicked.

Popularity is a good thing, but if it is too popular, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Like a good thing, some people don't get it or want others to get it. They will try their best to destroy it secretly.

The so-called wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

It's not good to be too dazzling.

Fortunately, he is not helpless. He refuses these big men in front of him and can go to Lu sir, who sits firmly in the Diaoyutai and looks not worried at all.

Feeling the eyes from Dongzi, Lu Minghua said with a smile: "Dongzi, you can choose where you want to work. The first brother has spoken. No matter what choice you make, no one else can interfere. I can only tell you that staying in the Hong Kong Island region will never be worse than leaving."

"Then I choose to stay."

Pan Haodong made a quick decision.

In fact, there is no need to consider it at all. Leaving the Hong Kong Island region and working in other regions can not help his uncle at all. Moreover, he also needs to rely on his backer to avoid careless mistakes and being pushed to the end by others. Staying is the only choice.