20 May 1991.

520 homophony I love you. Similar network languages have appeared on the Internet. The Hong Kong integrated world science and technology tree was several years higher than the real world. Now, under the guidance of Oriental Science and technology, the overall level has been improved for at least 15 years.

in other words.

The port city in 1991 is equivalent to the future 2006. Science and technology industries such as calculator, automobile and mobile phone are developing at a high speed.

The competition is becoming more and more fierce.

However, considering that Meijia can even get out of man-made technology, Dongfang Technology has also dug "Professor Jiang Si", a technology leader in this field, into the scientific research department. The current cutting-edge technology of Hong Kong Comprehensive world has actually surpassed the real world.

After all, there is absolutely no man-made technology, advanced artificial intelligence, cold fusion reactor and so on in the real world

"Husband, bake quickly. There's not enough to eat."

"I want to do it myself."

"No, I'm going to eat your husband's roast."

On a small private beach in Repulse Bay, Hu Hui, Yazi, sharina, ye Yingwen, a Xing, third uncle and others gathered together to enjoy Mr. Pan's barbecue.

One person roasts, dozens of people eat.

Adults, children and piles of women. To tell the truth, pan Haodong is a little busy.

Fortunately, my daughter Xiandi is very considerate. She has been helping Godfather roast meat. Although she often accidentally roasts the paste, the sauce is prepared by Pan Haodong, and the paste is also delicious

"Sister Lian, the sun is so good today. It's a waste not to go swimming in the sea."

"Let's go to the sea..."

The third uncle, "black faced Cai," who sits side by side with Yu suqiu on the sand, doesn't mean that Su Qiu answers, pulls each other up and walks into the sea.

Not far away.

He min, wearing a bikini, leaned against a Xing and looked at the children playing by the sea. Her eyebrows were full of happiness.

Sharina, Yu Wenhui and ye Yingwen got together and talked and laughed.

Hu Hui, Yazi and others were lying on the beach chair, laughing at the sun and drinking fruit juice.

Young and beautiful nanny a'e, holding Bruce Lee and Ling Ling, chased Zhou Wenli's Alaskan dog.

The picture of harmony and love on the beach was recorded by Zhu Wanfang, who loves photography. She came with Shandi. The two women studied in the same university and had a very good relationship

After all, she and sandy like the same man and love each other deeply.

"Husband ~ ~"

Not long ago, long Jiu and Li Ruolan took a break, changed their swimsuits in the villa and came over hand in hand.

"Jiumei, you're just in time. This is the mutton kebab I just baked. It tastes very good." Pan Haodong grabbed a handful of roasted mutton and handed it over.

Long Jiu took the mutton kebab and gave it to Li Ruolan. While eating, he said, "husband, I tell you a bad news. Meijia capital can't help but fight us."

"On the grounds that there are security vulnerabilities in laptops and smartphones and they will constantly eavesdrop on the information of their nationals and officials, they seized all our franchise stores in meimeijia and asked us to provide source code for them to check and confirm that there are no security vulnerabilities before lifting the ban."

Li Ruolan took time to interrupt: "they also put the president I sent under house arrest."

Pan Haodong asked, "who?"


My sister-in-law is under house arrest?

Sister-in-law may is really troubled!

He was tied up by bandits before he married Jiaju. When he was a tour guide, he often met Xianshi guy. Later, he entered Dongfang Technology and became the president of the district with his own efforts. As a result, he was under house arrest.

Jiaju will be very angry when he learns about it.

Pan Haodong thought for a moment and asked, "didn't they do anything to May?"

Li Ruolan shook his head and said, "that's not true. It's just that Mei's freedom is restricted. The villa is full of monitoring and supervision personnel, and seven or eight people follow out of the door."

"It's all right."

Pan Haodong breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it's the official of a country doing things. It's impossible to imprison the divisional executives of the International Group under house arrest. Otherwise, it's spread that they have a bad reputation, although Meijia has no reputation.

But superficial Kung Fu still needs to be done.

"Husband, the official person in charge of Meijia sent a notice. If we don't provide the source code of smart phones and laptops for them to check, they will comprehensively sanction the technology products of Dongfang Group, and pull a lot of allies. If we don't handle it well, we will lose the whole western market."

"Even South America, Southeast Asia and other places may keep up..."

"What shall we do?"

Long Jiu swallowed a few mutton kebabs and was in no mood to eat.

Meijia is too unkind. When it says to check the source code, it is actually asking for the core product technology of Oriental technology. After sending the source code, Meijia's technology company will soon be able to take this as the framework to build their own computer system and operating system, and upgrade their products to the same level of Oriental technology.

Even if there is still a gap in function, hardware and software, it is definitely not as big as it is now. Given the source code, the momentum of Oriental Science and technology to dominate is bound to be knocked down.

The computer field and smart phone field have always been the core computing field of Oriental Science and technology. If they lose their dominant advantage, their income will be sharply reduced by more than half.

Pan Haodong smiled“ The technology we use in computers and mobile phones is far ahead of Western technology companies. Western countries comprehensively sanction the inflow of our computers and mobile phones, which will not only affect our making money, but also affect their nationals. People who are used to using fluent computers and mobile phones will not be in the interests of western capitalists. "

"They banned our products on a large scale, and the consequence was to trigger a large-scale protest. We can start in this regard and let them worry about themselves."

"As long as our technology is far ahead, our products will not worry about selling, not in Europe and North America, so we will focus on the Southeast Asian market and the mainland market..."

"As long as we don't care."

"After a long time, the ban will be lifted naturally."

"Western capital can't afford it."

Pan Haodong's solution of constantly responding to changes actually has a great impact on his income, but this is an unavoidable loss. As early as the founding of Dongfang Technology, he expected it and prepared it early.

Oriental Science and technology has abundant capital, and its income has dropped sharply at the moment, which can not affect the foundation.

As long as the basic market in the mainland and Nanyang market are not affected, the overall revenue of Dongfang Technology is still profitable, which can be supported. If not, it can also start in software.

For example, develop more gold sucking games to earn money from Western users who have bought mobile phones and computers. There are still many people who have bought products.

Western capital can not take these products away from the people.

Therefore, pan Haodong is not worried that Dongfang Technology will be on the verge of bankruptcy due to sanctions. Oriental Group is not so vulnerable, and western capital is not as powerful as expected