Inside Bajiao cave.

Princess Tiefan brought a basin of clean water to the "scholar in distress" and said enthusiastically, "brother, first wipe your sweat with clean water, and I'll prepare some food for you."

"Thank you for your hospitality, madam."

Pan Haodong picked up the towel, soaked it with water, wrung it dry, put it on his face and wiped his sweat. A woman's fragrance seeped into his nose, which made him feel bad. The towel was used by Princess Iron Fan to wash his face.

Princess Iron Fan gave her towel to herself. Isn't it

Telepathy unfolds.

The Iron Fan Princess who walked to the kitchen had nowhere to hide her mind.

"The ox demon king, who has no conscience, came home to see me a year ago. He grabbed people and provoked strong enemies. He was ripped open and cut off a leg. He blamed me for my bad luck and Kefu. The next day he went to Moyun cave to make friends with the jade faced Fox."

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for my injustice."

"The handsome scholar came to the door. It seems that God is helping me... "

Finish reading these.

Pan Haodong's expression is a little struggling. If he stays, although he will be reduced to a tool for Princess Iron Fan to retaliate against the ox demon king, he can also gain happiness and achieve the purpose of angering the ox demon king and "putting himself in danger".

However, he just wanted to annoy the ox demon king, not to become an enemy of life and death with each other!

As a scholar, why don't you pick up your pants and flash after eating it?

No, No.

Although after doing things like this, even if the ox demon king knows, he can't find anyone.

But it's very unkind.

The first time I bullied the ox demon king, sliced beef and rinsed hot pot, it was the ox demon king who provoked himself first.

Without provoking yourself, it's not kind enough to hook up with the cow demon king's boudoir and complain about his wife, although it's very exciting.

Think about it.

Pan Haodong still put down his towel and shouted in the direction Princess Iron Fan left.

"Madam, I lost a very important thing and need to go out to find it. It's a sin to bother madam. I'm leaving."

"Hey ~ ~ wait..."

Princess Iron Fan hurried back to the living room with a plate of melons and fruits.

It's a pity that it's a step too slow.

When she went out, pan Haodong had long disappeared.


Leave the banana hole.

Pan Haodong broke into the underworld directly in the image of a scholar. Without taking two steps, he met an ox head and horse with the job of seducing souls and demanding life.

Next, things are simple.

Trespassing is a felony.

Niutoumamian found a stranger entering the underworld. His first reaction was to arrest the other party, hook the soul of the stranger and escort him to the judge for punishment.

"Where's the scholar?"

"How dare you break into hell and take your life!"

The shouts of soul chains and mourning sticks.

The next moment.

The ox head and horse face knelt.

Because two noble and peaceful Nuwa suddenly appeared around the "poor scholar" from left to right. They didn't need any action. Just one stare made the ox head and horse face tremble.

"God, forgive me! God, forgive me! "

"Get out!"


You dare not flatter and run away.

At this time, Nu Wa, who traveled to the western world to subdue demons, joked with a smile: "Dong'Er, you've planned to call us here. Don't you miss your aunt?"

"Think about it."

Pan Haodong hugged his aunt and rubbed.

Nuwa also gently hugged him and gave her nephew deep love.

On one side, Nu Wa, the creator God who made trouble in the heavenly palace world, couldn't help laughing and said, "little brother, I haven't seen him for a while. I've learned to act like a spoiled child, and I'm not afraid of other people's jokes."

"Sister, long time no see."

When pan Haodong heard the speech, he loosened Nu Wa's aunt and turned to hug Nu Wa's sister.

However, her sister is relatively tall, with a height of 3.56 meters and a height of 1.8 meters. Mr. Pan rushed over and could only hold Nu Wa's thigh

"Little brother, don't be coquettish."

The goddess of creation wa touched her brother's head and said with concern, "in case of any danger, quickly say that we can only stay for one day and can't afford the delay."

"I'm fine."

Pan Haodong shook his head and said, "I recently recognized a godmother. She wants to see you."

Aunt Nuwa said strangely, "she is also Nuwa?"

"That's right." Pan Haodong nodded.

"Then why don't you take us?" × two

"Give me your hand."

Grab my sister's and aunt's hands.

Pan Haodong dodged and suddenly disappeared into the underworld.

The next moment.

The three of them came to wa Huangtian.

At this time, empress Nuwa had already prepared melons and fruits and waited for the arrival of the two "Nuwa".

She knows everything in the world.

When pan Haodong summoned people to his side, empress Nuwa began to prepare seats.

After an introduction.

The three Nuwa knew each other. Because they were all Nuwa, they married Jinlan and became good sisters at the suggestion of Pan Haodong.

Elder sister, local Nu Wa.

She is a saint with the strongest strength. Nu Wa, the creator God, and Nu Wa, who traveled to the west to subdue demons, are convinced.

But when it comes to who is the second sister, neither of them is satisfied with who, and there is a faint posture of big fight.

Finally, it was the local Nu Wa who spoke and let the creation goddess wa be the younger sister to settle the storm. The reason is very simple. That is, the creation God Nu Wa is pan Haodong's sister, and the other two are godmother and aunt, who have a higher generation than the creation goddess wa.

Thanks here.

The creator God had nothing to say, but he was angry.

"Three younger sisters, don't be angry!"

The local Nu Wa put on her eldest sister's momentum and comforted with a smile: "you and your second sister can only stay for one day. We must seize the time. I'll talk about my way first, hoping to help you."

"Eldest sister, theoretically, my third sister and I can only stay for one day, but if Dong'Er is always in danger, then we can stay all the time, so we don't worry."

"The second sister is right."


Nuwa three sisters, brush together and look at Pan Haodong.

Mr. Pan, who had just sat down to eat melons, picked up a golden watermelon and said while eating: "you talk slowly. I'll go down and make things as long as possible."

The local Nu Wa smiled and said, "Dong'Er, go down and make trouble. It's all right. The godmother will help you."

Nu Wa, who traveled to the west to subdue demons, echoed, "and your aunt."

The goddess of creation wa followed closely, "little brother, although we will carry it for you, try not to harm the living creatures. Just do something casually."

"Don't worry, I have discretion."

The voice hasn't fallen yet.

Pan Haodong disappeared with watermelon in his arms.

One day in the sky and one year on the earth, we have to hurry down to earth to do things, otherwise Nu Wa's sister and aunt will be sent back by the system.

Thus, during the period when the Nu Wa three sisters were discussing Taoism, there appeared in the three realms a daring outlaw "Zhang San". He dared to do anything, that is, he did not kill people, and always provoked evil spirits and immortals who were not easy to provoke and had a bad temper.

For example, pan Haodong, who changed his name to "Zhang San", was chased by the ox demon king for seven days and seven nights.

It was not until the ox demon king realized that the other party had high mana, put down the idea of killing, and returned home with a full stomach of resentment that the matter came to an end.

However, in less than 24 hours, Zhang San, a fanatic outside the law, went to heaven to steal flat peaches. He was chased around the world by the general guarding the flat peach garden