Zod is the military commander of kryptonians. The person who controls all the military forces of kryptonians can be called the most powerful kryptonians.

Because krypton already had the technology of interstellar navigation and even the ability to colonize other galaxies, general Zod didn't pay attention to the earth people or even investigate the earth's mind when he came to the earth.

Let his subordinate Laura give the earth people three days to hand over Joe al's son Kyle, and general Zod flew down from the spaceship in an aircraft.

First stop.

Kent farm.

That's where Superman grew up.

Unfortunately, when they came, Superman and Superman's adoptive mother had already left.

Therefore, the threatening general Zod could only lead his subordinates into the farm farm machinery storage house and turn out a small spacecraft from Krypton.

"Hey, don't ask yourself if you are a thief. Are you a thief?"

Zod and Laura turned out a small aircraft with their front feet, and Superman with their back feet came.

He asked his adoptive mother to stay in Pancheng for a few days. He was not afraid to escape. He just didn't want his adoptive mother to be implicated. Martha had stayed in Pancheng Hotel, which was close to Ziwei palace and 100% safe.

Without worries, Clark didn't even have time to meet his uncle. He hurried back from Pan city.

"Are you Kyle?" Zod asked.

"Yes, I'm Kyle, but I prefer the name Clark."

Clark has deep feelings for the earth. Even if he is sure that he is from Krypton, he still regards the earth as his home. He has never thought of changing the earth and transforming the earth into krypton.

This extreme idea.

Only warfighters like Zod and Laura will appear.


"The name given to you by the earth people?"

General Zod frowned and said coldly, "Kyle, remember you're krypton."

"Compared with kryptonians, I prefer to call myself earthman." Clark directly stated that some things don't need ink. No matter what the purpose of Zod, Laura and others is, he just needs to know that whoever has a big fist can control sovereignty.

"You want to betray your ancestors?" general Zod was completely angry.

As a general guarding krypton and devoting himself to inheriting krypton civilization, the most remarkable is the 25th son. It is a shame for Kyle to give up his krypton identity and regard himself as an earthman.

"I grew up on the earth when I was a baby. I was brought up by a pair of hard-working farmers and influenced by the culture of the earth. If you were me, what would you choose?"

Clark asked calmly.

He did not think he was wrong, but felt that general Zod was unreasonable. In front of him, they were simply war maniacs. As soon as they came, they threatened all countries and asked the leaders to hand over themselves.

He was disgusted by his arrogance and contempt for the earth.

"Birth decides everything. Life is krypton, and death is krypton." general Zod gave his answer.

Clark sneered, "although some don't want to mention it, I have to say that krypton has been bombed. I don't understand. What are you looking for me?"

"I need the krypton treasure book, which stores all krypton people's genes. As long as we get the treasure book, we can transform the planet and inherit krypton civilization..."

"Sorry, I won't give the treasure book to war madmen."

Before general Zod finished, Clark interrupted the other party's reply. As expected, Zod's so-called transformation of the planet must be the transformation of the earth.

Giving Zod the krypton Scripture will lead to very serious consequences.

The earth must be fine.

There's an uncle!

Clark was worried about Zod and Laura. Krypton exploded and few people survived. If his uncle killed him, he would be completely alone.

Become the only child of krypton.

"Madman?" Zod sneered. "I'll give you some color to see if you'll be honest. Laura, teach him a lesson for me."


Laura, with a respirator, came forward bravely.

Then, as soon as her feet stared, the whole person suddenly rose like an arrow off the string and hit Clark on the cheek, but her speed was fast, but it fell into Superman's eyes and was slower than a star and a half.

Clark gently raised one hand, grabbed Laura's fist, then threw it gently, threw it aside like garbage, and Laura rolled around.

"How could this happen?"

General Zod was stunned and his face was full of disbelief.

Laura is his strongest deputy. Her strength is only a little lower than himself. Even if he wants to beat Laura, he has to take some trouble.

Kyle, a survivor who didn't seriously learn krypton fighting, defeated Laura later?

"Asshole, I'll kill you."

Laura, who lost face, got up in anger.

However, just as she was preparing to attack again, pan Haodong suddenly appeared behind her and knocked Laura unconscious with a violent chestnut.


Clark flew down immediately.

Zod followed and frowned, "you're a Kryptonian, too? Why haven't I seen you?"

"I'm not." pan Haodong shook his head.

Zod didn't understand, "how did he call you uncle?"

Clark smiled and said, "general Zod, your focus is wrong. My uncle is here. You should worry about whether you can leave the earth alive, rather than entangle our relationship here."

General Zod said disdainfully, "I am the military commander of krypton. I will never escape unless I die. If you can defeat me, you can kill or cut me. If you can't, you can wait to die!"


Clark was speechless.

In a little silence, he looked back at Pan Haodong and asked, "uncle, can you give me face and spare their lives first?"

"His thought is particularly crazy and immortal, which is always a harm to the earth."

Pan Haodong's worry is not unreasonable. Zod and Laura, who have not yet been exposed to the sun, have far more physical quality and combat effectiveness than Batman. When they are exposed to the sun, they will become Superman like Clark, and the earth is easy to mess.


Clark is a little impatient.

As a remnant of krypton, Superman couldn't make this decision until Zod made a big mistake.

Pan Haodong sighed when he saw this scene: "well, uncle, give you face. When they make a mistake, I'll kill them again. What to do now is up to you."


He disappeared without a trace.

Zod has been staring at the earth and will never give up easily. It's just a few days. Anyway, in the original film plot, the beautiful family is unlucky.

Why not give your nephew a face?

By the way, we can also use the bad acts of Zod, Laura and others to teach Superman a profound lesson.

A loss makes a wise man!