The unexpected events in midway City, broadcast by the radio, soon came into the sight of Superman, Batman, lightning, and even Diana, the wonder woman in Pan city.

However, they did not start at the first time and rushed to the midway city to put out the fire.

Mainly Superman and wonder woman know that the midway city is very close to Gotham, and pan Haodong is in Gotham. They don't need them at all.

As for Batman and lightning, they may not be able to handle it when they come.

After all, witches and sisters master magic. Except that Diana has the ability to handle it, even Superman may not be able to deal with it. I have to say, this is another reason why Superman didn't show up.

Task force x, set up by Amanda, was sent to stop the witch's sister and brother, which was tantamount to suicide.

On the plane, the death shooter gave his team a new name for the suicide team. If pan Haodong didn't show up to help, they would become a real suicide team.

The giant aperture made by the witch's sister and brother is an energy weapon that can turn people into crystal people.

Yes, of course.

The witch siblings can also use this equipment to constantly devour human life and expand themselves.

But their strength is really vulnerable in front of Pan Haodong.

It took only a few seconds to show up and finish.

Before the suicide team and the soldiers who came to assist them found out the situation, the witch's sister and brother were killed by Pan Haodong. They didn't even see who killed them, but the possessed Joan didn't die.

It's not pan Haodong's crooked thoughts and specially left each other's life, but the witch is attached to one person from beginning to end. Unlike the witch's brother attached to the black, he absorbs the vitality of many people, integrates the black body, and turns them into a monster more than two meters high.

In short.

That is, the black man and others merged into a soulless body and could not be saved.

They are different from Joan.


Three months later.

Pan Haodong said goodbye to Haley and phoebes and returned to pan city.

"Pan, you came back just in time. During this period of time, I always feel that something big is going to happen. I'm not at ease. Come back to paradise island with me." Diana hasn't been back to paradise island for a long time. No matter what happens, it's always right to go back.


Pan Haodong nodded.

Then, holding his daughter-in-law's waist, he quickly moved to paradise island.

"Why are you back?"

Hippolyte, Queen of Amazon, looked at her daughter and son-in-law who suddenly flashed, with a thick happy look on her eyebrows.

She had not seen her son-in-law for many years and missed her very much.

"Mother, Diana missed you. It happened that I didn't see you for some time, so we came." pan Haodong said with a smile.

"Come and see me empty handed?"

Hippolyte joked.

"Of course not empty handed."

Pan Haodong smiled, grabbed a 6000 year old flat peach in the emptiness of his right hand, and said, "mother, this is a unique fairy peach in the Oriental Tianting. If you eat one, you can live forever. Try it quickly."

"Is it a flat peach that can live forever?"

Hippolyte had read a lot of books about Oriental mythology, and he knew them better. It was only the footprints of Oriental gods, some of which were little known.

Not only did she not know, but even Zeus, who had died, had not met.

"Yes, it's flat peach."

Pan Haodong handed the flat peach to Hippolyte.

Looking at the attractive and crystal clear peaches, Hippolyte wanted to eat them, but she forced her greedy mind, shook her head and refused, "flat peaches are very precious. You'd better leave them to Diana!"

"Mother, I have already eaten."

Diana's words are true. Pan Haodong has always been generous to his women. He is willing to give up whatever natural materials and treasures, because recognizing relatives is his way.

Daughter in law is the most important partner on this road; It is an indispensable help for him to climb the peak.


Hippolyte hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took the flat peach, carefully tasted it, the juice was sweet, the aura was rich, and ate it into her mouth at the moment.

She has a feeling of ascension.

This peach is worthy of the legendary fairy peach. It tastes delicious.

One mouthful after another, soon a whole flat peach was eaten by Hippolyte, not even the flesh on the core.

"Pan, is this kind of fruit?"

Looking at the clean stone in her hand, Hippolyte was a little embarrassed, and her cheeks flushed.

"Of course, it can be planted, that is, the peach trees planted can not grow peaches that can make people immortal. The conditions are very harsh. You are still worse here."

After a pause, pan Haodong continued, "but in addition to not allowing people to live forever, the peaches planted are still delicious. You can rest assured."

"Delicious is enough."

Hippolyte smiled.

Immortality. Amazon women can live forever. As long as they don't leave Paradise Island, every woman here can live forever, so it doesn't matter if they can live forever. As long as they are delicious.


After a while, Diana's aunt antiope came with someone.

Diana hurried forward, gave each other a hug, and then they walked into the palace where the queen lived.

After enjoying the sumptuous lunch, Diana wiped her mouth with a paper towel and said, "mother, I came here this time mainly because I felt that something might happen at home. Is there any abnormal phenomenon on the Island recently?"


Hippolyte and her sister looked at each other.

They both thought of the mother box. Paradise Island has always been independent of the world. There is a boundary arranged by the God King Zeus. Outsiders don't know that there is such a place on the earth.

Therefore, it is unlikely that other countries sent warships to occupy Paradise Island.

Since it is not inside the earth, it can only come from outside the earth.

Recently, the frequency of mother box changes is much higher than before. Even if they have strengthened their vigilance, they still can't feel at ease.

Now even Diana, who was far away in Pan City, hurried back to paradise island because of her unsettled heart.

It is enough to show that the wasteland wolf, once defeated by the gods and human giants, may lead the army back to the earth and restart the war at any time.

Thinking of this, Hippolyte's good mood disappeared in an instant.

She sighed faintly and said, "Diana, since you have telepathy, I won't hide it from you. There have been frequent changes in one of the three mother boxes guarded by our Amazon people recently. The war may come. We must be prepared in advance."

"Our battle with tianqixing will start soon."

"This war may be more fierce than thousands of years ago, because their power has not changed, but we have lost Zeus and the gods..."

Hippolyte's words showed a strong sense of self-confidence, and it was obvious that he was not sure to win the battle.

Pan Haodong interrupted: "mother, this time there is no Zeus and gods, but you have me and Superman..."