The legend of the White Snake Legend generally assumes that it happened in the Song Dynasty. If the Song Dynasty pushed forward for 1700 years, it was in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. After the fall of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the princes established Yijiu, the former abolished prince, as the king, historically known as king Ping of Zhou, and moved east to Luoyi, historically known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

In the first half of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, princes competed for hegemony, which was called the spring and Autumn period; In 453 BC, after the three families of Han, Zhao and Wei joined hands to destroy the Zhi family, the three families divided into Jin and the princes fought against each other, which is called the Warring States period.

After King Ping of Zhou moved eastward, his jurisdiction was greatly reduced and became a small country. During the spring and Autumn period, there were more than 140 vassal states. The princes attacked and merged with each other. The emperor could not shoulder the responsibility of CO ownership. He often had to turn to some powerful princes for help. In this case, the powerful princes regarded themselves as overlords. The princes of the Central Plains invaded and harassed the four barbarians and united in self-defense under the slogan of "respecting the king and bustling the barbarians".

In the spring and Autumn period, there were a large number of talents, a hundred schools of thought contended, and the academic atmosphere was very active.

Confucianists, Mohists, Taoists, Legalists, strategists, yin and Yang schools, strategists, acrobats, farmers, novelists and square artists are all representatives of the schools of this era.

Therefore, knowing the current environment, pan Haodong couldn't help taking Xu Xuan out of the mountain.

He regarded himself as a novelist. When traveling around various countries, he wrote many interesting novels, such as Confucianism, strategists, Taoism, Mohism and so on.

By the way, paper was invented in advance. Without paper, novels can be spread by bamboo slips. A few carriages can't pull a few books!

On the way, he also made friends with a group of representatives of schools. Confucius, GUI GuZi and Zhuang Zi were all his close friends.

However, Xu Xuan, pan Haodong's apprentice, had a relationship with Princess Xia Ji of the state of Zheng when he visited the state of Zheng.

However, the main responsibility is not Xu Xuan, but Xia Ji.

Because this is not a serious woman.

Although Xia Ji was recognized as one of the four beauties in the spring and Autumn period, she was a demon and silver. She had an affair with many princes and doctors, which led to a series of historical events. History shows that she became a queen three times and married someone else seven times. A total of nine men died because of her. She is known as "killing three husbands, one king and one son, and killing two ministers of a country".

When Xu Xuan had a relationship with such a woman, pan Haodong naturally did not allow them to continue their contacts. The next day, he took Xu Xuan out of the state of Zheng and found Xu Xuan a daughter-in-law in the state of Qi.


Xu Xuan took his daughter-in-law back to his hometown and lived a hot Kang life for his wife and children. He didn't have much ambition. He only occasionally went out to subdue demons and subdued demons. In the process of subduing demons, he was hurt by demons and had no good intention to find master.

I'm not very talented. I'm sorry to find master if I hurt my foundation.

Xu Xuan inevitably fell.

Pan Haodong's novels are very popular. Everywhere he goes, he will attract princes and celebrities of schools to visit and talk. When he arrives in the state of Yue, he also meets Xi Shi, the first of the four beauties with the posture of sinking fish and falling geese. As a result, he accidentally forgets that he has a disciple.

When he thought of Xu Xuan and returned to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain to find his disciples, Xu Xuan had become a white haired and dying old man.

"Xu Xuan, you hurt your foundation when you subdued the demon. Why don't you know to find your master?"

Looking at Xu Xuan, who may die at any time, pan Haodong's expression is as speechless as he is speechless. He doesn't hold his thick thigh. This guy is really stupid.

Although it's not too late, I can see that several old women around Xu Xuan are also dying.

It was estimated that Xu Xuan was not willing to live alone.

After all, the boy has had a whole life. It's time to reincarnate.

Pan Haodong originally wanted to solve the problem from the root, let Xu Xian enter the Tao with martial arts and become a martial god, and put an end to the possibility of Xu Xian's birth. As a result, people are not as good as heaven, and Xu Xuan is still going to die of old age.

At the moment he saw Xu Xuan, he pinched his fingers and calculated that Xu Xuan subdued the demon 40 years ago. There was no behind the scenes. He was just overestimating his strength. Before he learned his martial arts, he went to deal with the Millennium monster who was about to become an immortal.

"Master, at that time, you and I were wandering around, and I... Was hurt by arrogance and complacency, so... Cough..." Xu Xuan suddenly coughed violently, his breath was getting lower and lower, and he looked like he was about to get lunch.

"Don't talk yet."

Pan Haodong waved his hand and then asked, "Xu Xuan, let me ask you, do you still want to live?"

Xu Xuan shook his head.

"In that case, I won't bother you to say goodbye."

Pan Haodong sighed and turned away.

When he's gone.

Xu Xuan and his three wives and concubines died that night.


After that.

Pan Haodong changed his identity and founded the way of delicious food. He called himself a gourmet. Every time he traveled around, he would leave a delicious food, which was improved and made according to local characteristics.

Originally, the status of a novelist was limited to a small number of scholars. His name has always spread among princes and nobles, and the common people rarely know it. Now there is another name of a gourmet, and his reputation has spread all over the country. Even in the marketplace, you can hear the gourmet "Dongjun".


His reputation is not only widely spread in the world, but also in the fairyland and hell.

The reason is simple.

Pan Haodong's dishes are no longer delicious, but integrated into the Tao rhyme of delicious food. They can ascend to the heaven into the Huaxian pool anytime, anywhere and get the position of food God.

Just as Confucius, Chuang Tzu, and GUI GuZi, both famous Confucian and Taoist scholars, created their own schools and left their own academic knowledge, they were promoted to heaven and ranked in the immortal class.

These people went to heaven, and their status was not low. Confucius was called the sage of Confucius.

As soon as they rise, they have the strength of quasi saints. Guiguzi and Zhuangzi are worse. They are about the level of Da Luo Jinxian, but they have excellent talents. It is not difficult to become quasi saints.

The future cultivation level will never be lower than that of zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals.

At the beginning, pan Haodong thought that Confucius was a part of a saint, either the Heavenly Master at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty or the leader of Tongtian cult. After some contact, he found that it was not.

Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, is one of the first of the three Qing Dynasties and one of the separated bodies of the Taiqing Dynasty. It is in the same line with the supreme old monarch. Confucius came into being, founded Confucianism, became holy in the flesh, and became the supreme god of the three worlds.

Guiguzi and Zhuangzi are not the reincarnation of great gods. They are both heroes who came into being.

Maybe that's why.

Pan Haodong has a deep friendship with Confucius, Guiguzi and Zhuangzi, but has little contact with Laozi of Taoism, although he has such a task of recognizing Sanqing as the eldest brother.

But he didn't have much urgency. Even after completion, he didn't have a little anxious mind to get such a congenital treasure as Pangu flag.

Because he also has the most precious treasure. The attack and defense of the heaven and earth pagoda is no worse than the Pangu flag.

There is also a big portable world. There are several top-notch congenital spiritual treasures. There is really no shortage of magic weapons. However, if you have the opportunity to complete the task, you won't refuse to get acquainted with Sanqing.