"Demon hunting plan!"

Luo Zhan looked at the battle plan on his desk and muttered to himself.

"I think this plan is feasible and has a certain success rate. If this battle plan is successful, the urban defense pressure in Chengdu will be greatly reduced!"

Rowe said solemnly.

"Colonel Li wants to do something for Chengdu. He calmed down the General Administration of public security. Seeing that the power of the General Administration of public security has been suppressed, he wants to behead. One of the three demon kings around Chengdu will be killed first, so that it can be of great help to Chengdu!"

Luo Zhan nodded and said that with the strength that Li Mu can defeat Mo Xinye, if planned properly, there is indeed a large success rate, but the risk is also large.

Once something happens to Li Mu, the loss of Chengdu fortress will be great.

"Colonel Li has got the entry quota of the talent class of Wuhan University. He may leave Chengdu at any time. Maybe he wants to eliminate some hidden dangers before leaving Chengdu!"

Lowe guessed.

Luo Wei and Luo Zhan didn't expect that the reason why Li Mu did this was that the siege of the city by ten thousand demons would happen. If you don't cut off a demon king in advance and wait until the three demon kings come together, it will be really difficult to deal with.

"Possible!" Luo Zhan stretched out a finger and knocked on the table.

"What shall we do now? Do you approve the plan? " Rowe asked again.

"You prepare according to this plan, but you must keep it secret, especially not let the people in Mo Xinye know!" Luo Zhan said in a deep voice.

Mo Xinye has now been forced to the edge of the cliff. Luo Zhan is also worried that he will jump over the wall and be forced. This guy can do anything.

"I know. I'll get ready right away!"

Rowe nodded and left in a hurry. There are a lot of personnel to be mobilized in this kind of battle plan. All aspects should be prepared. It can't be ready in a day or two.

Li Mu sent the demon hunting plan. When he returned to the East Branch, he began to practice in isolation. He wanted to use Zhendan to practice the tiger devil's immortal body to great success. The tiger devil's immortal body to great success is the key to the success of the demon hunting plan.

Ten real pills, even the grand master needs seven to ten days to digest one. But Li Mu, relying on his strong physique, can digest one real pill in one day. It took only ten days to digest ten real pills. After ten days, he finally achieved great success in cultivating the immortal tiger devil.

"Sure enough, there are too many benefits to exterminate those bullies. If I hadn't killed Zhang Tianjie and robbed the General Administration of public security, I wouldn't have so many cultivation resources. I'm afraid I can't see one. I don't know when I can succeed if the tiger devil doesn't die!"

Li Mu said to himself.

In these ten days, he not only achieved great success in the cultivation of the immortal body of the tiger devil, but also his strength finally improved under the drive of the immortal body of the tiger devil, and officially stepped into the realm of the third grade of heaven, but this is only the realm. In terms of combat effectiveness, Li Mu's firepower is fully open, and it is not empty to face the second grade of the master.

This time, Li Mu's combat effectiveness has been significantly improved.

"Chief, Lieutenant Colonel situ Yun of the special corps is here!" On this day, shortly after Li Mugang left the customs, Luo Fusheng came.

"How is the situation in the four branches these days?"

Li Mu nodded and asked casually as he walked out.

"The four branches are basically stable these days. Mo Xinye's men organized several counter attacks, but each time someone tipped off in advance, so they were dealt with by us!"

"Our people have been replaced in the public security bureaus and public security offices of the four branches, and the public security of the four regions has improved significantly. At present, we have resumed street patrols, opened a public security hotline, and punished a large number of bullying gangsters and public security officers. In the last ten days, we have sent more than 3000 people to major mining towns to dig for atonement, Basically, the order in the four major urban areas has returned to normal! "

Luo Fusheng said.

"Is there any new news over there?" Li Mu nodded slightly and asked again.

"I sent six different groups of people to monitor the General Administration of public security day and night. I haven't found any changes in them these days. The sheriff and gangsters hiding there are drunk and dreamy every day, making the two blocks around the General Administration of public security a mess. There is a lot of resentment in those two blocks!"

Luo Fusheng said.

If Mo Xinye hadn't been there, the new magistrates couldn't deal with it. Luo Fusheng would have wanted to take someone to catch all the people directly from the General Administration of public security.

"Don't worry about the General Administration of public security. Just stare at it for the time being. I'll clean up Mo Xinye when I get out and finish my work!" Li Mu said in a deep voice, "you should deal with the Public Security Bureau during my absence!"

"Yes, director, I will try my best!" Luo Fusheng nodded seriously and said.

On the other side, situ Yun has come. Li Mu waves Luo Fusheng to leave. Luo Fusheng and Li Luohan are now magistrates. Li Mu is not going to take them with him during the action of the guard team.

"Colonel Li, the demon hunting plan is ready to be completed and ready to act at any time. We are waiting for your order!" Situ Yun came over and said to Li Mujing.

The demon hunting plan was put forward by Li Mu. In this plan, he is the commander who does his duty.

"How many people were mobilized for this operation?" Li Mu asked.

"This operation mobilized the whole special combat brigade, in addition, UAV groups and artillery forces will provide fire support!" Situ Yun said, "Heilongtan is 70 kilometers north of Chengdu, just within the range of some artillery, and the artillery can provide fire support!"

The demon hunting plan put forward by Li Mu this time is aimed at the black snake demon in the black dragon pond, because the black snake demon will use the water system demon method, and there is a river in Chengdu. In Li Mu's memory of 30 years, when thousands of demons besieged the city, the black snake demon set off a flood in Chengdu, floating countless corpses, and I don't know how many people were killed.

Since we want to change history now, let's start with this black snake demon.

Heilongtan is 70 kilometers away from the north wall of Chengdu. Luozhan has adjusted some long-range artillery deployment, which can provide some firepower support during the operation.

As for why there was no direct coverage of artillery fire in Tieshan town before, it was because there were too few artillery that could hit Tieshan town in this direction at that time. The artillery in Chengdu city wall were matched far and near. It is not possible to adjust the artillery deployment in a moment and a half.

In addition, there was a large equivalent cloud bomb in Tieshan town at that time, so there was no artillery support in Chengdu.

However, this operation is different. The rescue operation in Tieshan town is too sudden. This operation has been prepared for ten days, and all aspects of preparation are in place. The purpose is to succeed in one strike.

"It's six o'clock in the afternoon. The special team will start at dawn tomorrow morning. The special team will start at four o'clock in the morning. According to the plan, the troops will rush to Heilongtan in two hours, and the operation will officially start at six o'clock in the morning!"

Li Mu said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Colonel Li, the special forces will start at 4 a.m. tomorrow!" Situ Yun saluted and said, and then immediately returned to prepare for the arrangement.

Li Muxuan left the city at 4 a.m. to start his action. The purpose is to avoid Mo Xinye's eyes and ears. Although Mo Xinye has been blocked in the blocks of the General Administration of public security, his news channel must not be completely blocked.

Once Mo Xinye knew about the action and informed the three demon kings in some way, Li Mu was afraid that they would be in danger at that time.

In the early morning of the next day, the small green hill base of the special corps was quiet. Military vehicles pulled the soldiers of the special corps and directly came to the wall of the North District. The door of the wall had been opened. Each member of the special corps was fully armed and passed through the door quickly. After all the members of the whole special corps passed, the door closed slowly.

All this was carried out quickly without a sound. As soon as the special team left Chengdu, it began to march in the direction of Heilongtan.

If it is a small group of troops, it is very dangerous to carry out this kind of rush March at night. If you are not careful, the whole army will be destroyed, but the special team has no such concern. The special team is originally elite. After practicing the fighting skills for so long, the special team has already become the elite of the elite.

Scattered monsters can't pose a threat to the special team at all. Even if there are hundreds of flying red tigers, they can't stop today's special team. Only hundreds of shadow blood cats are possible.

Standing on the city wall, Li Mu watched the special team melt into the darkness and March in the direction of Heilongtan, but he didn't follow the special team.

The location of Heilongtan is 70 kilometers north of Chengdu. It is called Heilongtan. In fact, it is a huge lake. The diameter of the lake is more than five kilometers. Before the great change of heaven and earth, it was a high-end resort. There were single family villas by the lake. Ordinary people can't afford to spend there.

However, after the great change of heaven and earth, it was occupied by the snake demon, especially after the emergence of the black snake demon, the whole black dragon pond became a snake cave, and there were strange snakes of different shapes inside and outside the black dragon pond.

The whole black dragon pond is a restricted area for ordinary humans within ten kilometers. Even the most daring demon hunters dare not approach there.

The special force marched all the way and quickly approached the Black Dragon Lake. The roads in the wilderness were difficult to walk, and there were often monsters. However, everyone in the special force was a warrior, the weakest was a yellow warrior, and most of them were Xuanji warriors. At the beginning of the urgent March, every special force member was as fast as a galloping horse.

If you encounter monsters along the way, the special combat team members who open the road in front will kill them in the blink of an eye, without delay. When the sky is slightly bright, a huge lake appears in front of the special combat team members.

However, as soon as we get close to this huge lake, there are more poisonous snakes in the mountains. The small ones are about the size of normal snakes, but the big ones are three or four meters long and the mouth of the bowl is thin.

The strength of the snakes outside the black dragon pond was very ordinary. In the twinkling of an eye, they were killed by the special team members. Soon, the special combat team members boarded a hill and stopped.

It's two kilometers away from Heilongtan.