
Li Mu picked his eyebrow and asked in no surprise. He already knew that he had class a super martial arts talent under the strengthening of the main brain. This is not the first time he took part in the talent test.

"It's really a surprise. Special recruit students with class a super talent are very rare, but this just shows that your other problems are great. Otherwise, why do you need special recruit to enter the talent class of Wuhan University?"

The person in charge of the talent class enrollment point instructed Jiangshan.

Since he has class a super talent, he is very likely to enter the talent class of Wuda. However, Li Mu does not take the entrance test, but relies on special skills. Obviously, this must be because his martial arts will or martial arts understanding is very poor. If not, even if he has only the strength of class A, class a super talent is enough to enter the talent class of Wuda.

The talent class of Wuda is not as abnormal as that of Jingwu and magic. As long as there is a class a super cultivation talent, it can reduce some admission requirements.

"Yes, it must be. Elder martial brother is right!" The other students of the talent class nodded and said.

Hearing the comments of several people, Li Mu went straight to the back. There was an array behind the talent test stone, which was the place to test the will of martial arts.

"Then continue the test!" Li Mu walked directly into the array.

"Start to test the second item, martial will, activate the Dharma array!"

The person in charge of the enrollment point of Wuda talent class waved and immediately urged the Dharma array. The light of the Dharma array lit up slightly. As soon as the scene in front of Li Mu changed, a dark mountain immediately appeared.

The high mountain is bare. There is no grass on the whole mountain, and there is no road on it. It can only go up by climbing. Not only that, but also as soon as the dark mountain appears, Li Mu immediately feels that his Qi can't be used, and bursts of burning breath appear. It seems that a voice in his heart is constantly telling Li Mu.

Give up, give up, give up, you can't climb up at all.

Li Mu looked up at the dark mountain that couldn't reach the top and began to climb up directly.

"Climbing Montenegro can best test a person's martial will. This mountain not only seems to never climb to the top, but also the rocks are hot. Climbing is like carrying a heavy load. The more you climb up, the heavier the load will be. It's good for a martial friar with weak will to climb 100 meters high!"

"Most people with firm will can only climb halfway up the mountain. Only those talented and strong people with strong will can climb to the peak of Montenegro. Starting from the measurement of records in Montenegro, only three people in Wuda have climbed to the peak of Montenegro in the past five years!"

Seeing that Li Mu began to climb Montenegro in the dreamland, the person in charge of the enrollment point of Wuda talent class sneered.

"How high do you think this boy can climb?" Another person in charge asked.

"When I took the martial arts will test, I just climbed to the hillside of Heishan mountain and got an excellent evaluation. In my opinion, it's good for this boy to climb 100 meters and get an ordinary one. It's even possible that he can't climb 100 meters at all and can only get a weak evaluation!"

Many onlookers around the enrollment point nodded deeply. Many of them have come to participate in the entrance test for several years. They have not climbed the Montenegro. The Montenegro is really not a place that ordinary people can climb.

"You see, he is climbing to the hillside of Heishan!" At this time, someone suddenly pointed to the content displayed in the illusion and exclaimed.

"My God, it's true. You see, he's sweating in the environment, but he's determined to climb up. His will is really firm!"

"Although I know this is a fairyland, it's a test of my will when I really climb. When I climbed Montenegro, I kept telling myself that this is a fairyland. I must bite my teeth and stick to it, but it's useless. I can't climb up to 100 meters at most!"

"He climbed halfway up the mountain without a pause. He continued to climb up. This martial arts will is too firm!"

The screams of enrollment points kept ringing, attracting more and more people to come close to the onlookers. The heads of the five talent classes were sweating one by one.

Just now they also said that Li Mu could only climb 100 meters at most, and could not even get close to the hillside of Montenegro. But they didn't expect that Li Mu had not only climbed to the hillside of Montenegro, but even far exceeded it.

"He doesn't want to climb to the top of Montenegro, does he? He wants to be the fourth person to climb to the peak of Montenegro in five years? "

"The harder it is to climb up, I hope he can really climb up!"

In the magic array, Li Mu only felt that he was sweating and panting. His clothes were completely wet, and he was like carrying a mountain on his back. But his eyes were still firm, he continued to climb to the top of the mountain unswervingly, and his will was not shaken. Even if his hands had been badly scalded by the rocks of Montenegro, he still climbed up a little bit.

Suddenly, Li Mu's eyes suddenly opened and the clouds rose in front of him. He stood at the top and had a panoramic view of the mountains.

"God, he really climbed to the top of the mountain. It's terrible!"

"Is this boy still human? That's awesome! "

"Terrible, really terrible, such martial arts will is too terrible. There is no doubt that this is superior martial arts will!"

"Even if I use my Qi, I can't climb halfway up the mountain. The gap between people is really too big. People are more angry than people!"

There is a complete boiling around the test points of the talent class of Wuhan University. These are two super grades. They are all full marks. There have been no super characters in the talent class in the last three years.

The test data of the genius class test point was automatically uploaded through the computer. Professor He Xinghe of Zhenwu Academy was sitting in the office tasting tea. When he saw the test data sent back by the computer, his eyes lit up, stood up and hurried to the outside of the office.

A figure directly crossed the sky of Wuhan University Campus and appeared near the enrollment point of this talent class.

"Eh, it's Professor He Xing of Zhenwu Academy. Even professor he was shocked!"

"After all, two tests are superior. It's normal to disturb a professor!"

The teachers of Wuhan University still maintain the previous establishment, which is different from that in Chengdu. The teachers of Wuhan University are divided into teaching assistants, tutors, associate professors and professors (ordinary professors and senior professors). Behind the professor is the Dean level, behind the Dean level is the president level, and there is more than one president of Wuhan University.

"Are you taking the test?" He Xing fell from the air, walked quickly to Li Mu who had just walked out of the dreamland, and asked excitedly.

"It's me!" Li Mu nodded and said that when he Xing was looking at him, he was also looking at he Xing.

Wuda is really full of talents and strong teachers. Unexpectedly, an ordinary professor is a master level, and he is also a strong master of the three grades. This strength is stronger than that of the president of Chengdu first Wudao University.

"Well, well, it seems that there will be another Tianjiao in Wuhan University. Continue the test!"

He Xing looked at Li Mu carefully, checked the data on the computer and confirmed that there was no fraud before. He nodded with satisfaction and said excitedly.

"Yes, Professor He, the third test, martial arts comprehension test!" Several persons in charge of the enrollment point of the talent class of Wuhan University dared not neglect, and hurriedly said.

The martial arts comprehension test is to visualize the cosmic star map. There are 99 stars in the Milky way. When you visualize this cosmic star map, the more stars light up, the higher the martial arts comprehension.

Comprehension is also very important to martial friars. The higher the comprehension, the deeper the understanding of martial arts and the faster the speed of cultivating martial arts. This is a very important talent of martial friars.

Li Mu went to the front of the cosmic star map, which is also the crystallization of Taoism and science and technology. Although science and technology has become more and more weak, it has not been completely abandoned by mankind. In the future, there will be more and more products of the combination of science and technology and martial Taoism and Taoism, and science and technology will not be completely abandoned.

"Here we go!"

Many people hold their breath when they see Li Mu walking in front of the cosmic star map. They have seen two super talents. Today, they may also see the third and fourth. At that time, they will also have capital when drinking and bragging with others. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to see several super talents.

When Li Mu came to the front of the star map, changes slowly began to appear in front of him. A corner of the grand universe soon appeared in front of him. Stars appeared in the universe, and these stars soon became bright in front of Li Mu's eyes.

"It's on, it's on, those stars are on!" After a while, someone exclaimed.

"My God, everyone else lights up the stars one by one. He lights up one by one!"

"Last year, I tested my intelligence with the cosmic star map. When I lit more than 30 stars, I felt black and cold sweat. However, at that time, my grades were good and I got an excellent evaluation. At that time, I was very proud and thought I had superior talent, but today I compared with this Li Mu. It's really not worth mentioning!"

"Yes, I heard that the average score of the students in the talent class in terms of understanding is only to light up more than 50 stars. If they can light up more than 70 stars, they will have excellent understanding!"

"He, he, he's all on!"

The stars on the cosmic star map lit up in pieces. Soon, all the stars on the whole star map lit up. None of the 99 stars was not bright.

"Super, or super, this is super savvy!" He Xing trembled with excitement. Since the establishment of Wuhan University, the situation of four tests and three super grades has never occurred.

From another perspective, Li Mu can be said to be the most gifted student since the founding of Wuhan University. In terms of talent, there are so many students in Wuhan University in recent years that no one can compare with him.

Everyone at the enrollment point of the talent class of Wuhan University was stunned.

"I found the baby. It's really found the baby!" He Xing danced excitedly, and his face had smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.