Li Mu inquired about the situation in the ten thousand dragon demon cave, and gave Feng Xiaoxiao a pleasure directly. He sent Feng Xiaoxiao to meet immortal Tianhuo.

Then he suppressed the stone people. The stone people have wisdom, but their wisdom is relatively low. The lower their wisdom, the less likely they are to yield. The higher their wisdom, the more afraid they are of death, and the easier it is to judge the situation. That's why there is a saying of upholding justice and killing dogs, because they don't think so much at all.

Li Mu directly moved several mountains to suppress the stone man, and then immediately began to close the door and heal his wounds. This war with Taoist Tianhuo lost two separate bodies. The loss was not as serious as that under the explosion of the big array outside the Jin Castle base, but it still took Li Mu a week to recover to the peak.

"It's been a while since we got the news. I don't know what's going on in the ten thousand dragon Grottoes!"

Li Mu recovered from his injury, left directly from the world of Kungfu and moved forward quickly. After passing through a transmission array, it took Li Mu two days to really enter the Wanlong Magic Cave.

On the way forward, Li Mu learned about the situation in the ten thousand dragon grottoes. In the ten thousand dragon grottoes, it is not without reason that the Terrans and aliens have established a forward base in the Devil Island. There is a magnificent hall on the Devil Island, which is incomparably grand, and the nine day dragon ball is in this hall.

However, there is a fate corridor in the hall. At present, no matter human or alien can break through the fate corridor and really enter the magnificent hall.

The current situation is that the alien has explored the corridor of destiny seven times, while the Terran has only explored it three times. On the Terran side, the martial fury God wants to control the secret treasure and resist the alien attack. The exploration task can only be carried out by others, but all other people's exploration ends in failure.

The situation on the other side of the alien is similar. Several powerful aliens have tried to break into the corridor of destiny, but several attempts have all failed. At present, the alien and Terran have not made much progress in the ten thousand dragon devil cave.

"Here we are!" Soon after, in the dark, Li Mu saw a floating bridge appear. Below the floating bridge was a bottomless abyss. Ghosts and wolves howled in the abyss. Bursts of strange wails confused people's minds. However, the floating bridge was decayed and shook slightly in the dark. It seemed that it might collapse at any time.


Li Mu directly spread the wings of thunder and tried to fly across the abyss, but as soon as he flew over the abyss, he suddenly sank and fell below the abyss.

"No, you can't fly here!"

As soon as Li Mu's face changed, he quickly reached out and grabbed the chain of the floating bridge. As soon as he turned over and entered the floating bridge, the floating bridge shook and the wood board under his feet broke. Li Mu frowned and walked slowly along the floating bridge.

It was dark in front of him, which was far beyond the concept of reaching out and missing five fingers. Li Mu worked his magic power and merged Yin and Yang evil Qi into his eyes, so that he could see the situation clearly.

And it can only be seen clearly, which can't be compared with the day outside.

I don't know how long the floating bridge is. Li Mu moved forward slowly. After walking for more than half an hour, he saw a huge island in front of him. This huge island is Devil Island.

Above Devil Island, Li Mu saw a huge and magnificent palace from a distance. The bluestone paved road in front of the palace is connected to the pontoon. Centered on the bluestone Road, Devil Island is divided into two. On one side, there are powerful and terrible aliens, and on the other side, there are people.

On the other side of the alien race, several strange races with terrible breath looked at the human race coldly. The leader of these strange races was a compassionate eminent monk who exuded strong Buddha light. The eminent monk had strong Buddha light and was in all directions. Even other strong aliens were unwilling to approach.

This guy who looks like an eminent monk is the hundred nation Buddha, which is incarnated by the demon possessed hundred foot king. Next to the hundred nation Buddha, there are two foreign giants standing on the left and right, one is a three headed bird demon, and the other is a nine headed snake king.

These three are the three strongest fighting forces of the alien on Devil Island. The tree queen ranking first on the alien side did not come with blue zhantian. They are the representatives of the alien king.

Li Mu glanced at it from a distance. The number of aliens was not as large as that of human race. Their number was only in their early twenties. After all, the feather snake king, one of the top ten, the three faced demon ape king, the king of ox lizard close to the top ten, and the snake hair Banshee King were not here.

Even swallow the sky roar is not here. In addition, the tree queen and one or two other exterminated alien kings, among the top 30 alien kings, seven or eight did not come at once, and the number of aliens is really much less.

On the Terran side, except for the blood demon Taoist, the immortal Tianhuo and the wind Xiaoxiao, all the other people have come. If you add Li Mu, the number is at least five more than that of the alien side.

But the quality of the alien side is higher than that of the Terran side. The Terran has only a slight advantage in quantity and no advantage in quality.

However, the Terran side relies on the magic weapon of Wukuang God. Now it can still hold its position, so that the alien can not easily destroy the Terran or drive it out of demon island.

Wu crazy God sits in the Terran camp. Beside him is a guillotine. This guillotine is a fake chopping Sendai. It is said to be refined from the legendary magic weapon chopping Sendai. Now this magic weapon is the support of the Terran. Relying on this chopping Sendai, the Terran can still compete with other races on devil Island.

The grade of this fake chopping Sendai is higher than that of Li Mu. The grade of the fake chopping Sendai has reached the level of a half walker, that is, above the nine magic weapons and close to the Taoist weapons.

I'm afraid Wu crazy God either has a super adventure in China or has an amazing family background. Otherwise, it's impossible to easily get a half trail device. After all, half trail devices, even those with strong Wu Shen state, are extremely rare.

If a strong person in wushenjing can get a magic weapon of more than five grades, he is rich. If he can have a magic weapon of more than seven grades, he is the envy of other strong people in wushenjing.

But I didn't expect that there would be a magic weapon of half trail level in the hands of Wu crazy God. It is this half trail that makes the strong of Terran hold the scene.

Around Wu Kuang Shen, several strong men stared at the alien side with vigilance. Both sides were eyeing each other and were very alert to each other.

"We must inform brother LAN Zhan to come. If he doesn't come, we can't hold down the foreign strongman!" Li Xiuqing said in a deep voice.

"Elder martial brother LAN is dragged by the tree queen and can't get through at all. What's more, even if he comes, the tree queen will follow. We still won't have an advantage!"

The eighth strongest man of the Terran, the deadly sword Xiao 12 said with an ugly face.

Xiao 12 majored in thirteen deadly swords. His sword technique was pure and powerful. He was also one of the strongest people in the Shura battlefield, but now he felt very powerless in the face of 30 foreign kings.

"When so many foreign kings are mobilized, each foreign king is the backbone of their own ethnic group. Without these foreign kings, I'm afraid the situation outside them will not be so good. Aren't these guys afraid that we will take the opportunity to counter attack?"

Lei Zhen, the 13th strong man of the Terran, said in a deep voice.

After all, the alien without the alien king is equal to losing the command, but the Terran side is different. Even if there are fewer people on the Terran side, the strong organizational ability can make up for the weakness as much as possible. This is the biggest difference between the two sides. Now in the Shura battlefield, the Terran can still organize a large army to fight, but the alien can't.

Once the Terran starts a full-scale counterattack, it is difficult for the alien to resist.

"What's the use of a counter offensive? Now the most important thing is to get the nine day dragon ball. If you can't get the nine day dragon ball, it's useless to occupy the Shura battlefield! "

Xiao twelve said with an ugly face.


At this time, someone suddenly made a noise behind him. Wu crazy God and others immediately looked ahead. Then they saw that the hundred foot Buddha had flown.

"The hundred legged Buddha is going to break into the corridor of destiny again? They tried several times before and failed. Now even if they try again, I'm afraid it won't be of much use. "

Lei Zhen frowned and said.

"Not only the hundred legged Buddha, but also the Hydra moved!"

"The power of counterattack in the corridor of destiny increases with the increase of the number of people. Going to one person is one intensity, and going to two people is another intensity. Isn't it good for them to go together?"

The strong on the Terran side talked and said one after another.

"According to the current situation, maybe we all underestimate the ten thousand dragon grottoes. The palace in the ten thousand dragon Grottoes may not be for us at all. There may be no play below the Wushen realm, not to mention the hundred ethnic Buddhas and we can't break through the corridor of destiny. Even if LAN zhantian and the tree lady King come, it's useless. I'm afraid no one can get the nine day dragon beads in the end!"

"Instead of everyone can't get the Jiutian dragon ball, it's better to kill more alien kings here. As long as we can kill more alien kings and gain an advantage, we will kill aliens and occupy the Shura battlefield at that time. In that way, the final winner will still be our Terran!"

The 15th strongest blood disciple of the Terran suddenly said.


The other strong people were surprised and immediately reacted. This may be feasible. As long as the alien can't get the Jiutian dragon ball, it's useless. Later, wait until the hundred ethnic Buddhas and the Hydra enter the destiny together. At that time, they are directly launching a general attack to kill several alien Kings and gain an advantage.

This is tantamount to killing the top combat power in the alien king. If you can kill several more alien kings, the strong man of the human race can occupy the advantage. If you cooperate inside and outside the Wanlong devil cave, you may not be able to quickly expand the advantage and win the victory in the Shura battlefield.

"Yes, as long as neither of us can get the nine day dragon ball, it will be meaningless. Instead, we can take advantage of this opportunity to kill more foreign kings. If half of the foreign kings die in the ten thousand dragon devil cave, we will win the war in the Shura battlefield!"

"This is a good opportunity. The hundred Buddhas and the Hydra all go back to fate. Only a three headed God carving king can't stop us. We'll do it as soon as they enter!"

Other Terran strongmen have heard one after another. They think this is really a good opportunity. They have broken through the fate corridor before and used various methods, but they can't pass through the fate corridor. Since they can't pass through the fate corridor, killing more foreign kings is the most important thing.

Moreover, killing alien kings can indeed accumulate advantages and finally turn them into victories.

The Terran side negotiated quickly, while the alien side, the hundred foot Buddha and the nine headed snake king flew into the fate corridor, and the three headed God carving King retracted the defense line and built a defense circle.

Now both sides are staring at the Jiutian dragon ball. The alien side doesn't think that the Terrans will try their best to attack them. Even if they want to attack, it will certainly happen only when there is a preliminary result in the exploration of this magnificent hall.

All this fell into Li Mu's eyes. Li Mu stood at the edge of the pontoon and watched all this happen. Li Mu was not found on demon Island, whether human or alien.

After all, the vast majority of Terran and alien strongmen have entered Devil Island. Most of the strongmen have come, and there is no new news that other strongmen will come, so no one pays attention here.

"This palace is not simple!"

Li Mu saw the hundred legged Buddha and the Hydra enter the magnificent palace. He looked into the palace. He could see that there seemed to be many statues in the palace. There were all kinds of statues, including aliens, demons, gods, and all kinds of human statues. There were thousands of statues.

Behind those statues, you can vaguely see a white jade bridge across the darkness. On the bridge, you can vaguely see 13 Golden Lions and 13 golden lion statues.

Among the alien's several passes, only the hundred legged Buddha came here and stepped on the jade bridge. But when the hundred legged Buddha stepped on the jade bridge, the thirteen golden lion statues opened their eyes and roared together. The roars gathered and forced the hundred legged Buddha to fly out.

The hundred legged Buddha also failed to break through the white jade bridge, so no one knows the situation behind the white jade bridge, neither the human race nor the alien race.

However, in the deepest part of the corridor of destiny, a golden dragon perched on the huge pillar of the sky looms. The mouth of the golden dragon also contains a ball with vigorous rhyme, which is the Jiutian dragon ball.

The nine day dragon ball looms, attracting aliens and Terrans to enter the corridor of destiny.

However, in the deepest part of the grand hall, only the Golden Dragon looms, and others are basically invisible. Especially after going deep into the grand hall, the Golden Dragon may be just a bait, hoping that the human race and other races will continue to explore.

Instead of stepping into Devil Island for the first time, Li Mu stood on the pontoon and looked down at the distance. He saw the hundred legged Buddha sitting on one of the hydra's heads and quickly entered the corridor of destiny.

As soon as they entered the fate corridor, groups of statues began to resurrect. The outermost group of smaller statues like jackals resurrected. As soon as these statues resurrected, they immediately rushed at the Hydra and the hundred legged Buddha.

The hundred legged Buddha looked down and didn't seem to see these statues at all. The Hydra raised two snake heads. One snake head directly sprayed ice mist on those statues, and the other snake head immediately sprayed fire.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

A snake's head spewed out an ice mist. The ice mist instantly frozen the Jackal like statues, then the flame swept them, and the frozen statues broke. These statues could not stop the progress of the hundred foot Buddha and the nine headed snake king.