Chapter 1066

Two million per person!

"Too much." Du Heng and others were startled, "you fought with your life. We can't want so much. Well, younger martial sister Ji is the guarantor. It's not too much to take two million. The three of us can take 100000 each. We didn't do anything and took 100000 for nothing. I blushed and felt shameless when I said it. "

"Yes." So are Yang CHUANSHI and Wang haikuo.

"It's a windfall. It's two million per person." Fang Haotian got up. "Of course, you can't give it to you for nothing. After I came on stage, you all cheer me up and show me the mental state of 2 million immortal gas stones.", Then he opened the door and went out and asked the staff to take him to the war waiting area.

"He said take it." Ji Zhi got up. "This is the intention of younger martial brother Fang. He wants to help you in this way. He hopes you can use these two million immortal gas stones to buy things that are helpful to you and achieve better results in the talent war. Now let's go out to work and shout loudly in order to get 2 million immortal gas stones. "

"Ha ha, don't worry. My voice is always loud."

"Mine is not bad either."

"I'll roar with all my cultivation accomplishments later."

Du Heng followed them out.

Before long, Wudou building announced the following battle. One was the sixth reconstruction of golden fairyland, which was Wu Ruishui, the old golden fairyland strongman of Shuiyuan building. One is Fang Haotian, one of the hot candidates to win the talent war this time, who is the quadruple of golden fairyland.

At the same time, Fang Haotian and Huang Tianfang, the owner of Shuiyuan building, also told the gambling situation.

Of course, although this is a gambling fight, Wudou building still welcomes everyone to bet.

The scene was boiling. Whether it was the old Jinxian of Shuiyuan building or the hot winner of this talent war, it was difficult to arouse everyone's interest.

It was very hot to see the four people walking out of the hall.

"Yes, we can also bet." Du Heng suddenly patted his thigh, "I should still have 100000 immortal gas stones. My junior brother won."

Ji Zhisan's eyes lit up, too.

They all have confidence in each other's Haotian, which is a sure win. Naturally, they can bet as much as they have, so they all bet, which is also the biggest support of each other's Haotian.

Seeing Ji Zhi's four people making such a big bet, the people around were shocked and surprised that such a rich man even ran here instead of in the box?

The betting scene is really hot. Wudou building doesn't know how much it can earn all day. Anyway, the number is amazing.

The bet won by the buyer Haotian is five for one, and Wu Ruishui, the veteran Jinxian strongman in Shuiyuan building, is two for one.

Obviously, in the mind of Wudou building, Fang Haotian is not optimistic, but Wu Ruishui is optimistic.

At this time, Huang Tianfang and others also came out.

"I buy Wu Ruishui to win and buy 500000." Huang Tianfang made a deliberate noise and almost covered up the whole audience.

"That's Huang Tianfang, the owner of the water source building. He buys his own people to win. It seems that he is very confident."

"Buy with him and you'll win."

"Huang Tianfang knows Wu Ruishui's strength best. If he dares to buy so much, he must think he will win. No, I'll change my note and I'll buy Wu Ruishui to win. "

Some people who were hesitating about how to bet immediately followed Huang Tianfang to bet, and some who had already bet even changed their bets.

The betting time is only half an hour.

Half an hour later, the bet stopped, and then the duel time began.

Wu Ruishui held the knife with a single knife. There was a buzzing sound in his body, like a magic sound through his ears, which made many people around the martial arts platform have to cover their ears.


A sound like the death roar from the throat before the tiger preyed on him came out of Wu Ruishui's mouth, and wisps of gray brown light and fog diffused from his body, as if it were a flame flowing around his body.

"Although you and I have no hatred, when we are on stage, we are fighting for life and death." Wu Ruishui's laughter seemed extremely gloomy and cold, "but I still want to give you a chance to live. As long as you admit defeat, I won't kill you."

Fang Haotian smiled calmly, and the sword light was filled between his eyebrows: "if you admit defeat, I'll give you a chance to live."

"You're looking for death!" Wu Ruishui suddenly became angry and felt that Fang Haotian's words were a humiliation to him. How could the six fold existence of golden Wonderland, which has been famous for a long time, admit defeat to a boy.

"It was Huang Tianfang who asked you to come up and die." Fang Haotian sneered, "well, let's stop talking nonsense. We all know that whoever admits defeat will be at a disadvantage in momentum. There is no doubt that he will die. Why do we have to do unnecessary psychological warfare here? You and I who can leave the martial arts platform alive will ultimately rely on real strength. "

Fang Haotian went through countless battles and was killed all the way. Wu Ruishui couldn't hide this from Fang Haotian.

Admit defeat and don't kill?

Are you kidding? If you admit defeat, you kill faster.

"It's not stupid." Wu Ruishui is full of confidence. He really doesn't believe that Fang Hao can defeat Yan madman with real strength. If so, Yan madman has a false reputation.

Fang Haotian's battle with Yan madman was greatly honed, but Yan madman didn't really fight with him at that time, but chose to escape. In the end, he didn't kill with his strength, so Fang Haotian was very sorry. Wu Ruili's second chance to fight against nature will not be comparable to that of Wu Ruili. Now he will not let go of his second chance to fight against nature.


Wu Ruishui's momentum has finally reached its peak. His breath is amazing, just like a magnificent Taigu mountain.

Fang Haotian's body was also full of breath and dragon chants, resisting Wu Ruishui's momentum.

"Do you think it's strong to defeat Yan madman by using three indiscriminate means? Young man, you are just a self righteous fool. " Wu Ruishui raised the knife and the next moment.


In a flash of light, a knife light cut through the layers of space in front of Fang Haotian and instantly cut in front of him.

"Get out!"

Fang Haotian smiled faintly. Chixiao Yanlong sword was waved and collided with the light of the knife.


The mountain like force is instantly released, rolled and collided.

Fang Haotian's face changed and flushed instantly. A wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and the whole person flew backwards.

The transparent light curtain around the martial arts platform can be broken by the golden fairyland. Fang Haotian's body hit a big rebound and landed.

"I underestimate him. It's better than Yan Kuang!"

The idea came out of Fang Haotian's mind for a moment.

After a brief silence, the people who bought Wu Ruishui followed and cheered.

"Kill him!"

I don't know who shouted.

"Yes, kill him, kill him."

"Ha ha, kill him quickly. I'm waiting for the money."

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

Countless roars came and went in the hall.

"Shit, I lost it in the sea."

Those buyers who won Haotian were immediately depressed, and some anxious people even tore up the bet.

"Overestimate." Huang Tianfang smiles like a dog's tail. He looks at Ji Zhi.

Ji Zhi felt something and looked at it.

Huang Tianfang raised his face and was elated.

Ji Zhi moved her face expressionless and landed on the fighting platform again. She still believed that Fang Haotian would be the last winner.

So did Du Heng.

"Do you know the gap?"

Wu Ruishui looked at Fang Haotian jokingly.

Fang Haotian was silent, but the Chixiao Yanlong sword in his hand was roaring angrily, and the sword body was buzzing and shaking constantly. Like an invincible animal king who was provoked, he immediately rushed up to kill the provoker.

"If you dare to play with our little landlord, you don't pay much attention to my water source building." Wu Ruishui spoke more and more presumptuously. The light of the knife in his hand shone and completely shrouded the whole martial arts platform.

Not in it, I can't imagine the terrible light of Wu Rui's water knife.

"Give you another chance to live. Kneel down and knock three heads at our little building owner. Our little building is mainly in a good mood. If I don't kill you, I won't kill you." Wu Ruishui's voice spread all over the martial arts building under the stirring immortal Qi push.

He is deliberately humiliating Fang Haotian.

Killing a famous military genius will certainly make him feel excited.

In full view of the public, the popular winner of the talent war is not only to remove a strong opponent for the little landlord, but also to become famous in the first World War.

"If he doesn't kneel, don't kill him." Huang Tianfang said, "just cut off his two legs."

Huang Tianfang wants to destroy Fang Haotian and make him a disabled man. He lives in the world and suffers humiliation and nightmares all the time.

If you want to take revenge on a person and let him bear shame, living is more relieved than killing.

Because sometimes life is better than death.

"You and I have no hatred, but you are so vicious, very good." Fang Haotian wiped the blood on his mouth with his hand, looked at Huang Tianfang and said, "don't let me meet you on the talent war platform, otherwise you will pay for what you just said. The water source building is not enough for you to bear the consequences."

"Do you still have a chance to go to the talent stage?" Huang Tianfang heard Tianda's joke, "ha ha, I really don't cry when I don't see the coffin. Do it and cut off his legs for me. "


Wu Ruishui carries the knife.


The sword that had been on the fighting platform moved.

Fang Hao was a little dignified, and the Chixiao Yanlong sword in his hand shook rapidly.


Fang Haotian waved his sword and went all out.

Chixiao Yanlong sword and 18 soul swords attack at the same time. The invisible soul seal also smashes at Wu Ruishui madly.


All the swords were suddenly broken, but the eighteen soul swords were also shaken away, and the invisible soul prints were shaken away.

But Wu Ruishui's face changed dramatically, because Chixiao Yanlong sword still stabbed him in the middle of his eyebrows.

The sword is stabbing, and the sword spirit is surging and spreading everywhere. The invisible sword spirit is like the essence. The sword light is like the golden sunrise breaking the darkness of the earth in the morning, breaking the light of Wu Ruishui's sword.

Fang Haotian's mouth was bleeding, but the sword continued.