Chapter 1117

In the soul fantasy world, the strength of the demon God ancient barge is weakened. The strength that originally dominated the jiuzhong peak of the realm can now play the general jiuzhong strength at most. However, in the soul fantasy world, Fang Haotian's overall strength can be improved invisibly.

This goes up and that goes down, bringing each other closer.

Fang Haotian still has great confidence and even has a hunch that he will have a great harvest after the first world war with GuBo.


Fang Hao rushed a few days ago and stabbed again with the long sword!

"Get out."

Ancient barge roared and brandished his sword madly.

Boom, boom

Gu Bo and Fang Haotian fought together again. After hundreds of swords, Fang Haotian was beaten away again, but this time he didn't spit blood.

Gu Bo didn't pursue. He just stared at Fang Haotian who flew thousands of meters backward. He finally realized that it was wrong.

Although the main hall is large, it is not thousands of meters wide.

Fang Haotian retreated thousands of meters, but the wall was still behind Fang Haotian. It seemed that no matter how far Fang Haotian retreated, it was impossible to touch the hall wall.

Obviously, the temple wall still looks like a temple wall, but it is no longer true.

"Space treasure, you put me in space treasure?"

Gu Bo suddenly stabbed the sky with a sword.


It was only a hundred meters high on the top of the hall, but Gu Bo couldn't reach it with a sword, as if he had pierced into the endless void. It was impossible for him to destroy this space treasure.

The ancient barge as like as two peas, he is not in Shi Dianzhong now. He is already in another space, but this space looks exactly like the hall where he lives.

But he didn't know that it was not a treasure in space. It was the soul fantasy world displayed by Fang Haotian.

As long as Fang Haotian is alive and there is no great loss of soul power, this world can be maintained and exist all the time.

Maybe the Immortal Emperor realm can disperse the soul fantasy realm, but it is impossible to dominate the realm.

Gu Bo was shocked and couldn't help but ask, "what treasure are you that can make me unconsciously enter another space world?"

"Soul fantasy world!"

Fang Haotian smiled lightly. As soon as he raised his foot, he shortened the distance of thousands of meters, waved his sword and stabbed again.


Gu Bo didn't know what the ghost world represented, but thought it was the name of the space treasure.

He didn't want to say more. He waved his sword and stabbed it. As long as Fang Haotian's sword defense failed, he would fall into the continuous bombardment of his sword until he died.


The two swords kept pounding each other, killing the sky and the earth.

"Open it for me!" Fang Haotian suddenly roared. After stabbing into the air with a sword, he turned to his waist and abdomen to exert force.

Chixiao Yanlong sword swept across!

The power of one sword is enough to wipe out thousands of troops!

No matter how continuous the sword potential of Gu Bo is, Fang Haotian will be able to stop the other party's sword potential as soon as he sweeps it!


Chixiao Yanlong sword directly swept on the ancient barge's sword potential. In an instant, an amazing terrible noise broke out, and the invisible air pressure rushed in all directions. If this is not the soul fantasy world, but in the real stone hall, maybe the stone hall will be destroyed by these air pressures.

"Hum, you can stop me!" The ancient barge vibrates the sword. The sword power is hard to break, and it is still continuous.

Many years ago, he killed a man who dominated the territory and soaked it with magic blood day and night. Now, this sword has become a terrible magic sword, which is almost the same as the soul of GuBo. It can be said that it is the original weapon of GuBo. He named it "magic flag sword". It is intended that everyone will see him like seeing his banner leading the times and fear him, Surrender to him.

Gu Bo has great ambition. He lurks in the fairy world under the command of the highest power in the demon world. At the beginning, he has no ambition when his strength is low. However, with the continuous increase of his strength, he feels that he can reach the immortal empire one day, so his ambition becomes greater and greater.

When he arrives at the immortal realm, he will have a chance to get away from the control of the big man. One day he will be able to take charge of the fairy world. Then the fairy world will be the second demon world, and he will be the demon emperor who controls the new demon world.

This sword is his life sword. Seeing the sword is like seeing him.

This sword will be his flag and his symbol.


Suddenly, a wisp of blood flickered on the ancient barge's sword, and then it turned into black magic gas. The magic gas waves wrapped around the sword body, and a fierce and violent breath circulated.

After the ancient refuter got this sword, he secretly didn't know how many human strong men and human heroes had been killed and how much human blood had been stained. The blood evil spirit visible to the naked eye was honed and dispersed like spider silk.

Ancient barge's momentum has increased a lot, and some of his strength has improved. If he is not suppressed by the soul fantasy world, maybe he has really reached the level of half step Immortal Emperor realm at this time.


The ancient barge shouted angrily, and the sword posture was even more terrible.

Fang Haotian tried his best to resist more than ten moves and was suddenly beaten away.


The ancient barge has infinite power, his face is gloomy and ferocious, and his whole body emits murderous gas like a raging ocean. He is boiling madly. There is a magic flame beating in his eyes. The sword in his hand is wildly waved, and the sword momentum is rolling towards Fang Haotian.

"If there is no soul world, I am really not his opponent."

Fang Hao was slightly cold in the heart of heaven. Chixiao Yanlong sword defended with all his strength. The sword path urged him. The shadow of the sword was great. The sword shield was face-to-face and sealed the ancient refuted sword.


The crash roared and exploded.

Fang Haotian flew backwards faster, shocked all over and gushed blood from his mouth.

However, the figure of Gu Bao's front attack also stopped slightly. He was so crazy that he lost a lot. He couldn't bear it. It was impossible to attack endlessly. After all, Fang Haotian's strength was not far from him.

"Although my strength is suppressed here, I am the nine peaks, and how to suppress you is not my opponent," Gu Bo quickly adjusted his breath and walked step by step to Fang Haotian who fell to the ground. "However, your treasure is really magical. After I kill you, I will fall into my hands. After I hold you, I may be able to compete with human immortal empire with my strength, At that time, I will continue to appear as a human being and will become the powerful existence of the top ten human beings. I will be respected by you human beings. Ha ha, one day, I will surpass everything, and I will be the Lord of the fairyland! "

"Hehe, hehe..." Fang Haotian smiled, his eyes glittering, and his injury recovered rapidly. "Your ambition is really big, but you don't recognize the consciousness of the situation. Do you think you have a future? In the war between you and me, you must die in the end. "


While talking, Fang Haotian's breath suddenly surged and changed.

At the moment when Gu Bo's crazy attack just now hit Fang Haotian, Fang Haotian realized the word "eternal immortal body".

"Eternal immortal body" every time you realize a word, your body will be strong, and your strength will increase accordingly.

Gu barge frowned slightly. He noticed that Fang Haotian's body Qi had changed. Although it was subtle, it was a sign of improvement.

It is not a good thing that the strength of the opponent is slightly improved in the battle between the two.

"Can this boy improve his strength in battle?"

Such an idea suddenly came into Gu Bo's mind.


Gu Bo suddenly waved his sword: "boy, you don't have the strength to say such words. You can kill me? Hum, I'll take you on the road now! "

Driven by the evil spirit, the sword power staggered, and the ancient barge's sword instantly turned into a big sword shadow, revealing the brilliance of the demon God.

This blow is stronger than the crazy shot just now.

Fang Haotian's eyes twinkled with a fierce sense of war. Although he knew that Gu Bo's attack was very powerful, he didn't avoid it. He urged Chixiao Yanlong sword again, blessed it with soul power, the sword moves, and the hand is hard connected.


The ancient barge flew Fang Haotian again, and the corners of his mouth overflowed again.

"Very good!"

Fang Haotian said hello gently.


His breath suddenly surged, and his accomplishments broke through the strong oppression of the ancient barge.

"Cultivation breakthrough?"

Gu Bo's face changed. Fang Haotian could fight with him before he broke through. It would be more difficult to break through again.

"I don't believe I can't kill you."

Gu Bo was angry, and his evil Qi was terrible.

"Ha ha, come again!"

Fang Haotian laughed wildly and rushed up with his sword.


The ancient barge angrily shot, and the sword momentum continued.

Boom, boom!

Gu Bo was crazy and the sword was terrible. Fang Haotian was blown away again.

But Fang Haotian didn't spit blood this time. After his cultivation breakthrough, his combat effectiveness has indeed been greatly improved.

"Gu Bo, you are destined to be my grindstone. When my sword is sharp enough, your mission will end."

Fang Haotian was in great spirits and wielded his sword to stab him violently.

Gu Bo became more and more angry. He kept waving his sword and flying Fang Haotian.

However, Fang Haotian seemed to improve his strength every time he was shocked and flew. He kept fighting back and made it dark with the ancient barge.


Fang Haotian was shocked again, but this time the ancient barge's sword was broken.

The magic flag sword of Gu Bo is not as good as Chixiao Yanlong sword after all. In this high-level continuous crazy collision, it is finally overwhelmed and broken.

"Damn it, you completely angered me."

The ancient barge roared, crazy and violent, turned his wrist, and a disc appeared.

"You forced me to use the divine emperor's tools, boy, you can be proud even if you die."

As soon as this dish comes out, the momentum of the ancient barge is even more terrible.

"Nine stars destroy the immortal plate!"

"One star strike!"

The ancient barge swings the disc out.

The nine star immortal destroying plate was given to him by the powerful before he came to protect his life. He didn't use it until the critical moment. Now, after his life sword was broken, he sacrificed the plate in crazy anger and vowed to kill Fang Haotian.


A star shaped disk rolled out. Fang Hao Tianji waved his sword but was difficult to resist. He was blown away again.


This time, Fang Haotian's injury was very serious. Cracks opened in his sword holding arm, like a blood snake winding, which was very terrible and leaked thick white bones.

The nine stars destroy the power of the immortal plate, and Fang Haotian's eternal body has been broken.

"Immortal Emperor Daoqi!"

Fang Haotian narrowed his eyes, urged the immortal body formula, and his arm recovered quickly.

"It turns out that this is the power of Taoist weapons. It's a little stronger than I thought, but you can't kill me."

Fang Haotian first saw the power of the Immortal Emperor's Taoist instruments. He was not afraid, but a happy smile appeared on his face.

Immortal Emperor Taoist weapon refers to the Immortal Emperor's life weapon. It is a weapon continuously refined by Dili, which contains the power of DILI.