Seeing Shi Sheng back in the room, Gu's mother rushed to Gu Qingyue and said, "Shi Sheng agreed to this matter, and you can't say anything more. This time I listen to my mother, my mother is for your good."

Gu Qingyue left without saying a word to his mother.

Seeing the hope, Gu's mother went out early every morning, and then came back late at night. Every day she was screening for Gu Qingyue.

Gu's mother was very interested in this matter, thinking, "since you can choose your child's mother, you must choose a better gene."

After he agreed to be a test tube baby for Gu's family, Shi Sheng felt that Gu's mother had devoted herself to this matter. Shi Sheng, as the prospective daughter-in-law of Gu's family, was very unhappy.

But every eye movement of Shi Sheng is more and more attracted by Gu Qing.

That day, he found an opportunity to say to Shi Sheng, "you don't have to, you don't have to promise this, and you don't owe our family anything."

"It doesn't matter. I know my mother is very uncomfortable when she sees other people holding grandchildren in her heart. Besides, this child is very necessary for us." Shi Sheng said.

Gu Qingyue looks at Shi Sheng, "how can you be so stubborn?"

Soon, in a weekend, Gu's mother brought home a girl, who looked completely different from Shi Sheng.

She has long waist length hair. Her brown hair has a charming luster. There are several naughty little curls at the end of her hair. With the downward movement of her eyes, a lovely baby face can look particularly lovely in the sunlight., Beautiful is not like a real person, but like a heroine in animation, baby fat on her face is to add a bit of fun.

Gu's mother called Shisheng out. Seeing the girl standing at the door, Shisheng couldn't help sighing, "it's so young."

"Shi Sheng, you come." When Gu's mother called, Sheng went downstairs.

"This is my mother. What do you think?" Gu's mother said with a smile.

"It's beautiful." Shi Sheng really thinks her daughter is very beautiful, "but does she look young or really young? How do I think she is still a student?"

Gu mother turned to the girl standing at the door and waved, "don't stand, come in and sit down."

The girl at the door clenched her fingers. She was too nervous. She had never been in such a beautiful house.

The girl hesitated. She didn't know which foot to take first. After a long time, she walked slowly from the door to the house.

"Gu Qingyue, isn't he at home?" Asked Gu's mother.

"No, I went to the company just now and will be back soon." Gu Qingyue said to Gu's mother.

Looking at the girl standing beside him at a loss, Shi Sheng said, "sit down."

When Sheng sat on the sofa and asked the girl to sit opposite him.

"Mom, pour us a glass of boiling water." Shi Sheng turned to Gu's mother and said.

Gu's mother quickly agrees. She knows that Shi Sheng has something to say to the girl alone.

Shi Sheng looks at the girl and keeps stirring her fingers. Her forehead is sweating nervously. Shi Sheng smiles, "don't be nervous."

"No... no tension." The girl was so nervous that she stammered.

"Gu Qingyue will be back soon." Shi Sheng said.

The girl didn't say a word any more and nodded slightly.

For a long time, two people did not talk, the girl in this quiet atmosphere some fear, tightly bite their lips.

"What's your name?" Shi Sheng broke the silence first.

"Anyi." The girl said her name gently.

"I think you are still in school, a student." Shi Sheng asked her.

"Yes, but I will graduate soon." The girl never raised her head to face Shisheng.

After a long time, the girl looked up.

Shi Sheng was once again moved by the girl's appearance. The girl didn't have makeup, but her face seemed to be as tender as water. Her two little faces were slightly flushed, her eyelashes were curved and long, and her lips were pink. Shi Sheng, as a woman, wanted to take a bite and taste what it was like.

But the girl just looked at Shisheng, and suddenly there was something shining in her eyes. She cried.

"Because I... My mother... She has cancer. The doctor said that it won't be long, but I don't want my mother to leave too early. I didn't graduate from college, so... So I don't have money. I also tried to do part-time jobs to do other jobs, but it was too slow. My mother didn't have time to wait for me." The girl said, tears have come out of her eyes.

When Sheng looked at crying pear rain Anyi asked her, "you will not regret it?"

"I won't regret it for my mother." The girl answered in the affirmative.

Shi Sheng looks at her and doesn't say a word any more. When the girl is almost finished crying, Gu Qingyue returns home from the company.

Seeing the girl sitting with Shi Sheng, Gu Qingyue was more puzzled, "Shi Sheng, is this your friend? How come I haven't seen it. " Gu Qingyue said.

When Gu's mother heard that her son had come back, she ran out of the house and said, "son, how about a look."

Gu Qing glanced more and more at the girl with red eyes on the sofa and said, "if you choose, just be happy. I can do it." Gu Qingyue finished and went upstairs.

Gu's mother scolded her son, "this child!"

Turning to Shi Sheng and an Yiyi, "Yiyi, you have come to see Shi Sheng and Gu Qingyue today. We promise you that our family will do it. We will try our best to help your mother with her illness. Now you have to protect yourself. I'll let our driver take you back later."

"No, I'll go back myself." Anyi hastily refused.

"Oh, you're welcome. It's up to you whether I can hold my grandson." Gu's mother was smiling.

The girl nodded slightly and let out her own green and astringent feeling.

All this looks so dazzling in Shisheng's eyes, as if he is the superfluous person in this family, but he has to accept it, otherwise he will feel guilty all his life.

Back in the house, I saw Gu Qingyue sitting on his bed.

"What's the matter?" Shi Sheng asked.

"So a pretty girl?" Shi Sheng asked.

"Yes, I'm still a student. So are you. Why didn't you refuse?" Gu Qing complained more and more.

"That girl is very poor. Her mother has cancer. In order to see her mother, she has to make this choice." Shi Sheng said.

"Forget it. Anyway, you agree. You can do it as you see fit." Gu Qingyue said.

The next day, Shi Sheng and the girl go to the hospital again for a physical examination. Gu Qingyue doesn't come along because he doesn't agree with this. Shi Sheng and an Yiyi are waiting for the test results outside the door, just like Shi Sheng did that day.

But last time, Sheng came hopefully, but she received the worst news. She looked at the girl standing on one side with her head down all the time. "Yiyi, it's OK. It's certainly OK."

Shi Sheng told her not to be nervous, just as Gu Qing took his hand and told him not to be nervous that day, Shi Sheng had an indescribable discomfort in his heart and thought, "if only I could be as healthy as this girl."

The test results came out very quickly, and the doctor told them, "Anii's body is all right. I need to take some medicine this month. I'll give you a good medicine and wait for the first floor to fill up the medicine. The next 3-7 days of the menstrual period will start the injection of drugs to promote follicular development. After 3 days, we can monitor the follicular development, then adjust the dosage of the medicine, and you will remember the date carefully."

Shi Sheng and an Yiyi nodded and began to prepare the test tube baby.

The waiting process is very long. Gu's mother is most anxious, but Gu Qingyue is indifferent.

"Mom, can you stop making such a fuss? She just sprained her foot and gasped today. Besides, there are no children in her stomach. What are you nervous about?"

From the beginning of pregnancy preparation, Gu's mother called every day to ask an Yiyi what she had eaten, what she had done and where she had been injured. She just called an Yiyi and heard that Wei was in a hurry when she got to her feet.

"I'm not in a hurry. If I fall and break a bone, I'll have to wait for more than 100 days. Do you think I'm in a hurry?" Gu said.

Gu Qingyue rolled his eyes to Gu's mother and was too lazy to pay attention to her. He pulled up Shi Sheng and said, "go, Shi Sheng, let's go to bed."

"Gu Qingyue." When Sheng called Gu Qingyue.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingyue raised his head and saw Shi Sheng standing outside the study. He put down his work and said, "OK, I'll accompany you."

Gu Qingyue hears Shi Sheng calling himself, and instantly feels the loneliness in Shi Sheng's heart, so Gu Qingyue strides to Shi Sheng's side and holds her in his arms.