"General Manager Gao, please don't stand in my way. I'm going out." Liu Yanxi had a beautiful battle with Gao Tianle last afternoon and successfully signed the cooperation project. After signing the contract, Liu Yanxi was tired. She went back to the hotel to have a rest. She slept until noon the next day. She didn't eat for two consecutive meals. She was hungry and was preparing to have a big meal. By the way, she had a hearty shopping in the center known as the shopping paradise!

However, the imagination is always plump and the reality pierces the heart. Just as she opened the door, the general manager of Gaotian LEGO appeared at the door of her room. Invite him to go out with her to see the scenery and talk about life and ideals.

However, Liu Yanxi didn't want to see Gao Tianle at all, let alone talk about life and ideals with him. Therefore, Liu Yanxi resolutely rejected Gao Tianle. So now Gao Tianle stands at the door of Liu Yanxi's room and doesn't let her out.

Liu Yanxi refused him again and again. After signing the contract yesterday, he asked her to celebrate together, but she went back to the hotel to sleep. Considering that she was seriously short of sleep, she didn't care too much. This morning, he asked her to go out together, and the woman refused him again.

Gao Tianle looks at Liu Yanxi, who is very charming. She is bound to not let her go out alone and decides to fight with her to the end.

He never thought that one day he would play tricks with a woman in a different place, and the woman didn't want to see him. This is humiliating.

"Director Liu, is it humiliating to go out with me? How can you avoid me like snakes and scorpions? I think I'm very handsome, and many girls flock to me. Why don't you want to see me?"

"Director Gao, I have nothing to slip away from you. Go to the girls who chase you. I'm going out. Please get out of the way“

"Forget it, since you don't accompany me, I'll accompany you." Gao Tianle leaned slightly to let Liu Yanxi out.

"Director Gao, do you know what your current behavior looks like? "Liu Yanxi's character is hot. She will return anyone who annoys her, not even her immediate boss. Anyway, she has done nothing wrong. The contract has been signed, and her task here has been completed. She will return by plane at night. Of course, the rest of the time is her own. Gao Tianle doesn't know what nerves are bothering her.

"What's it like?" Gao Tianle followed Liu Yanxi's steps with salivation.

"Land rogue, what's the difference between you and local ruffian rogue?"

"There's a big difference. Land scoundrels rob good women. Oh, what is director Liu implying?"

"Shameless!" Liu Yanxi said. She stopped talking to Gao Tianle and walked on.

Gao Tianle grabbed Liu Yanxi. The woman didn't look at the traffic lights and was almost hit by a car. If she hadn't grabbed him in time, she didn't know what the consequences would be.

"You don't have long eyes. You dare to run a red light. This life doesn't matter, does it?" Gao Tianle was really angry. Liu Yanxi didn't care about his life safety at all. However, why was he so angry?

Liu Yanxi was completely stunned by Gao Tianle's roar. What's the situation? She was roared by Gao Tianle and didn't hear what Zhao roared. She blurted out, "are you sick“

"You're sick. See where you are now?" the woman dared to scold him for being sick.

Liu Yanxi looked around. The cars in front were bustling. She really didn't want to die. She just kept moving forward. Fortunately, Gao Tianle just held her.

"Well, let's go. It's green." Liu Yanxi scratched her hair and said shyly.

Gao Tianle looked at Liu Yanxi scratching her hair. He thought this action was very cute, so he took Liu Yanxi's hand and crossed the road.

Liu Yanxi was overwhelmed by his sudden action, so she was led across the road by Gao Tianle. Then, Liu Yanxi pulled out her hand, "Oh, naive heat," and pretended to take her hand to fan.

Gao Tianle looked at Liu Yanxi's series of actions. The woman was really duplicity and very cute.

They came to the largest shopping mall in the city. Liu Yanxi was attracted by a big brand lipstick and couldn't walk. Women all have the heart of beauty. Liu Yanxi stood still, looked at these lipsticks, took a lipstick in her hand from time to time, then put it down and saw a bean paste lipstick. "This is suitable for Xiaonan. Xiaonan must be very nice to apply it. "I wanted to choose one for myself, but it was too expensive, so I put it down.

Gao Tianle looked at Liu Yanxi's eyes and suddenly glowed. She kept looking at the lipstick. She picked up a lipstick and muttered, "this is suitable for Xiaonan." it is estimated that she would give it to his best friend or good friend, and then picked up another one and put it down after a long time. It is estimated that she likes it very much.

"Miss, help me wrap these two red envelopes." Gao Tianle took the lipstick from Liu Yanxi's hand, picked up the lipstick from the shelf that Liu Yanxi had seen for a long time and handed it to the shopping guide at the counter.

Seeing that the lipstick on her hand was taken away, Liu Yanxi was surprised to see that Gao Tianle also took the lipstick she wanted to buy to the shopping guide to check out. Her psychology was really strange.

"General Manager Gao, you want to buy lipstick for your female friends. Why should you take it from me?" there are a lot of them on the counter. You can choose any one you like. "

"When you go shopping with women, how can you let women pay the bill? It's really out of gentleman's demeanor." Gao Tianle didn't think much. Since Liu Yanxi likes it, you can buy it for her. For Gao Tianle, it's 90 cattle and a hair.

If Liu Yanxi knew what Gao Tianle thought at this moment, she would surely smash Gao Tianle's goods with a handful of coins and let him load thirteen

In fact, it can't blame Gao Tianle. Gao Tianle grew up in a superior family. His parents are both in business. Although he can't rank locally, he is also a rich family. Gao Tianle's parents have always hoped that he can come back and take over his family's career, but Gao Tianle just didn't do it. He didn't want his parents' career, so he worked hard by himself. He started at the bottom of SR media company and climbed to the present step by step General manager position, even if Gao Tianle's monthly income is considerable, his parents will still pay millions to Gao Tianle's account every month