They sat by the window of the sea cafe, and the waiter came immediately.

"What would you like to drink, miss?" the waiter asked with a smile.

"I want a cappuccino, nangongqi. What would you like to drink?" Jiang Ying handed nangongqi the list.

"Caramel macchiato, thank you."

Nangong Qi handed the list to the waiter. She was still influenced by Liu Ruyan. When Liu Ruyan was free, she always liked to ask her to go shopping and have coffee.

Sometimes, at Liu Ruyan's home, Liu Ruyan will personally make a caramel macchiato for Nangong Qi. I thought she should be back soon.

"Nangong Qi, how are you and Wang Ze? He's so popular now!" gossip is a woman's nature, which naturally includes Jiang Ying. Moreover, Wang Ze and Nangong Qi have been together for many years, and they are obvious to all.

"Already broke up." Nangong Qi said faintly, trying to hide her unhappiness and her discomfort.

"Has he really been with the popular actress Zhou Shishi? What have you been feeling for so many years..." Jiang Ying doesn't know what to say to comfort Nangong Qi. After all, they witnessed her love in those years, and her feelings with Wang Ze are also excellent, but time displaces people, and things are human.

"I'm not sure." Nangong Qi doesn't want Jiang Ying to continue asking. She knows she doesn't want to say anything more. She doesn't want others to know about her own affairs. After reading the joke, she is a psychologist. She knows who will treat her sincerely and love her. Who will just take it as a joke.

Jiang Ying is really a little concerned about Nangong Qi, but it's just because of her roommate in the past. She's more curious and gossip. After all, Wang Ze is a popular star. She probably has the meaning of watching Nangong Qi's jokes.

Nangong Qi drank the coffee in her hand silently and stopped talking to Jiang Ying. She turned to look at the scenery outside the window. The scenery outside is more comfortable than the people inside. Maybe I shouldn't have come here to talk about the so-called old

Jiang Ying doesn't know what to say. She feels a little sorry for Nangong Qi and Wang Ze. Her feelings for many years have broken up. It's a little sad.

After drinking coffee, Nangong Qi said, "Jiang Ying, shall I take you back?"

"Nangong Qi, I'll just take a taxi back. I don't live far from here."

"It's all right. The things you bought are still in my car. I'll take you back."

"Well, thank you, Nangong Qi“

"Jiang Ying, you and I don't have to be so polite." Nangong Qi said that she was a little sad. When the distance was far away, her feelings became weak, just like her and Wang Ze, because the two people went a different way and were farther and farther away, all Wang Ze's feelings for her would change.

Nangong Qi sent Jiang Ying home, so she went home.

Nangong Qi came out of the car and saw a familiar car, which was he Junxi's. she couldn't help wondering how this man came to his house again.

He Junxi watched Nangong Qi get out of the car, so he got out of the car. "Didn't you say to go home? Why did you come back now? I didn't answer your phone“

"Oh, the cell phone ran out of power and turned off. I went to the supermarket and met my college roommate, so I went to have coffee and chat. What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you!"

"Wait for me? What are you waiting for me to do?"

"I haven't eaten yet. You cook for me." he Junxi looked at Nangong Qi with the food bought from the supermarket in her hand.

"Ah?" Nangong Qi was speechless about he Junxi's behavior.

"No, let's go." he Junxi took Nangong Qi's bag and walked to Nangong Qi's home with Nangong Qi.

Nangong Qi takes out the key and opens the door. He Junxi walks in with Nangong Qi.

Nangong Qi walked into the kitchen. Because she didn't cook much at ordinary times and there were no dishes in the fridge, there was only one fish left when Wang Ze came to cook for her a few days ago. She casually got it, fried another dish, made a soup, and finished it in less than half an hour.

Nangong Qi brought out the dishes, which were very common and homely: a plate of steamed crucian carp, a plate of scrambled eggs with garlic, and a bowl of mushroom soup.

He Junxi accompanied him to dinner today. Nangong Qi has an inexplicably good appetite.

However, in the process of eating, he Junxi didn't speak, and Nangong Qi didn't speak. The two people ate quietly. He Junxi took off the fish head, slowly picked out the fish eyes and put them into Nangong Qi's bowl. Nangong Qi's heart moved. Did he Junxi know the story, even Wang Ze didn't know.

Nangong Qi's heart jumped up, and her breath was a little confused

She once had dinner with Liu Ruyan. Once she ordered a fish, and Liu Ruyan told her the story of fish eyes. At that time, she just listened to it as a pastime. Later, every time she ate fish with Wang Ze, she always thought of this story, but Wang Ze didn't know and never gave her fish eyes, because she once felt very lost

Nangong Qi looked up at he Junxi. His expression didn't change. She took care of herself to eat. Maybe she was hungry after working all afternoon. She wolfed down when eating.

Fish eyes actually have no taste, even some taste bad, but only the heart can taste it.

It seems that not long ago, although the fish cooked by Wang Ze is not as good as that cooked by the chef in the hotel, Nangong Qi ate his heart. Now, I can't go back to the beginning.

After dinner, he Junxi cleaned the table and said to Nangong Qi, "take a bath. I'll wash the bowl. After washing, I'll go home. You don't have to care about me."

He Junxi has never eaten such homely dishes since the car accident. Although the taste is not very delicious, it can make him feel at home.

He Junxi cleaned the kitchen after washing the bowl. Although the kitchen was small, it made him feel very warm at the moment.

Nangong Qi just came out of the bathroom and saw he Junxi washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. He Junxi had no cold and domineering in the past. Unexpectedly, he was all a housewife and man. Nangong Qi was almost shocked