When Nangong Qi came out of the dressing room, he Junxi was no longer in the room... There were still shirts crumpled by himself in the trash can

The next day, he Junxi made an appointment to negotiate in the cafe... But soon after he sat down, something unpleasant happened

"You..." he Junxi stood up from his position because he was poured with hot coffee.

He didn't expect that the waiter would be so clumsy, not as good as those flower crazy women who deliberately turned around in front of him.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry." Xue Mingyu looked at he Junxi in panic. She wanted to stretch out her hand to help he Junxi wipe off the coffee on the expensive suit, but he Junxi suddenly patted Xue Mingyu's hand, which made Xue Mingyu stand in place very embarrassed. She knew that what was waiting for her was probably a storm

Xue Mingyu is a graduate of the Chinese Department of a famous university, so she prefers to work in planning. Xue Mingyu has done a lot of related work during her internship, so Xue Mingyu thinks these companies should consider that they have accumulated a certain amount of work experience, so Xue Mingyu waits at home, She hopes to find a satisfactory company to work as soon as possible.

Xue Mingyu now lives in a rented house she found with the help of her friends. Because she hasn't found a job yet, Xue Mingyu begged the landlord to postpone the rent payment for one month. Fortunately, the landlord is also a more enthusiastic person. The landlord saw that Xue Mingyu was a newly graduated student, so he agreed to Xue Mingyu's plea.

Originally, Xue Mingyu thought she could find a suitable job in a short time, so she could afford to pay the rent, but what Xue Mingyu didn't expect is that she has graduated for almost half a month, and has delivered no less than hundreds of resumes.

Some time before this cup of coffee was spilled on he Junxi... Xue Mingyu lived frugally in order to save money for paying rent. That day, when Xue Xiaoyu was bargaining with vegetable vendors in the vegetable market, Xue Xiaoyu's cell phone rang. She saw that it was a strange phone number, so she immediately connected, Because Xue Xiaoyu is afraid that the company to which he sent his resume will call him.

Sure enough, as Xue Xiaoyu thought, as soon as Xue Xiaoyu connected the phone, the person at the other end of the phone said to Xue Xiaoyu, "are you Xue Xiaoyu? The boss of our company is very satisfied after reading your resume, so please come to our company for an interview now."

As soon as Xue Xiaoyu heard the man say such words, she was stunned and immediately asked, "is it going to be there now?"

Xue Xiaoyu glanced at the watch on her wrist and found that it was past 11 noon. Xue Xiaoyu was worried that their boss had finished work when she rushed to the company, so she would confirm it with the person at the other end of the phone.

Just to Xue Xiaoyu's surprise, he just said such words. The person at the other end of the phone obviously said to Xue Xiaoyu impatiently, "come here when you're called. What's the matter with you? Do you dare not come after informing the interview? Then don't come."

Xue Xiaoyu heard that the tone of the person at the other end of the phone was very bad, but she didn't dare to lose a possible job opportunity, so Xue Xiaoyu immediately apologized to the humanitarian at the other end of the phone: "I'm really sorry. I'll be there right now."

When the person on the other end of the phone heard Xue Xiaoyu say so, he immediately hung up without saying a word.

Xue Xiaoyu feels a little puzzled. Generally speaking, the employees in the personnel department of the company have such a bad temper, but Xue Xiaoyu doesn't dare to pick it anymore. Xue Xiaoyu directly puts down his dishes and runs directly to the bus station

The vegetable dealer who was just bargaining with Xue Xiaoyu for 50 cents immediately scolded when he saw that Xue Xiaoyu didn't buy his own dishes: "what's the matter with girls now? I've been arguing with me for a long time for such a little money. It's really stingy."

However, Xue Xiaoyu didn't hear this. She is trotting to catch the bus. Xue Xiaoyu knows that the company she is going to interview is still far from here. If she takes the bus and meets a traffic jam, it will take about 40 minutes to get to the company, so she just confirmed the interview time with the personnel department of that company.

Fortunately, Xue Xiaoyu had better luck today. When she ran to the bus stop, Xue Xiaoyu saw a bus No. 111. Xue Xiaoyu knew that the bus could go directly to the address of the interview company, so Xue Xiaoyu immediately jumped on the bus.

Xue Xiaoyu always calculates the time on the bus because she is worried that she will go too late. It is estimated that the attitude of the staff of the personnel department may have to scold her. However, it is impossible to estimate that there will be a traffic jam on the road. Therefore, when Xue Xiaoyu gets off at that station, she looks at the time. It is almost twelve o'clock, Xue Xiaoyu hurried all the way to the office building of the company.

"Hello, I'm here for an interview." Xue Xiaoyu quickly adjusted her breath. She was afraid that her panting appearance would be seen by the front desk staff.

After hearing Xue Xiaoyu's words, the front desk staff looked up at Xue Xiaoyu and asked, "who informed you to come for an interview?"

Is it not that the employees of this company have such a bad temper? Xue Xiaoyu muttered in his heart. However, Xue Xiaoyu did not dare to offend the front desk staff on the surface, because she really needed the job now, so Xue Xiaoyu immediately said with a smiling face: "it's manager Wu of the personnel department."

When the front desk staff saw Xue Xiaoyu say so, they said with a cold face to Xue Xiaoyu: "then go in, but it seems that manager Wu is about to get off work."

Xue xiaoyuli immediately nodded and smiled at the front desk staff after hearing this sentence, and then went inside to find manager Wu.

When Xue Xiaoyu met manager Wu, Xue Xiaoyu really saw that manager Wu was already cleaning up the things on the table and looked like going off work, so Xue Xiaoyu immediately opened his mouth to manager Wu and said, "Hello, I'm Xue Xiaoyu. I was informed to come for an interview before."

When manager Wu heard Xue Xiaoyu's words, he looked up at Xue Xiaoyu, but Xue Xiaoyu could see that manager Wu seemed dissatisfied with himself.

Manager Wu frowned, looked up and down at Xue Xiaoyu and said, "why don't you have a sense of time? I clearly told you to come to our company for an interview right away. What time is it now?"