Chapter 91: Chapter 91

Name:I'll Tell You Every Day Author:Anri
Daiyu celebrated her birthday this year at the Wang Mansion. They invited several people such as Daiyu's classmates, Liu Jin and Zhihao's close friends, and even some of Daiyu's model friends. Of course, their parents and siblings were around as well.

"Daiyu-jiejie!!!" The twins ran into her arms and Daiyu caught them.

"Happy birthday!" They kissed her cheek and she kissed them back too.

"Daiyu-jiejie, we have a gift for you!" Meili said as she handed her a paper bag.

"Wow! Can I open it now?"

The twins nodded.

Daiyu gently lowered them to the ground and began opening the bag. There was a large white bunny onesie inside.

"Mingli has a blue one!"

"Meili has a pink one!"

"Oh! We're matching?" She asked with a smile on her face.

They giggled and nodded.

"I have one too."

Daiyu turned around and saw Liu Jin behind them. She raised a brow.


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