Chapter 165: Chapter 165

Name:I'll Tell You Every Day Author:Anri
After Daiyu and Liu Jin's wedding, they spent half a month abroad for their honeymoon. Wang Jing had booked them a private resort and Liu Jin savored each night with Daiyu.

Of course, it was no surprise when news came out that Daiyu was pregnant three months after. At that time, Ying Yue was already four months pregnant as well. This time, it was Daiyu's turn to be heavily pampered by the family.

Although Liu Jin often made fun of Zhihao back when Ying Yue was pregnant with the triplets, right now, he was even more nervous than Zhihao. Under Zhihao's guidance, the two idiots renovated the Wang Mansion and made it baby-proof.

"We need more mats here." Zhihao instructed.

"Huh? Isn't this enough? I doubt she'll walk in the garden barefooted." Liu Jin scratched his head.

"That's the point! Accidents happen when you least expect it!"

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