But still feel aggrieved.

What's wrong with her?

After the Lin family's accident, those people all avoided him. She never lost sight of him because the family situation was wrong.

She gave him the greatest help and support.

At the beginning of his business, she even worked overtime with him when she came back from holiday to help him deal with customers.

In life, she has never been a virtuous girlfriend since she was a child.

But at the beginning, when she saw him working hard, she learned to praise soup with her chef, and her fingers were all blistered. Later, she was ridiculed by him as not the material for cooking.

Tang Wu laughs.

What she's doing is probably not worth a sweet word from mengrui?

The last thing she can do is to be coquettish.

Most men like that kind of delicate and soft girl!

Tang Wu is walking forward. From the moment she left Lin xiurui's apartment downstairs, she can't look back.

I don't know how long I've been walking, but suddenly someone comes from behind and bumps into Tang Wu.

Then Tang Wu's bag was snatched.

In the middle of the night, there are thieves.

Tang Wu didn't plan to go after her. Her bag is not so easy to steal. The thief will naturally send it to the police station tomorrow.

Tang Wu didn't chase her, but someone did.

A thin figure, quickly catch up with the thief running into the alley.

Through a layer of rain and fog, Tang Wu saw that the thief was soon pushed to the ground by the man.

After a cry for mercy, the man took the bag from the thief and let it go.

The thief slipped away.

The man came to her with Tang Wu's bag and returned it to her.

Tang Wu raised her eyelashes and looked at the person standing in front of her.

I feel familiar.

Seeing that Tang Wu didn't take the bag, the young man put it on the ground and turned to leave.

“…… Wait. " Don Wu stops him.

At the same time, she remembered that the young man was bullied by Miss Chu er at the gate of the hospital that day.

LAN Yue turns around and looks at Tang Wu What's the matter? "

Tang Wu took a sniff and said in a sullen voice, "here you are."

Lanyue was stunned, then shook his head. "No need."

Is this kid stupid?

Her bag is enough for him to buy a small apartment.

"Then what do you want?"

She looked up at him. He was so tall.

I don't know if the eyes are soaked in rain and fog. They are as black as glass.

It's beautiful.


He turned and left.

Tang Wu doesn't know if he recognized her, but he's not very human!

That's it?

Lanyue has just come back from work. He wants to change clothes in the rented house.

He went into the alley and found someone following him. He looked back and saw the woman who was almost robbed following him. He didn't know what she was going to do. He looked at her with black eyes You don't want to follow me. "

Tang Wu blinked. Her long eyelashes were stained with water. Her long hair was soaked with rain and stuck on her cheek. She looked more fragile and pitiful. "I don't know where to go. It's so cold and hungry."

LAN Yue looks at her in silence.

He went on again.

Tang Wu follows him.

He's really tall.

The house he rented was at the end of the alley, a very old four story house.

He rents it on the second floor.

A narrow single room.

But there are separate bathrooms and kitchens.

When he came in, he brought her a clean towel.

Tang Wu takes off her high heels and steps barefoot on the floor.

her feet are white and thin, and her toes are painted with nail polish.

Lanyue takes a look at her feet and quickly looks away.

Tang Wu wiped her hair and was looking at lanyue's residence when she heard the door make a noise.

Silly boy out.

Tang Wu touched her face. Is the makeup very scary?

Tang Wu found a chair to sit down.

A few minutes later, the door opened again.

Silly boy came in with a bag.

He gave her a pair of new slippers. They were ugly. Then he handed her a T-shirt and shorts.

Tang Wu frowned, "no washing, have you ever washed it?"

He looked at her with a slight frown.

I don't seem to understand why she wears him?

She didn't take his new clothes. He stood still.

The two are so glued.

Until she sneezed.

He turned and took out a black T-shirt and trousers from the simple cabinet.

Tang Wu takes over, gets up and enters the bathing room.When she finished washing, he had made a cup of ginger tea and a bowl of noodles.

Seeing her coming out, he quickly turned around and went to the bathroom.

Seeing her clothes in the bathroom, he put them in the basin.

In order to keep fit, Tang Wu seldom eats at night.

But she didn't have dinner today. She's really hungry at the moment.

She didn't eat any delicious food, but after eating a bowl of noodles from the boy, she thought it was delicious.

Seeing a box of unfinished beer in the corner, she took out several cans.

After eating and drinking, I feel less depressed.

She opened the bag, wanted to take out her mobile phone and call a car, but found that there was no mobile phone in the bag.

This reminds me that her cell phone was thrown into the passenger seat of the car!

After taking a bath, lanyue comes out, and he changes into a new bed sheet and quilt.

He didn't look at the charming Tang who was only wearing a T-shirt. There were several empty bottles on the table. He frowned, didn't speak, and then lay on the sofa.

Tang Wu's eyes have always been on lanyue. Seeing that he has changed his bed sheets, she runs to the sofa and lies down. She faces the back of the sofa and looks at her with the back of her head. She pulls at the corner of her mouth.

Is she that terrible?

Don't even look at her.

Tang Wu looks out of the window. The rain is still falling.

She looked again at the young man lying on the sofa, at his broad shoulders and long legs, and couldn't help laughing.

Only the second time we met, she was relieved to let herself and him share a room.

She stepped on the slippers he bought and went to the bedside.

The bed sheets and quilts are fragrant with soap horn.

Tang Wu closed her eyes and listened to the rain outside. Her eyelids became heavy.

She had a sleep.

I had a dream.

There are Lin xiurui and mengrui in the dream. She goes into the apartment.

Saw everything.

She woke up from a dream.

In the narrow and simple house, she was lying on the bed, and the young man was lying on the half old sofa.

Hands long legs long, that small sofa simply can't fit him, crus propped on the ground, such a sleeping posture, looking uncomfortable.

Tang Wu sat up.

She looked at the back of the young man and became fascinated.

When she woke up, she couldn't sleep any more. She rubbed her face with her hands and walked barefoot on the floor.

I don't know if it was because of the wine, she went to the sofa.

The young man fell asleep, his face no longer facing the back of the sofa, but facing the ceiling.

He was covered with a thin coat.

Tang's charming eyes crossed his eyebrows, eyes, lips and nose.

What a delicate boy.

Even if the forehead is broken and the skin is hurt a little bit, it's full of feelings.

LAN Yue seems to feel something. He opens his eyes and looks at Tang Wu's charming eyes.

It didn't seem that she would squat here. He frowned slightly.

Seeing him awake, she didn't feel embarrassed. "How old are you?"

He frowned and said nothing.

"Are you still in touch with Chu Li?"

He frowned deeper.


He was silent.

Tang Wu hooked her lower lip. "I'm really jilted. It's a coincidence. I'm also split today."

He looked at her, as if he understood why she would walk in the heavy rain in the middle of the night, and he was indifferent to being robbed of her bag.

"How do I look?" She laughed, bright and gorgeous, so beautiful that people couldn't open their eyes.

He turned away from her.

She touched his face when he didn't speak.

He took her hand and tried to shake it off.

He has a thin cocoon in his palm, which is a little rough.

"My name is Tang Wu. It's twenty-one this year. I'm older than you

He did.


He looked at her from the side of the sofa.

The eyes are black.

She smiled, looked at him and kissed him.


When Tang Wu woke up, it was already light.

When she opened her eyes, she did not know where she was.

Looking at the black sky board, she remembered that she came here last night with a boy who saw only one and two sides.


Tang Wu thought that she flirted with other boys last night, and her face was very wonderful.

I only had a few cans of beer last night.

Maybe Lin xiurui and mengrui are crazy.

But she's mad. Why did she harm her brother?

Tang Wu poked her head out of the bed and glanced at the simple house.

I don't see the figure of that silly boy.

Probably afraid of her.On the bedside table are the clothes she changed last night.

Washed and dried, neatly stacked there.

She remembered that she changed her clothes in the bathroom after taking a bath last night. Did that silly boy help her?

Tang Wu could not help blushing.

After washing and changing clothes, Tang Wu found that there were porridge and small dishes in the kitchen pot.

She served herself a bowl of porridge and breakfast with a small dish.

Silly boy is good at cooking. I'm used to eating delicacies at home. This kind of congee and small dishes is quite good.

Tang Wu opens her bag and takes out a pile of cash in her purse and puts it under her pillow.

Out of the alley, attracted countless eyes, she did not look askance, the whole person bright, charming, publicity, exuding the beauty of seizing people.

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