"Coco, we'll go with you." Zhao ChuChu said with concern. The three followed Officer Yang into the police car and went to the police station.

After Zhang Keke finished taking notes, he was informed to stay for investigation, because Liu Shuai's last phone call was sent to her. She was suspected. Zhang Keke didn't refute and obeyed the arrangement.

Zhao ChuChu and Lu Xinggui were advised by police officer yang to go back. When they returned to their residence, it was more than 5 a.m. Zhao ChuChu was sleepless and sat stunned on the sofa.

"Clear, don't think about it. Cocoa will be fine. He should be back soon." Lu Xingdao comforted Zhao ChuChu, approved a dress and said, "it's still early. Go to bed and lie down for a while?"

Zhao ChuChu shook his head, "star track, I can't sleep. Liu Shuai was suddenly killed. Cocoa is still in the police station. I'm in a mess and can't rest."

Lu Xinggui held Zhao ChuChu in his arms. "Liu Shuai's sudden murder is indeed a shocking thing, but there is nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can do is patiently wait for the police's investigation results. As for cocoa, she is innocent, and the police will not wrong her. She will come back soon. Don't worry, okay?"

Lu Xingdao was right, but Zhao ChuChu still had endless worries and anxieties in his eyes. "Xingdao, why do bad things always surround us? First Zhang Shan, then Ding Chen. Even by train, you can meet vicious people like Feng Qiming. Now Liu Shuai has also been killed. Star track, I think I'm like a broom star. I bring bad luck wherever I go. "

Lu Xingdao hugged Zhao ChuChu tightly, "how can you say that? Clearly, these things are inevitable. You just happened to be there. You can't blame you. You can't belittle yourself like this, you know? "

Zhao ChuChu felt uncomfortable and burst into tears. "Star track, I shouldn't have come to Youai town. If I didn't come, Liu Shuai wouldn't have been killed and cocoa wouldn't have been killed. I was at the police station. I implicated them and blamed me."

"No, it's not your fault." Lu Xinggui kissed Zhao ChuChu's forehead and gently comforted, "now, we don't know the reason why Liu Shuai was killed. What's going on behind this remains to be investigated, so clearly, how can you blame yourself? And cocoa, she was left for investigation only because of Liu Shuai's relationship. It's none of your business, so don't blame yourself. Let's wait patiently for the results, okay? "

Zhao ChuChu was in tears. Although she had experienced so many thrilling things, she still had a fragile side. Fortunately, Lu Xingdao had been with her, otherwise she didn't know whether she could survive.

As time went by, the sky gradually brightened. Lu Xingdao put Zhao ChuChu in his arms on the bed, then went out to buy breakfast. When he went downstairs, he was suddenly stopped by the landlady.

"Mr. Lu, is Miss Zhang with you back?"

Lu Xingdao shook his head. "Not yet. What's the matter?"

The landlady smiled reluctantly, "nothing, just ask." After talking, he turned and entered the room.

Lu Xingdao was a little confused, but he didn't take it to heart. He bought Zhao ChuChu's favorite small wonton and went back to his room.

"Orbit, what time is it? Why hasn't cocoa heard yet? " Zhao ChuChu is worried that Zhang Keke is a girl who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside. When she meets this kind of thing, she will be afraid. But at this time, she doesn't accompany Zhang Keke. Zhao ChuChu feels very uncomfortable.

Lu Xingdao looked at his watch. "It's almost eight o'clock. Don't worry. Get up and eat breakfast first. Maybe cocoa will come back after eating it? Then you will have the strength to comfort her. "

"OK, I'll eat." Zhao ChuChu nodded, got out of bed and looked at the crystal clear wonton like white jade. Zhao ChuChu's tears flowed down again. Zhang Keke also likes to eat small wonton, but at this time, she must still be hungry.

Lu Xinggui was right. As soon as Zhao ChuChu finished eating wonton, he heard a knock at the door and opened the door. Zhang Keke stood haggard at the door. Zhao ChuChu hugged her.

The two cried in their arms for a long time before they calmed down and returned to the room.

"Coco, how's it going? Have you made any progress in Liu Shuai's case? " Zhao ChuChu asked with concern.

Zhang Keke shook his head. "Not yet. Officer Yang asked me to come back and wait for the news. He said there was progress, and then call me. But I guess it should not be so easy to find the murderer in this case, because Officer Yang said the murderer was very smart and erased all the traces of the crime scene."

Zhao ChuChu nodded and said, "what about you? Have you cleared your suspicion? "

"Yes." Zhang Keke paused for a moment and said, "they have investigated my relationship with Liu Shuai and have confirmed that we are ordinary friends. Liu Shuai called me at that time and should ask me for help again, so I have no motive to kill him."

"That's good." Zhao ChuChu sighed, took Zhang Keke's hand and comforted: "Keke, I'll accompany you and wait for the results with you in the next time. I believe the police will find the murderer soon. Liu Shuai will not die without knowing."

Speaking of this, Zhang Keke shed tears in his red and swollen eyes, "clear, do you know? Yesterday, Zhang Shuai and I visited jiuzhuan alley together. We entered from different entrances and met each other. We ate all kinds of snacks in the alley and took a lot of photos. We talked and laughed all the way. Why did we separate Yin and Yang only one day later? "

"I remember he likes to drink unsweetened coffee, and I know he likes to eat tomato scrambled eggs, but from now on, I can no longer drink bitter coffee with him, and I can no longer give him some tomato scrambled eggs." Zhang Keke cried, tears like broken thread beads, rustling down, "clear, do you know? His smile is so bright, just like the sunshine in spring. It's warm. I like his beautiful dimples and his soft hair, but from now on, all this doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. "

Seeing Zhang Keke sobbing, Zhao ChuChu felt very uncomfortable, but she couldn't cry. She wanted to comfort Zhang Keke and accompany her.

"Well, I knew things would be like this. I wouldn't have slept so dead last night. If I answered the phone, maybe Liu Shuai wouldn't have been killed. It's all my fault."

Zhao ChuChu gently comforted Zhang Keke while wiping his tears. "Keke, it's not your fault. You're not a prophet. How can you know what's going to happen in the future? So don't blame yourself. If Liu Shuai knows how sad you are, he will go restlessly, won't he? "

Zhang Keke was speechless and had a terrible sore throat. However, the pain was not more worrying than the pain in her heart. Her heart had been scarred. One night, she felt the feeling of heartbreak.

Just as the three were immersed in sadness, a knock at the door sounded.