"Fool, why don't you want to find you..."

Lu Xingdao sighed, didn't answer immediately, but said, "so, what's the matter with your boss?"

Zhao ChuChu said blankly, "what's going on? Didn't I say I had nothing to do with him? "

"If it doesn't matter, you come out of the company with him so late." Lu Xingdao's voice was jealous: "I was going to explain to you that day. After waiting for a long time, I almost thought you had gone home early. As a result, you came out of the company talking and laughing with him."

"You haven't smiled so happy at me for a long time." Lu Xingdao looked depressed.

Zhao ChuChu was stunned: "is that why you didn't come to me again?"

Lu Xingdao nodded, and his tone was a little stuffy: "I was so jealous that I turned around and left angrily. Then I wanted to calm myself down and come back to you."

"I just worked overtime with him in the company that day, and then he sent me down." Zhao ChuChu couldn't laugh or cry. Lu Xingdao asked, "why did you follow him to the golf course yesterday? Why do they all agree that you are his girlfriend? "

"I said he was my boss. Of course I followed him to talk about business."

Zhao ChuChu raised his hand and surrendered: "as for his girlfriend, it was entirely because president Zhu misunderstood. Then Qi Qin said not to affect his work. I reluctantly cooperated. I also promise that I have no relationship with him outside of work."

"That won't work." Lu Xingdao was still dissatisfied: "he must have a plot against you, I can see."

"What he thinks of me is his business, and it's also my business that I won't respond."

The misunderstanding was completely solved, and the haze shrouded between the two people was completely dispersed. Zhao ChuChu's tone was completely lighthearted. Half of his tone was slightly angry and half was coquettish: "then you should make a clear distance with Xue Yaoyao!"

"I see." Lu Xingdao thought of the two of them and misunderstood them because of such a series of trivial things. Now, he couldn't help being angry and funny.

In vain, he is still a gold medal lawyer. As a result, he is also a confused guy when it comes to his feelings.

After this encounter, they especially cherish the lost feelings. When they get along with each other, they are more and more honey mixed with oil. The air in the small restaurant is almost emitting pink bubbles.

The two were sweet. The waiter who delivered the meal came. Lu Xingdao opened his body to let the waiter bring the dishes in easily. The waiter seemed to be a new part-time employee. He looked only 18 or 19 years old. His face was green and astringent. When serving the dishes, he was not as proficient as others and was as cautious as a big enemy. They looked at him trembling and worried, He will accidentally overturn the dish.

After finishing the dishes on the table, the young waiter seemed to be relieved and bowed: "your dishes have been served, please take your time... Alas!"

The young waiter didn't overturn the dishes, but because he bowed too much, he knocked down the red wine glass on the table and spilled a whole glass of red wine on Lu Xingdao's clothes!

The waiter was stunned. He was so scared that he took out a clean napkin from his arms, wanted to wipe the wine stains on Lu Xingdao's body, and hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry..."

Lu Xinggui didn't ask him to wipe it for himself. He took the napkin and wiped it on his clothes. It's just that he's wearing a white shirt today. When red wine is spilled on it, it's particularly abrupt.

The waiter was so anxious that he almost cried. He seemed to want to take off his clothes and return them to Lu Xingdao: "sorry, I'm sorry, I'll try to clean your clothes on my first day at work. You, give it to me and I'll wash it for you..."

The two men looked at the little waiter who kept apologizing in front of them, but they were also a little helpless. There was really no place to look for it. Lu Xingdao can only dry clean this dress. Naturally, it's impossible to really take it off and take it back to him for cleaning. Lu Xingdao doesn't intend to care more about the green waiter in front of him.

After repeatedly emphasizing that he didn't need to be able to wash his clothes. He could handle it well and wouldn't hold him accountable, the waiter left the box uneasily. Zhao ChuChu suggested: "why don't you go to the bathroom to wash off the red wine stains first. There should be a hair dryer in the bathroom here. Blow dry a little bit. Go back to the dry cleaner and clean it."

"That's the only way." Lu Xingdao got up and smiled apologetically: "I'll go to the bathroom to get some clothes. Clearly, you have dinner first. Don't wait for me."

Zhao ChuChu waved his hand: "I'll wait for you to come out and eat together. Go, fool."

Zhao ChuChu sat bored. He suddenly heard several information prompts. When he looked, it turned out that Lu Xingdao had left his mobile phone on the table.

Zhao ChuChu picked it up and took a look. The remark that came into her eyes, Xue Yaoyao, made her frown.

She and Lu Xinggui's mobile phones can always directly see each other, so Zhao ChuChu doesn't have any taboos. Go in and have a look at it in a big way. It's really the new news sent by Xue Yaoyao to Lu Xinggui. There are several pieces in a row. The more Zhao ChuChu looks, the more he gets angry.

[Mr. Lu, don't be too sad. Miss ChuChu must have trouble cheating. Don't blame her.]

It's all my fault. I shouldn't have shown you that picture. If you want to blame me, Mr. Lu

If you are unhappy, you can come to me at any time. I will always be there

These soft words seem to be defending Zhao ChuChu's good words and persuading Lu Xingdao. In fact, Zhao ChuChu's crime of "cheating" is fixed. By the way, I also showed my gentle and sensible little idea.

If they didn't solve the misunderstanding today, even if Lu Xingdao believed her, how hard should it be to hear these words?

Zhao ChuChu sneered, put Lu Xingdao's mobile phone into his pocket, left a note on the table that he took his mobile phone, told him to wait for himself here, and left the restaurant.

Since Xue Yaoyao has been a hindrance to their feelings over and over again, don't blame her for not giving her half a face.

Zhao ChuChu made up his mind to completely tear his face with Xue Yaoyao, came to Lu Xingdao's company, sent Xue Yaoyao a message with Lu Xingdao's mobile phone and asked her to come downstairs.

Xue Yaoyao replied almost immediately. This was Lu Xingdao's first initiative to ask herself out. She only thought her provocative text message was successful. Lu Xingdao's soul was hurt and needed her own comfort. She was very excited.