At the moment, kenok's face showed a tough man who didn't bow down for power. His eyes were very firm and he made heroic words. Even if he starved to death and jumped off the ship, he would never be a pirate!

"Oh, that's it!"

Rose nodded suddenly, took another deep look at kenok, turned and left.

Smog also looked at kenok with admiration. It turned out that he had wronged the fat man and would rather die than bow to the pirate. His consciousness is probably much worse than that of the fat man.

"Wait, you just left? Just give up my genius sailor so easily? " When he saw that rose was leaving, kenok shouted quickly.

"There's no way. Your words have reached this point. What I want to persuade is an insult to your personality, so I decided to respect your choice."

Ross sighed and waved to tesomic: "cockscomb, go get ready. We're ready for the party!"

"Yes, Lord Ross!" Tesomic readily agreed and immediately took several younger brothers down to prepare.

Kenok was stunned for a moment. How could he think differently from himself!

Is this guy really giving up so easily?

I'm a talented sailor!

Kennock watched a group of people operate in front of him, and all kinds of ingredients were cooked into delicious dishes.

If that's all, the bastard threw himself and smog on the deck outside. It's called letting them bask in the sun and supplement calcium.

God specially basks in the sun and replenishes calcium!

When everything was ready, food was almost everywhere on the deck, and everyone could take it at will, with the exception of the two guys tied into zongzi.

Seeing Ross holding a party with his younger brothers in front of him, kenok could only dribble, and his saliva was almost on the deck.

He has never had any resistance to food. Now the taste of food is still drilling into his nose. Kenok is going crazy.

Aside, smog was disdainful. Don't turn your head. How can I smog give in because of a little food? Who am I, smog?

Ross tasted the delicious food, but completely ignored their meaning and completely hung them aside.

There was a big banquet on the ship. Ross was also in a happy mood. His eyes squinted. They were hungry first!

Don't you want to be a pirate?

Don't you give me face?

Then see who can rely on who!

Ross doesn't intend to be polite to these two guys. Since he has been on his own ship, it's not so easy to be a pirate?

Now, he is too lazy to pay attention to these two people. He tastes delicious food, eats meat and drinks. The greedy kenok can't control it!

But thinking of his previous heroic deeds, kenok couldn't face down and begged Ross, so he could only drool.

Soon, everyone was full.

Of course, two haven't eaten and are still hungry, kenok and smog.

Even smog is now hungry and flustered. Kenok, not to mention, has been watching others eat delicious food. He is almost hungry and swallows his saliva.

"You two, if you change your mind, talk. Don't dare to say anything else. Follow me and eat!" Rose glanced at them, smiled faintly, and then lay down in the rocking chair to eat.

Open the team interface.

Partner: 2 people [daily revenue enhancement point: 1 point]

Younger brother: 15 people [daily revenue enhancement point: 0.3 points]

Strengthening point: 0.8 points [unable to strengthen]

The data has not changed at all, because kenok and smog have not agreed to join, and he doesn't know what position smog should be defined if he is really fooled into being a pirate.

Little brother?


Ross really doesn't know about smog. On the one hand, he wants to deceive him into a pirate. On the other hand, he is afraid that smog will falsely agree and turn back.

Of course, with smog's character, this is basically impossible, but just in case, Ross must nip all the dangers in the bud.

Now it seems that smog won't agree to be a pirate in a short time. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort on him, but it makes Ross relieved. If smog really agrees, he will doubt whether smog has ulterior motives!

Open the reinforcement interface again.

Strength: 25%

Will: 6%

Speed: 20%

Burnt fruit: 10% [unable to awaken]

Strengthening point: 0.8 points [unable to strengthen]

"My development of burnt fruits has directly improved so much?" Ross murmured, his eyes filled with shock.

In the early stage of the battle with celis, Ross could compete with celis, but later, as soon as he came out of the cold area, Ross could only be beaten passively. It was difficult to compete, and he was almost frozen into ice on the spot!

There is no way, because the development of fruit ability is not equal between the two sides. The gap is too big. Ross is almost pressed by celis. It is very difficult to fight against the cold field, let alone fight back. There is no chance of winning at all.

However, under the absolute disadvantage, rose was almost doomed to defeat. Rose, who was unwilling to give in to the Navy, suddenly broke out. Without strengthening his fruit ability, he was much stronger in the development of burned fruit. He not only competed with the cold domain, but also successfully escaped in the hands of celis with such a big trick as Yanjie · pillar of fire, I have to say it's luck.

Although Ross expected that his development of roasted fruit might be improved, he didn't expect that it would be increased by 5%, which surprised him.

Ross, whose fruit has reached 10%, is far from the achievement of ACE, but as long as he is given some time, surpassing ace is not a dream at all.

Thinking, Rose's spirit was also excited. He jumped up from the rocking chair and was ready to come to the edge of the ship to continue developing and burning fruits.

"Lord Ross, are we on the great route now? It's not far from the inverted mountain! " Tesomic suddenly came up and asked.

Ross pondered for a moment, nodded and said with a smile, "it's better to hit the sun than choose a day. It's not a matter to stay in the East China Sea all the time. Get ready and inform everyone that we have entered the great route!"

Tesomic nodded excitedly and immediately went down to prepare.

Ross looked at the two people tied into zongzi and was about to leave when he heard kenok yell.

"What's the matter?" Rose walked over and burst into a puff of laughter.

"I'm starving. I want to eat!" Kenok looked at Ross and shouted.

"We are pirates. Do you want to eat pirate food? If you really eat the pirate's food, you can only be a pirate! " Ross said with a smile.

"Then I'll join you as pirates. You can't starve to death!" Kenok's face was not red and he was out of breath. He seemed to have forgotten the bold words and feats he had just said.

Smog's face is black. What about his face? Don't you want any face at all?